I've been comparing the two options, fluid generator and oil boiler. They use different method of consuming the liquid fuel, but should probably be producing comparable results? Fluid generator however seems to behave differently: the fluid usage per tick remains the same across all tiers, but the power generated seems to rise when you upgrade the tier.
This seems a bit odd to me, shouldn't the generator burn more fuel to achieve higher power generation? That's at least how the boilers seem to behave, right? The fuel fluid usage per second isn't visible on those though. Also what's the maths behind the hydrazine generator? The idea seems to revolve somehow around having a lower fuel value liquid fueling the generator?
I'd really appreciate if someone has a simple example to explain how FLUID_USAGE_PER_TICK, MAX_POWER_OUTPUT, SCALE_FLUID_USAGE and EFFECTIVITY affect the generator/boiler behaviour in relation to the fuel value of liquid being burned, and if the liquid's fuel value is directly comparable to solid fuels.
Ok, seems I had some faults in my testing grounds previously

The fluid generators seem to burn fuel in proportion to the load they are supporting. Is it possible to get the fluid generators to show the actual fluid usage more accurately, like the boiler does? What effect does the FLUID_USAGE_PER_TICK have, if the consumption depends on the fuel value any way?