Factorio confessions
Re: Factorio confessions
I just (re-)discovered the selective train loading feature, ie limiting a wagon filling only n-slots of a particular item so one wagon becomes a buffet of items. It's called Filtered Stacks (The wiki is a bit vauge about it, and I can't see a tutorial/hint in the game)
| M | (almost 3000 hours)
| M | (almost 3000 hours)
Re: Factorio confessions
I think you can play the game wrong ! I have to confess, this idea grew on me, at first i thought there would be no wrong way to play, you know, as long as you have fun, but then i realized by reading some review that some player put themselves in a situation where it's a challenge to "beat the game" and get disappointed when they can't.
In such situations there are things that appears as "DOs" and "DON'T" to me, things that are "wrong" , that are adding unnecessary difficulty or tedium or repetitive task and should be avoided.
In such situations there are things that appears as "DOs" and "DON'T" to me, things that are "wrong" , that are adding unnecessary difficulty or tedium or repetitive task and should be avoided.