Factorio confessions

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Long Handed Inserter
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Re: Factorio confessions

Post by Mskvaer »

I just (re-)discovered the selective train loading feature, ie limiting a wagon filling only n-slots of a particular item so one wagon becomes a buffet of items. It's called Filtered Stacks (The wiki is a bit vauge about it, and I can't see a tutorial/hint in the game)
| M | (almost 3000 hours)
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Re: Factorio confessions

Post by mmmPI »

I think you can play the game wrong ! I have to confess, this idea grew on me, at first i thought there would be no wrong way to play, you know, as long as you have fun, but then i realized by reading some review that some player put themselves in a situation where it's a challenge to "beat the game" and get disappointed when they can't.

In such situations there are things that appears as "DOs" and "DON'T" to me, things that are "wrong" , that are adding unnecessary difficulty or tedium or repetitive task and should be avoided.
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