[MOD 0.12.X] Equivalent Exchange

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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Equivalent Exchange

Post by matjojo »

NotABiter wrote:I just tried this mod out. Below are some issues I noticed (not including lack of access to half-pure matter et al as it's already been brought up earlier in this thread). Use as you wish.
snippy snippet
thanks a lot, I have kind of stopped working on this mod. I was working on a version two. but that turned out WAY too much for me. I wanted too much and eventually got burned out on it. I do hella appreciate you typing out all this. Thanks a load. I probably won't be updating this any time soon. I am having a very busy time at school AND am working on some other projects like SSU (ScreenShot Utility) and TEXP which is still a secret thing. I might update this one day I have no idea when.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Equivalent Exchange

Post by Linux_user404 »

I played it a bit. I think it is a good idea. I had around 1 million coal(I am really glad they have those combinators in the game) stored in my factory before I downloaded the mod. I was quite happy to convert it to EMC after a couple of research and then make some steel(I was really short on iron ore and all the derivatives). Okay, it converts fast, but inserters were not able to keep up. It would be nice to have something to automate fast EMC load/unload. After some time(hours) 1.5 million EMC was made out of 300000 coal :D . Well most of that was converted to steel and consumed by the factory. I researched all the EMC stuff and discovered some issues and minuses. Making iron ore costs 5 EMC, condensing 1 steel produces 25 EMC. This allows me to smelt ore into iron with productivity modules and then iron into steel. Then I would convert that steel to EMC and would get more than I had... So it allows making resources out of thin air. I started to make that setup to make EMC production facility, but I discovered a way more efficient method. I can convert water to EMC! This is just ridiculously overpowered. I do not have to mine anymore, I do not have to build factory, just water->EMC->Enything!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Equivalent Exchange

Post by Ken_V_G »


Is there a version for 0.11.19.
Because my factory is still on that version.
Is there an older version for my factorio or is there maybe an other aquivalent exchange ?

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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Equivalent Exchange

Post by Enderlicot »

When I want to craft the semi-compressed matter, i cannot, i can see the recipe but not the machine it need, i tried in every machine but I cannot craft it. Please someone help me
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Equivalent Exchange

Post by Gromp »

instead of making the emc
you can make a chest or a box or something
that has a storing of a unit of emc
every time you place something in the chest the amount goes up
and you have another chest which feeds from the first one and gets all the emc
and then you can "buy" everything you want for your emc
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Equivalent Exchange

Post by Tommo175 »

hey just an idea it would be great if you implemented it :D :D :D

make it so you can turn energy into EMC

and also there is a bug where you can't make any of the condensed EMC/matter :| :| :|
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