[0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by AlveKatt »

Arthillidan wrote: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:15 pm Hi I´m trying to figure out how to use the electric boiler but the steam created by it is not accepted by steam engines and I found no other way to find answers to questions such as this.
Since no way to convert power from one form to another is 100% effective you would get a net loss of power if you used an electric boiler to generate electricity with a steam engine anyway. This is probably the reason it is made to not connect to steam engines. Think about it, you would generate electricity with the steam engine from steam created with electricity. If you could get more electricity out of that loop than you put in it wouldn't make much sense.

There are things in the space exploration mod that needs steam for manufacturing I think. In that context an electric boiler makes more sense, especially if said manufacturing is in space.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by AlveKatt »

One thing I am wondering, does all robot cargo capacity research have to be behind space sciences?

It's one of those quality of life thing that makes the game more fun to play. I suggest, well wish, that you put at least some of the carry cargo size research back to where it was. At least two or three levels of it? Maybe?
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by Chapeau-Claque »

Playing Krastorio 2 with SE. Why is all the imersite removed between preview and game start? Is there a setting I can change?
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by wladekb »

Imersite is removed from your home planet on purpose when you play SE+K2. You can still find it on other planets.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by darkfrei »

Error message:
2020-07-26T13_06_48-Factorio 0.18.36.png
2020-07-26T13_06_48-Factorio 0.18.36.png (69.78 KiB) Viewed 11821 times
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by RickJS »

The delivery cannon doesn't seem to deliver. I'm running Factorio 1.0.0, Space Exploration 0.3.109. The cannon visibly fires, its count of products delivered increments, but nothing shows up on the space station in Nauvis orbit (according to the uplink view). The cannon's target is Nauvis orbit, and there is a delivery cannon chest on the space station, with 3 inserters feeding its contents to steel chests.

What am I overlooking?

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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by RickJS »

The payload is 10 water barrels.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by RickJS »

It also failed in delivering vulcanite blocks.

Also, delivering low density structures from orbit to Nauvis surface failed.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by ALL14 »

There's no way to send Rocket fuel Barrel with the delivery cannon ? I wanted to receive water barrel on a planet and send back the barrel full of rocket fuel but can't find the barrel on the UI of the delivery cannon. Bugs ? Intended ?
Last edited by ALL14 on Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by darkfrei »

Incompatibility with Where Is My Body

Your mod probably removes the body from the surface.
https://mods.factorio.com/mod/WhereIsMy ... a9908c4094
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by polypusher »

I'm getting a consistent crash with this mod when I attempt to type anything into the Search bar of the Cargo Rocket Silo

Error while running event space-exploration::on_gui_text_changed (ID 2)
__space-exploration__/scripts/launchpad.lua:1565: attempt to index global 'struct' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
__space-exploration__/scripts/launchpad.lua:1565: in function 'gui_update_destinations_list'
__space-exploration__/scripts/launchpad.lua:1600: in function 'callback'
__space-exploration__/scripts/event.lua:15: in function <__space-exploration__/scripts/event.lua:13>

Other mods I have installed (not including dependencies):
Deadlock's Research Notifications
Nanobots: Early Bots
Long Reach
New Game+
Squeak Through
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by Ralfinator »

This mod is so awesome, thank you for 200h+ of new gameplay. :-)

There is an odd thing I just noticed, I wonder if that is deliberate: bio science pack 4 requires not only vitamelange extract but also "core fragment (vitamelange)". Every other science pack just requires one extra thing (besides the insight, catalogue, significant data, and lower-level science pack); bio science pack 4 is the only exception and requires one more ingredient than all the other science packs. Is this an accident?
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by Pestus »

Hello all.

Enjoying the release of V1.0 with this mod. So much of the content is expanded and reworked. Wow! Thank you!

I've started sending satellites out, and I'm finding a lot of worlds without any water. Not even the "starter lake". I imagine there's methods of getting water beyond rocketing or cannoning in water ice from space, or barrels from elsewhere? Core miner the only way?

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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by dognosh »

Love this mod but I seem to have a very simple problem that for the life of me I can't solve :(

I got hit and my health went down to 10% , I think I am poisoned by biters ? (I keep seeing a puff of coloured smoke every few seconds,or when I move)
I have a medkit and tried all combinations but can't heal. My health eventually went up to 100% but it took ages !
Anyone know what I am not doing to heal faster ?
ty :)
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by Ranakastrasz »

Is the evofactor universal or per planet? I want to play this, but last time, we got completely overrun a short time after getting into space. Normally the techs to deal with that were available, but space science was still being experimented with.

The descriptions suggest that game settings only apply to Nauvis, and maybe it's moon.
Past that, is peaceful mode or no base mode functional?
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by SuicideJunkie »

RickJS wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:34 am The delivery cannon doesn't seem to deliver. I'm running Factorio 1.0.0, Space Exploration 0.3.109. The cannon visibly fires, its count of products delivered increments, but nothing shows up on the space station in Nauvis orbit (according to the uplink view). The cannon's target is Nauvis orbit, and there is a delivery cannon chest on the space station, with 3 inserters feeding its contents to steel chests.

What am I overlooking?

Have you set the X/Y target coordinates to the bin itself? You need click the target button just above the on/off switch, then click on the cannon chest.

You may have a pile of product stacking up in space at coords (0,0).
Pestus wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:52 am I've started sending satellites out, and I'm finding a lot of worlds without any water. Not even the "starter lake". I imagine there's methods of getting water beyond rocketing or cannoning in water ice from space, or barrels from elsewhere? Core miner the only way?
Rockets, cannons and core drills all work, but some places simply don't have water.
You can also set up logic to have a spaceship make regular visits to deliver supplies.

Using solar & accumulators to avoid burning water makes a huge difference, and if you don't build up local oil processing, you won't need any.
Some planets simply aren't habitable without imports.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by Pestus »

Using solar & accumulators to avoid burning water makes a huge difference, and if you don't build up local oil processing, you won't need any.
Some planets simply aren't habitable without imports.
Hey thanks for the reply. Solar was tough due to distance from the star. I ended up importing ice, struggling through until I could get condensers on some nuclear reactors.

The difficulty of course is this is an oil biased world. Wanted it for a fuel production facility. I got a core miner which really helped. Built a bottling plant for various fluids. Took a long time to make it habitable.

Managing water between prioritizing for the power, avoiding fluid backups with an over engineered power plant, while having enough to crack and liquefact is tough. At least i have an ice mine in space to help with it.

Its a gross world full of odd industries prone to backup. Garbage collection and reprocessing is also a challenge.

Next world is a copper world. Going to build a gigantic modules factory.

This is fun!
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by SuicideJunkie »

I've noticed that if you wire into a speed signal into your ship console that is less than 5, your ship just coasts along at ~5.
Zero isn't a signal, but the console output uses -1 for stop and -2 for anchored.

Feature request:
It would be nice to have an input signal of -1 mean stop the ship like the player can do when manually piloting.

That would allow the existence of an emergency brake that doesn't require direct player action.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by Paul »

I have been playing the space exploration without cheats. Complex, but challenging - thanks for the mod.

Some things I don't like. Spaceships stop moving when fuel runs out, the jetpack gets you moving but again you show down when you dont apply thrust. Really - Have you done no physics? Conservation of momentum. You should require fuel to accelerate and fuel to slow down again. Velocity should be maintained unless something slows you down. The space junk on long trips may slow you a little but for game purposes there is way too much - so as long as it did not slow you much at all then it would be fine.

Many items you need to create have incomplete descriptions so you cant figure out how to make them or what to make them in. That just makes it very hard. More so when a construction makes multiple outputs. This may be a game core issue. But If I want some Contaminated Scrap I should be able to look up the relevant recipes.

But all round I was getting a bit bored and this just added a whole bunch of interest back into the game.

Exploring and dominating the solar system has been interesting, managing resources around the solar system a whole new challenge. I love it.

I agree that the ship integrity check seems hard to tell what is actually wrong.

Made my first trip to another star ... looking forward to the next challenges.
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Re: [0.17+] Space Exploration WIP

Post by biterlove »

Thinking of starting a play through of space exploration. How much time would be saved by setting resources to rich? are there any other settings that could quicken the game without being cheaty?
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