[0.13.12] Factorissimo and Robot Army

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Re: [0.13.12] Factorissimo and Robot Army

Post by Rseding91 »

Once 0.13.14 is out you'll get nice errors when things go wrong on the Lua side and shouldn't see any more game crashes related to these issues.

That is, if the save file isn't also corrupt.
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Re: [0.13.12] Factorissimo and Robot Army

Post by kyranzor »

remember, the fix that Rseding91 has done on this bug is resolved for 0.13.14, it's possible that the mods have done all they can but it's the factorio bug itself which until you get 0.13.14 will keep happening (it's out of my control).

I will try and reproduce it and see if i can do anything differently on my end.

edit: also, somehow the mods folder you sent me doesn't actually have my robot army 0.2.1 files or folders in it, yet the log file shows it loading "0.668 Loading mod robotarmy 0.2.1 (data.lua)" so I have no idea how that's even possible, but it looks like you don't have my dev branch files if that's the case.

edit: Okay, larionov I got your save files and mods (i didn't put ALL the mods in, just some random ones that I didnt' already have, or some newer versions) and used my own dev branch code from my github just to be sure, and I DID get the exact crash a few seconds after I exited the factory from the save game. As a test, I used this console command:

/c game.player.force.kill_all_units()

waited for the messages saying the squads were all dead, and then left the factory building. I got no crash! I then deployed another 70 droids in various squads and gave them some time to be doing things, and then went into lots of factory buildings and have not had a crash yet. Please try this for now. You will lose however many terminators/bots you had in your game at the time though :(
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