[MOD 0.10.x] ForceShield v0.1.12

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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.5

Post by qi1989223 »

BUG report
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.5

Post by darius456 »

It would be easier to fix it if you will describe how to reproduce it.
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.5

Post by qi1989223 »

darius456 wrote:It would be easier to fix it if you will describe how to reproduce it.
This is a problem for me

I can't express quietly myself in english

But,I will try it

This is my base
001.jpg (210.54 KiB) Viewed 6602 times
when Bitters attack the shield wall, then I push the button, then it happened
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.5

Post by SuperSandro2000 »

What qi1989223 mean is when he increase the size of the shield over the biters the game crache.
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.5

Post by darius456 »

I'm sitting here over an hour, and I'm trying to reproduce this bug... bud have no luck. I was trying to increase/decrease shield thickness, its distance and left/right/up/down and no bug. Biters attack shield, biters were surrounded by shield, and no error... I will try biters + water, may by there is bug. - tried and no bug.
Please send me save game and mods, like before it will help a lot.
qi1989223 - By the way what is your native language.

Blind shoot HOT fix for qi1989223, test it and confirm that bug will not occur and I will make official update to v0.1.6, right now replace old control.lua to this new one. (see attachment)
control lua for 2009 line bug - only for testing purposes
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.5

Post by qi1989223 »

darius456 wrote:I'm sitting here over an hour, and I'm trying to reproduce this bug... bud have no luck. I was trying to increase/decrease shield thickness, its distance and left/right/up/down and no bug. Biters attack shield, biters were surrounded by shield, and no error... I will try biters + water, may by there is bug. - tried and no bug.
Please send me save game and mods, like before it will help a lot.
qi1989223 - By the way what is your native language.

Blind shoot HOT fix for qi1989223, test it and confirm that bug will not occur and I will make official update to v0.1.6, right now replace old control.lua to this new one. (see attachment)

I’m sorry for that ,also I was trying to reproduce this bug ,but failed
maybe this bug was some other reasons induced

and I'm Chinese

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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.6

Post by qi1989223 »

BUG report

there seems like a little problem with Shield power (I don't know where is the power come from)
1.jpg (258.22 KiB) Viewed 6572 times
as you see (other generators was charging)
3.jpg (234.54 KiB) Viewed 6572 times
and seemslike those shield wall has not enough time to recharging when it’s destroyed by Bitters

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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.6

Post by darius456 »

Once again I was trying to reproduce it but I cant. Is there assembly machine powered too? Try build one and try to produce something.
Hover your mouse overt the laboratory, energetic station, and force shield gen. and tell me is there any energy in devices... Electricity, electric demand.
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.6

Post by qi1989223 »

darius456 wrote:Once again I was trying to reproduce it but I cant. Is there assembly machine powered too? Try build one and try to produce something.
Hover your mouse overt the laboratory, energetic station, and force shield gen. and tell me is there any energy in devices... Electricity, electric demand.
in this picture(I was dismantle the power Generator)
those Generators were charge together(one of them was diffent shield wall)
1.jpg (308.86 KiB) Viewed 6563 times
as you see ,this one is main Generator(It's working)
2.jpg (308.29 KiB) Viewed 6563 times
when I Change the shield settings it’s happen

there are charge together(At the same time)
4.jpg (64.8 KiB) Viewed 6563 times
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.6

Post by darius456 »

Tested Yous rave and your mods on my factorio and no bug, see movie LINK
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.6

Post by qi1989223 »

darius456 wrote:Tested Yous rave and your mods on my factorio and no bug, see movie LINK
I'm so sorry I didn't make myself clear

at first you must charge the Generator (just a little),then change then shield wall settings with GUI ,it will be happen

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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.6

Post by darius456 »

Now I understand and I'm confirm this nasty bug, it is related to "•CHANGED new force shield wall is generating with health=1 and then charging to its max health." I will fix it shortly.

Fixed, see 1st post. (I hope so)
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.7

Post by qi1989223 »

It's soo great

but i think MK1 SHIELD WALL is more useful then MK5 SHIELD WALL

when shield wall destroyed by Bitters ,those shield wall seems like have not enough time to recharge (just 1HP,It's too easy to destroy )

I think it can be like this:(It isn't too easy to destroy)
MK1 wall :generating with health=25 and then charging to its max health
MK2 wall :generating with health=30 and then charging to its max health
MK3 wall :generating with health=35 and then charging to its max health
MK4 wall :generating with health=40 and then charging to its max health
MK5 wall :generating with health=45 and then charging to its max health

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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.7

Post by darius456 »

qi1989223 wrote:but i think MK1 SHIELD WALL is more useful then MK5 SHIELD WALL
Was before I changed prices... right now every shield cost the same for build its 1 energy cost, but each shield has different resistances which make higher tier more tougher then lower.
  • Energy cost is the same (1 for mk1 to 4) and 1.5 for mk5 because mk5 can attack biters (try it - stay close to wall mk5 and shoot it should hurt you)
  • Shield health, higher in higher tier, lower in lower tier
  • Resistances, higher in higher tier, lower in lower tier
  • Each shield has different "crafting" speed, read this as slow charging speed - it can be changed
qi1989223 wrote:when shield wall destroyed by Bitters ,those shield wall seems like have not enough time to recharge (just 1HP,It's too easy to destroy )
There is no need to create shield with health greater then 1, it might be 0.1...
Suppose that you want create shield with dimension of 50 left 50 right, thickness 2, so you need 50*2+50*2+1*2 = 100+100+2 = 202 (+1*2 because of center shield position) walls If I create wall with full hp I should subtract all wall price for each wall in this case 1*200=200 energy points at start, if I would create wall with 50% of its life I need spend 100 energy point at start and then next 100 to heal wall to 100%, if I create wall with 1hp I need even less power on start, for mk1 [1/(max health)]*price*200 =(1/50)*1*200=50/200=0,25 energy point at start and 200-0,25 = 199,75 to heal. So you can instant create huge shield, and if generator has enough power it will heal it. Each case you need the same amount of energy.
The shield mechanics is something like that:
  • Shield is create
  • Biter attack shield
  • if shield is destroyed build new one if not heal current
  • wait for attack/and heal if there is enough power
If I create shield with 1hp I need 0,02 energy point to create shield, if energy point is 0,99(9) shield will be created and biters can't pass through
If I create shield with full hp I need 1 energy point, if energy point is 0,99(9) shield would not be created and biters could pass through
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.7

Post by qi1989223 »

darius456 wrote: There is no need to create shield with health greater then 1, it might be 0.1...
Suppose that you want create shield with dimension of 50 left 50 right, thickness 2, so you need 50*2+50*2+1*2 = 100+100+2 = 202 (+1*2 because of center shield position) walls If I create wall with full hp I should subtract all wall price for each wall in this case 1*200=200 energy points at start, if I would create wall with 50% of its life I need spend 100 energy point at start and then next 100 to heal wall to 100%, if I create wall with 1hp I need even less power on start, for mk1 [1/(max health)]*price*200 =(1/50)*1*200=50/200=0,25 energy point at start and 200-0,25 = 199,75 to heal. So you can instant create huge shield, and if generator has enough power it will heal it. Each case you need the same amount of energy.
GOOD,It's a good idea :D :D :D

but "Resistances" will be useful

seems like Resistances, higher in higher tier, lower in lower tier ,but The fact is not

when shield wall recreate,it allways 1HP if Biter attack wall it will be destory then it recreate
in this time whether Resistances was higher or lower ,shield wall just take 1 damage(all of MK1,MK2,MK3,MK4,MK5)
so in fact when shield wall create with 1HP, in this time all of them are the same(Resistances)

so in this time all of shield walls are same(health(1HP) and Resistances(just take 1 damage)),Only a little different with them(recharge speed)
so I think MK1 is more useful than MK2 or higher
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.7

Post by darius456 »

I will recalculate all resistances, becouse initial versions were some sort random. Right now I will make some real calculations and give you a proposition.
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.9

Post by darius456 »

I have upload new version in 1st post.
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.10

Post by Hagop »

Has any one tried this mod in 0.10.x yet? Does it work?
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Re: [MOD 0.9.x] ForceShield v0.1.10

Post by darius456 »

Hagop wrote:Has any one tried this mod in 0.10.x yet? Does it work?
You can try it but I don't guarantee it will work. When Factorio v0.10.1 will be released I will update all my mods.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.x] ForceShield v0.1.11

Post by darius456 »

New version that is compatible with Factorio v0.10.x is in 1st post.
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