Nice tool to setup a factorio server.
But i have some issues:
Why does the tool show me my external ip.?
I want to connect locally, localhost:1024 doesn´t work.
What im i doing wrong?
[Win] Factorio Server Tool - Easy server - 02/April/2017
Re: [Win] Factorio Server Tool - Easy server - 02/April/2017
Got the server up and running, but i cant connect to it. I have tried localhost:34197 and externalip:34197 nothing works.
What option i the game shall i connect with:
Play on LAN
Connect to server
Browse puvblic game
None of the above will work
Got the server up and running, but i cant connect to it. I have tried localhost:34197 and externalip:34197 nothing works.
What option i the game shall i connect with:
Play on LAN
Connect to server
Browse puvblic game
None of the above will work