[0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

This is the place to share custom user maps, scenarios, and campaigns.
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by waduk »

Thanks Klonan, i'll try to get my head around this.
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by waduk »

Thanks Klonan, i manage to make it work (teleport) in simple test map.
But can't get it to work on real custom map, the teleport GUI prompt didn't show up.
i think it's due the method i use to make custom map.
I'm using this mod to convert map to image :

Here how it's work :
  1. Open the game using factorio 0.11.22 (because the mod is only supported factorio 0.11.x)
  2. Generate map
  3. Enter the game to use console to export the map ; /c remote.call("MapConverter", "Export")
  4. Convert the map to readable format (png), edit as necessary in Photoshop, save it
  5. Enter the game again to import the map. /c remote.call(\"MapConverter\", \"Import\")
  6. Exit the game, then use "/bin/prod/factorio --map2scenario " command to import the save file into Map Editor
  7. Open the map using Map Editor from latest factorio version
  8. Save the map for compatibility
I think the problem is because there are already player entity in the game, so the teleport option didn't pop-up.

So, how do i remedy this ?
Also, is there a way to disable building/recipe ?
I want to force player to use certain building that i place it beforehand (rocket silo)
Also, is there a way to set victory condition ?
I want the player to eliminate all enemy in map (the map is limited to certain distance, so it's not infinite), if only after certain condition is met (launching rocket X times + eliminate enemy), then the victory screen is pop-up.

But for time being, my priority is to make the teleport working as intended.
Sorry if i'm asking too much.

I'm also planning to make tutorial after all of this were done, so others can build their own custom map.

Btw, here's the code i use, taken from one of your custom map:
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Maiyr »

Any chances of new pvp scenarios or autonomous AI units that head in enemies direction that we can create? We don't control with unit but it heads out and seeks our enemy team. Similar to the pvp biter mod?
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by EmPowereD »

But how can I get alien artifacts on your "newlands" map??
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Klonan »

EmPowereD wrote:But how can I get alien artifacts on your "newlands" map??

Code: Select all

/c game.local_player.insert{name = "alien-artifact", count = 100}
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Maiyr »

How can we modify the red vs blue map to remove market and increase size. Also was thinking of modifying center to create on Land bridge filled with biters. Was thinking of the roboport destruction scenario.
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by kurtzbot »

I updated the mod to work with 0.13, only a couple minor changes.
Works with 0.13
(22.11 KiB) Downloaded 355 times
* Removed `require "defines"`
* Changed an out-dated reference to `firearm-magazine`
* Daytime was changed to reference its new location inside LuaSurface
* Bad reference to game.player, changed to game.player[index]

I tested it by loading the Scenario, waiting for teams to unlock, joining Orange, and then running into a group of biters :P
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by KaleR »

Hello there,

I know this thread is very old, but I want to mention my new mod based on the pvp scenario made by Klonan.


It is possible to create teams on startup, enemy bases will be cleared in every team.

Some other features are alliances, team messages, attack notifications and research notifications. Every feature is configurable on startup.

My Mods: Teams, Statistic
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Chocolatetthunder »

This is my current iteration of the Roboport pvp.
on our discord I keep a change log. here is what it looks like so far. it reads newest first.
change list
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by studmuffin »

Here is a link to our github of scenarios which includes constant updates of our version of PvP taken from this thread. This PvP has been a fun one on our servers :) We have a great working version (for 14.11+, tested up to 14.13 (current version) with some additional features implemented. One of our community coders (Articulating) is overhauling the script right now, so a new version may be posted in a few hours/days. This overhaul will make adding additional features much easier.

We're also hosting a large event tomorrow featuring this scenario. Link to reddit announcement
Last edited by studmuffin on Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by LJL_Houben »

kurtzbot wrote:I updated the mod to work with 0.13, only a couple minor changes.
* Removed `require "defines"`
* Changed an out-dated reference to `firearm-magazine`
* Daytime was changed to reference its new location inside LuaSurface
* Bad reference to game.player, changed to game.player[index]

I tested it by loading the Scenario, waiting for teams to unlock, joining Orange, and then running into a group of biters :P
Looks like it works on 0.14.19 too (still have to test it on a LAN party dough)
Found a small typo:

Code: Select all

      p.print("Map unsutitable, please restart")
But why do we have to wait this long to be able to select the teams?
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by studmuffin »

It has to do with chunk loading. Trying to place/manipulate entities on a chunk that has not been loaded yet causes the game to crash. In a dev version of our modification to PvP, instead of time based loading team selection, we detect when all the proper chunks have been loaded, then do the script work on entities, then unlock teams.

This is also a limitation on how factorio handles chunks. We found when we increased the game.speed, the chunks would generate faster, leading us to understand chunk loading is based on ticks, not on necessarily on processor speed capabilities. To generate this pvp map takes roughly 30-50 seconds worth of ticks. Our version is set to increase the game.speed on map initialization, and drop it down to regular speed after the chunks have been generated.
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Klonan »

studmuffin wrote:It has to do with chunk loading. Trying to place/manipulate entities on a chunk that has not been loaded yet causes the game to crash. In a dev version of our modification to PvP, instead of time based loading team selection, we detect when all the proper chunks have been loaded, then do the script work on entities, then unlock teams.

This is also a limitation on how factorio handles chunks. We found when we increased the game.speed, the chunks would generate faster, leading us to understand chunk loading is based on ticks, not on necessarily on processor speed capabilities. To generate this pvp map takes roughly 30-50 seconds worth of ticks. Our version is set to increase the game.speed on map initialization, and drop it down to regular speed after the chunks have been generated.


I have also solved the issue in 2 different ways for the PvP script i am working on,

One is exactly the same, increase game speed and detect when all the chunks are ready
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Blackraz0r »

Hey, is this the standard builtin PvP Scenario?

I am currently trying to figure out how to decrease the damage of Grenades Rockets and Cannon Shells (Because they are gamender)

But i can't. I can multiply them by a given number, but it does only work with full integer. I am not able to set the Grenade damage to like 10% (0.1) Then it simply just wont change at all.

Am i doing something wrong?

Edit: Oh my, when you set Walking Speed to a negative number, you'll walk backwards. :D
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Klonan »

Blackraz0r wrote:Hey, is this the standard builtin PvP Scenario?

I am currently trying to figure out how to decrease the damage of Grenades Rockets and Cannon Shells (Because they are gamender)

But i can't. I can multiply them by a given number, but it does only work with full integer. I am not able to set the Grenade damage to like 10% (0.1) Then it simply just wont change at all.

Am i doing something wrong?

Edit: Oh my, when you set Walking Speed to a negative number, you'll walk backwards. :D
The modifiers are a bonus, so if you want 50% damage, you will have to set it to -0.5

Such that 0 = 100%, 0.5 = 150%, 1 = 200%, -1 = 0%, -0.5 = 50%
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Re: [0.12.x] PvP Scenarios

Post by Blackraz0r »

Ah got it!

This scenario is totally crazy awesome! I'm hosting a server based on this and its amazing how much fun it is! Thank you for this!

Is there a way to buff the overall entity health? Like all player structures have 50% more HP?
Also nice would be to have a modifier for the range of weapons.
We found out that rockets, grenades and the tank cannon are kinda gameender because of the high range wich can easily outrange any turrets.

Are you planing to further improve these and other scenarios or create more? I think they are amazing <3
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