Anything in a 20% radius would be reachable for sure. But what if there isn't any such roboport?FuryoftheStars wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:14 amQuestion: would it not be better to search in a radius of 20% fuel from the 20% point?mrvn wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:05 am 3) In my case the bot searches in a radius of 80% fuel from the point where it is down to 20%. Note that this might find a roboport that is 160% fuel from the source. So this will sometimes pick a roboport to recharge that is out of reach and get there very slowly. Just like it does now. Hopefully the roboport it finds is nearer or at an angle so the bot cuts the corner and has a shorter distance to travel. But this will preserve cases where bots can currently reach the target very slowly by crossing a void.
But maybe there is a roboport 50% back the way you "came" so you can actually reach it with ~30% fuel charge and then try again. The 80% radius is just because at that point you will find the source roboport because that is how far away it is. Unless the bot isn't at a roboport to start with, then it might have to look further. I sure hope bots have a way of searching roboports by distance and don't have to check all to see which is closest.
It would be best if you find a roboport that is less than 100% fuel distance from the source. You would search for that differently. Start at the point that's 100% fuel towards the target and then search backwards along the way for a roboport that's within the 100% fuel radius and closest to the target. Or take the one that is least off course. But that would be a big change in the code and who knows what performance change that would bring.
So, no, lets keep it at the 20% point and searching just like bots do now. Just getting that minimal change into the game would be a big win.