To my knowledge if two values are the same it's very difficult to separate them with Each, Any, Every type operations. You can for sure separate signals out by selecting the exact signal type and dealing with each signal separately, great if you have like 4 signals but it takes a lot of combinators if you're dealing with a list of all items, sorting and taking a single signal out of an arbitrary list of signals is not otherwise easy or fast, if you know how to pick out one signal out of a list of 40 with the same value in a handful of combinators I'd be glad to learn it.Skorj wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:46 amIs there a problem in 1.1 that the selector combinator would solve? I don't understand what is meant by the above quote. If you want do do the same thing for every input signal, that's straightforward. If you want to do X for the first signal (in the arbitrary signal order), Y for the second, and so on, you can do that today though it takes 3 combinators per signal you separate out. I guess doing that with 1 instead of 3 is nice?The function is indexing signals to process them one by one in some additional logic.
Or does kovarex/Klonan mean something entirely different that I don't understand?
If you want to say have a different train pick up each type of item you want to select each item one at a time, and set filter inserters, you only want to have one item type on each train so you want to have a way of isolating each signal... you may want to do the same thing for each input signal but you need to process them one at a time or you end up with trains containing multiple things.
Alternately you might want to do different things with each item, maybe you want to send each item to a different train station, you want to load the closest with the thing you have the most of the next closest with the thing you have second most of etc.. you want to send the signals in different directions and again you need to only be dealing with one signal at a time and so you need them to be separated out.
The key thing to both these tasks is that you don't know ahead of time what the signals you might have to separate are and any operation you do has to be able to separate signals which carry the same value to send them in different directions and you might only be able to process one thing at a time.
In the expansion, this is necessary for organizing rocket supply launches as they can only have one item in their cargo at a time.