pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by factoriogame1121 »

graphics: geothermal plant, pipe joint
screenshot1.png (338.99 KiB) Viewed 7886 times
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by factoriogame1121 »

Fluid mining drill - similar situation
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by factoriogame1121 »

Reformer furnace - similar situation
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by GluAp »

Game just crashed:

Code: Select all

The mod Pyanodons Alternative Energy (1.1.5) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event pyalternativeenergy::on_nth_tick(60)
Given entity doesn't exist anymore.
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'draw_animation'
	__pyalternativeenergy__/control.lua:275: in function 'draw_windmill'
	__pyalternativeenergy__/control.lua:297: in function <__pyalternativeenergy__/control.lua:285>
And Again like this:

Code: Select all

The mod Pyanodons Alternative Energy (1.1.5) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event pyalternativeenergy::on_nth_tick(30)
__pyalternativeenergy__/control.lua:421: table index is nil
stack traceback:
	__pyalternativeenergy__/control.lua:421: in function <__pyalternativeenergy__/control.lua:407>
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by Ruin »

Playing AE 1.1.6 and having fun. But, it seems like the Centrifuge Mk1 now takes 200MW of power. I assume this was a typo in the changes?
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by Necronium »

Ruin wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:11 pm Playing AE 1.1.6 and having fun. But, it seems like the Centrifuge Mk1 now takes 200MW of power. I assume this was a typo in the changes?
Pretty sure thats is intended value for it.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by Ruin »

Necronium wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:00 am
Ruin wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:11 pm Playing AE 1.1.6 and having fun. But, it seems like the Centrifuge Mk1 now takes 200MW of power. I assume this was a typo in the changes?
Pretty sure thats is intended value for it.
I appreciate the heads up but, I really hope that is not the case. It seems really out of line with the other power requirements. Heck, even the Electrolyzer Mk1 (which got a huge jump in power requirements earlier) only went to 10.33 MW. It would take more than a full node of geothermal power at Mk 1 to run just one Centrifuge Mk1. Things like Albumin would be very hard to make until you have Mk2 (or maybe even Mk3) power.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by kingarthur »

Ruin wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:29 pm
Necronium wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:00 am
Ruin wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:11 pm Playing AE 1.1.6 and having fun. But, it seems like the Centrifuge Mk1 now takes 200MW of power. I assume this was a typo in the changes?
Pretty sure thats is intended value for it.
I appreciate the heads up but, I really hope that is not the case. It seems really out of line with the other power requirements. Heck, even the Electrolyzer Mk1 (which got a huge jump in power requirements earlier) only went to 10.33 MW. It would take more than a full node of geothermal power at Mk 1 to run just one Centrifuge Mk1. Things like Albumin would be very hard to make until you have Mk2 (or maybe even Mk3) power.
Well that is in fact the case.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by Necronium »

If you thought that 200MW is a lot, you did not see anything.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by Wisey »

Is there any reason the crafting time for the Shaft is so long at 50s compared to other similar items that are mainly 10-20s each?
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by Doddler »

I ran into a bit of an unusual bug with alternative engergy, if you attempt to copy/paste the fish turbine or blueprint it, the turbine itself is invisible. As far as I can tell it functions correctly, just without the turbine.

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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by factoriogame1121 »

Now, without this mod, the assembly seems incomplete to me. The game is close to perfect.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by factoriogame1121 »

1. Many new alloys have been added. But I have noticed that older alloys (stainless steel, high strength steel, superalloy) are much more difficult to produce compared to them.
Is that how it should be for balance? If not necessary, it is also possible to make their recipes more realistic, for example by melting the appropriate plates or ore (as in the case of steel) and then adding various substances (as, for example, stabilizers) and a casting mold into the casting machine.

2. Adding mechanical parts is super
Adding many new science packs - amazing

3. I just saw a curious detail in the angel mods. Special atmospheres for various bioorganisms. Well, that is, a special gas mixture is also pumped into the corresponding building. Well, just a note.

4. It was rightly noted that using a long manipulator does not make sense if the "Bob's Adjustable Inserters" mod is installed, which I also consider mandatory. (alternatively, you can simply integrate its functions into py mods).

5. It seems to me, or is the old thermonuclear reactor much cheaper compared to the new nuclear one (mk 4)? Of course, I have not yet figured out how it works, maybe it should.

6. Would you like to add something exotic like a cold fusion reactor? P.S. I just read that such a reaction, it seems, is impossible. But nonetheless.

7. And again. I kind of offered an idea. Just in case, I'll leave it again. How about getting new metals through the creation of new elements in the particle accelerator? Or in some other complex and energy-consuming apparatus.

8. I looked again at the "space exploration" mod. Still, it is very interestingly compiled .. It is extremely curious what Py would do if he took up science fiction)
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by gavrielba »

Yep, integrating adjustable angles for inserters in Py would be bomb! There's no reason why the engineer can't make cranes that rotate 90 degrees and not only 180.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by salbris »

I'm loving the new update but tell me wonderful devs why is Geothermal so easy!?

This is not the Pyanodons I've come to expect!
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by kingarthur »

salbris wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 2:24 pm I'm loving the new update but tell me wonderful devs why is Geothermal so easy!?

This is not the Pyanodons I've come to expect!
It's pretty limited and slight reprieve from the very early game power issues to allow more electric stuff for those that truly hate burner stuff.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by factoriogame1121 »

I have not yet figured out why a small-blade household turbine (a wind farm that is unlocked along with the "steel" technology) shows me either "no power" or "little power". What power are we talking about? About wind availability? If so, it looks like it changes too fast. Probably about once a second. And because of this frequent change of "no power - little power", the animation of the turbine blades is intermittent, "twitches".

P.S. Now I checked it better in the sandbox. Regardless of whether there is enough energy or not, windmills show "no power". And the animation twitches.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by donoya »

Nice! Looks like this is finally available. I have been checking up on the progress with this mod for a while until I got really busy. I realize I'm pretty late to playing this. Is there a vote available yet for which mod you'll be working on next?
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by kingarthur »

donoya wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:19 am Is there a vote available yet for which mod you'll be working on next?
Nope. Already had a vote with me, myself and Irene and started on the next project.
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Re: pY Alternative Energy - Discussion

Post by donoya »

kingarthur wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:23 am
donoya wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:19 am Is there a vote available yet for which mod you'll be working on next?
Nope. Already had a vote with me, myself and Irene and started on the next project.
Oh. Okay. Cool. What was the verdict?
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