I'd find this debatable. For example I like to play on Deathworlds. One thing I do is run around the starting area and preemptively put turrets down on iron patches and oil patches. That way I get no nasty surprises like finding a nest with blue worms has setup shop on my oil.Lav wrote: Nah, I'm saying there are situations where turret creep is still the only solution.
Technically you can kill off at least one blue worm with a stack of grenades and a stack of fish, if you bring in some military science - and you can always research military science - you can add a Modular Armor with Energy Shields and use a swarm of 10 defender capsules to supplement the fish for damage absorb (technically they'll even do a small amount of damage to the worm) and you can get some nice bullet damage upgrades making the SMG do fairly meaningful damage. If you do have access to oil you can add a Rocket Launcher which takes down worms real quick and doesn't require blue science.
If you don't mind playing metagames, you can restart if there is no oil visible and combined with laying down turrets on the oil will guarantee no big worm problems.
So yeah, there are cases where using gun turret creep is the most convenient solution and quite possibly the sanest solution (I wouldn't call grenades+fish entirely sane), but it is far from the only solution.