[0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 FINALE, 20 chance to win, 1-7 June

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.9beta OMFG!

Post by Stx3 »

Ребята вы просто супер! А я думаю фигли у меня так сейвы растут, уже думал на таблицы!!! блин великолепно!!! спасибо!!! я все это исправлю как только будет возможность!
Осталось тока узнать что и где так сильно плодит мобов и почему.

You guys are just super! And I think I have so Figley saves growing, already thinking on the table !!! fucking great !!! thank you !!! I will fix it as soon as possible!
It remains to find out what current and where so much spawns mobs and why.

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.9beta OMFG!

Post by Stx3 »

i found this bug and fix this in new version
thx for report

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.9beta OMFG!

Post by EditorRUS »

Потому что лимита на врагов нет. Точнее он не установлен в явном виде. У тебя константный шанс на эволюцию и распространение, как я понял, который зависит только от уровня сложности.
Для исправления достаточно просто исправить формулу шанса, чтобы оно зависело от загрязнения и количества активных врагов во всем мире.
Из-за константы в шансе у тебя получается примерно такой график роста количества врагов:

Поменяв функцию на приближающуюся к предельному количеству врагов у тебя получается примерно такой график:
в бесконечном пределе достигающий максимальное количество врагов.

Следовательно, производная (то есть шанс, с которым враг появится новый) будет 1 / (x^2 + 1), где x - это загрязнение, эволюция и прочие модификаторы.

It's because there is no limit for spawned enemies. Or, to be more precise, it's not set in explicit form. You have constant chance of evolution and spreading which, if I understood it correctly, depends from difficulty and remains constant throughout the game.
So in order to fix that you just need to change the chance formula so it will depend from pollution and amount of active enemies in the world.
Due to constant in the chance you get a graph of current active enemies as follows:

By changing the function to hyperbolic one (arctan) you'll get a graph as follows:

Therefore, a derivative of the function (actual chance of new enemy to spawn) will be 1 / (x^2 + 1) where X is pollution, evolution and other modificators.

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.9beta OMFG!

Post by ssilk »

@EditorRUS: Thank you for tranlation. :)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.9beta OMFG!

Post by Stx3 »

Added hotfix 2.1.11
Download v2.1.11beta (without cars)

Fixed unreal save data size.
Fixed lags
Make maximum defense units count
Now for turret needs radars (1 radar for 4 turrets)
Fixed akkack group targets, now enemy attack random entity on you base and run on random position after attack.
Remove projectile graphics from shotgun shell ep
Fixed plasma sniper rifle repeat count
Add damage modifier for class weapons
i dont forget what i fix :D

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.11b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Проблема долгих загрузок сейвов осталась, хотя врагов нету... пока не могу понять почему такая лажа, если у кого-то есть идеи то говорите что игра может там записывать

The problem of long downloads saves remained, though enemies do not have ... yet I can not understand why such a mess if someone has an idea of what the game can say that there is record

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.11b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Somecat »

create new world i dunno
Создай новый мир, не знаю.

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.11b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Added hotfix 2.1.11
Download v2.1.12beta (without cars)

Realy fixed unreal save data size.
Fixed some lags
Increase maximum enemy bases
Decrease enemy attack rate
Refixed akkack group targets, now enemy attack random entity on you base and run on random position after attack.

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.12b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Strayder »

not create a new map
"__hardcorio__/control.lua:1: attempt to index global 'defines' (a nil value)"

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.12b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by FMRx »

та же лажа (
attempt to index global 'defines' (a nil value)

same trouble

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.12b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Added hotfix 2.1.13
Download v2.1.13beta (without cars)

Fixed defines error
Fixed random nill value
Fixed base destroy error
Fixed turn on turrets if you build a new radar
Fixet turn off turrets if you lose a radar
Fixed turn off a turrets if the radar dont have a power

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.14b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Added hotfix 2.1.14
Download v2.1.14beta (without cars)

Added enemy base defender - queen (she has spawn the eggs)
Added new enemy unit scaleling (low grade group defender)
Added new weapon regenerator
Added new weapon flame thrower
Fixed nil value eror then base destroy
Fixed error then you in car (cars now not avalible)
Fixed error then you die and change another class


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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.14b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Tests - IDDQD difficult, 7 hours defense base

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.14b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Added hotfix 2.1.15
Download v2.1.15beta stable (without cars)

Fixed some small erorrs

After 10+h tests game dont make errors

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.15b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Somecat »

Error while running the event handler: __hardcorio__/script/gps.lua:71: Map doesn't contain 1 player, this function can't be used...

Its too hard. On "medium" level 4 men can't beat all the *** what falls to our lot. No chances to create simplest defence earlier than the zergs come.
Слишком сложно. На средней сложности четыре человека не могут перебить все дерьмо, выпадающее на нашу долю. Нет никаких шансов создать даже простейшую защиту раньше, чем зерги приходят за нашими задницами.


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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.15b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Strayder »

Error while running the event handler: __hardcorio__/script/gps.lua:39: attempt to compare number with nil

Королева умерла в(на) стене ...

The Queen died in (on) a wall ...

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.16b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Added hotfix 2.1.16
Download v2.1.16beta stable (without cars)

Fixed multiplayer
Fixed queep spawn under water
Fixed error 171 nill value
Fixed freeze after nest destroy
Fixed solar panels 7GW
Stabilizate fps from 30-60 to 45-50
Its too hard. On "medium" level 4 men can't beat all the *** what falls to our lot. No chances to create simplest defence earlier than the zergs come.
Слишком сложно. На средней сложности четыре человека не могут перебить все дерьмо, выпадающее на нашу долю. Нет никаких шансов создать даже простейшую защиту раньше, чем зерги приходят за нашими задницами.
This is fucking HARDCORIO
if you want a easy game, play dytech or vanile factorio
I make enemies more difficult, meaner, hungrier and smarter

some strategy: first priority - 5.56 gun turrets, you want faster research! create defense on base without walls on you base, mine MORE resouses bacause in hardcorio turn off pollution, create guns in place there more drills or generators, boilers, inserters because this is a hight enemy priority to attack. Dont forget use EP, AP ammo, if you use only EP ater 1 hour you die! if you use only lasers after 1 hour you die, etc

1 player can select assault and run to kills enemy eggs near you base because assaul have a powerfull bonus with shotgun

or you can select I AM SUCKER difficult and turn off hardcorio bases :D

learn how to play, develop strategy, otherwise you will tear and tear more assholes, my friends on the normal survived 4+ hours

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.16b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by darkshadow1809 »

Stx3 wrote:Added hotfix 2.1.16
Download v2.1.16beta stable (without cars)

Fixed multiplayer
Fixed queep spawn under water
Fixed error 171 nill value
Fixed freeze after nest destroy
Fixed solar panels 7GW
Stabilizate fps from 30-60 to 45-50
Its too hard. On "medium" level 4 men can't beat all the *** what falls to our lot. No chances to create simplest defence earlier than the zergs come.
Слишком сложно. На средней сложности четыре человека не могут перебить все дерьмо, выпадающее на нашу долю. Нет никаких шансов создать даже простейшую защиту раньше, чем зерги приходят за нашими задницами.
This is fucking HARDCORIO
if you want a easy game, play dytech or vanile factorio
I make enemies more difficult, meaner, hungrier and smarter

some strategy: first priority - 5.56 gun turrets, you want faster research! create defense on base without walls on you base, mine MORE resouses bacause in hardcorio turn off pollution, create guns in place there more drills or generators, boilers, inserters because this is a hight enemy priority to attack. Dont forget use EP, AP ammo, if you use only EP ater 1 hour you die! if you use only lasers after 1 hour you die, etc

1 player can select assault and run to kills enemy eggs near you base because assaul have a powerfull bonus with shotgun

or you can select I AM SUCKER difficult and turn off hardcorio bases :D

learn how to play, develop strategy, otherwise you will tear and tear more assholes, my friends on the normal survived 4+ hours
Keep up the good work man :D cant wait till when it comes out of beta and is stable!

I wanna see howlong i can survive with all the mods active :P

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.16b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Strayder »

Error while running the event handler: __hardcorio__/script/gps.lua:83: attempt to index field 'base' (a nil value)
Подойдя к базе зергов ...

Approaching on base Zerg ...

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Re: [0.11.18+] Hardcorio:SC2 v.2.1.17b NOW FOR BAD COMPUTERS

Post by Stx3 »

Added hotfix 2.1.17
Download v2.1.17beta stable (without cars)

Fixed __hardcorio__/script/gps.lua:83 base nill value near nidus
Added cap to max enemy group size 100+25*difficult
Added cap to max enemy units in base storage 100+25*difficult
Added sunken attack rate
Fixed missle turret texture shift
Added devourer skill turn off ammo turrets

please write errors and what do you think about this mod?

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