Personel train transport?

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Re: Personel train transport?

Post by mergele »

That did help clear up things quite a bit.

Is there a case where you call a train to a station you are not currently at?
Is this supposed to be multiplayer compatible with multiple trains running simultaneously to different targets?
Will you use this exclusively for personal transport or also for directing totally freight/ammo trains?
- If above yes: Do you call them only to stations you are currently add or also remote ones?

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Re: Personel train transport?

Post by ks13 »

mmmPI wrote:
Sun Jul 04, 2021 10:16 am
ks13 wrote:
Sun Jul 04, 2021 8:02 am
Does this help you understand better?
You tell me :)
stuff i'm left unsure :

8) You need to update the schedule of every train that serve this purpose when you add a new place from where you can call train. (right ?)
9) a train when called will go through all the other station existing on the schedule but only stop and wait where asked. ( what if there is another train idle in a station that block the path of the train whose id is called ?)
10) maybe i got it wrong and you have many trains waiting, each of them being a train with only 1 possible destination ?
11) maybe i goot it wrong and you enable/disable stations somewhat.
11) how are the signals not mixed up if you call trains from multiple places at the same time ? wouldn't the T and white dot signals adds up and mess up with the conditions on trains schedule ?
12) what trains do after they are unsummoned ?
8. Yes. Not ideal but since there is no way to directly change the programming of trains, this is the best i came up with currently.
9. partially solved. I already made the train at the target station move if it is not their id, but the trains at other stations have no order to move...will look into that.
10. Actually the aim was to set up a train network with many trains being automated and a few being for personel use. So yes, there will be some waiting but not with only 1 or 2 stops.
11. So far i do not do any enabling/disabling but this just gave me an idea, so will be looking into that.
11 (bis?). Yes, they would be getting mixed up, which one of the concerns. So far i haven't found a solution for that but am working on it.
12. I do not follow. Unsummoned? As in after they are being used? Well, so far since the system is not fully finished, nothing. But i was planning on making so kind of depot they will go to.
Serenity wrote:
Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:07 pm
Just use Shuttle Train Refresh. It does everything you want and more.

Mods aren't a big deal. You can add and usually remove them during an ongoing game.
Yes, i've seen the suggestion several times in this thread. But i didn't have the time to check it out yet. I did install it and just a few hours ago did i get a research slot to unlock it. So i will be checking that asap. That being said, trying to find a way to program the trains is fun too.
mergele wrote:
Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:59 pm
That did help clear up things quite a bit.

Is there a case where you call a train to a station you are not currently at?
Is this supposed to be multiplayer compatible with multiple trains running simultaneously to different targets?
Will you use this exclusively for personal transport or also for directing totally freight/ammo trains?
- If above yes: Do you call them only to stations you are currently add or also remote ones?
Yes. I can summon a train to a station i am not at.
So far it is not multiplayer compatible. I've only ever played the game solo so it's not a bother but i do want to make a system multiplayer compatible if anything just to see if it's possible.
That is a good question. I wanted to set up a system that can be used for many cases, but it started as personel only. And yes i can call them to anywhere not only the current station i am at.

That being said, yesterday i stumbled upon a video of...xterminator (i think) doing a base guide tour where the player had a train set up similar to what i had in mind. So i might take inspiration on it to improve my own setup.

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