Not all players can keep up with the speed of the server. Additional options for pausing the server when needed would be very helpful for larger bases / servers.What ?
Players often pause the game or reduce the game speed while other players are connecting or catching up with the server. Of course this happens only when the server is hosting a base with a high ups load. But its kinda frustrating if you can not join your own server because you messed up the whole base the day before. Since the server is not throttling the ups load on its own its nearly impossible to join a bigger server. Currently the only solutions are 1.1) on empty servers someone with a faster / better pc has to connect and slow down / pause the server with a command 1.2) on empty servers the admin has to manually connect to server cli and pause / throttle the game speed 2) on server with other players online you have to kindly ask if they could throttle or pause the game 3) buy a faster pc.For privat servers with bigger bases the easiest change would be an additional parameter for the server to configure the servers behaviour when someone is joining / catching up.
Code: Select all
"__catchup_behaviour_description": "available options are: never (disabled), pause (pause the server), slowdown (throttle the server)",
"catchup_behaviour": "never",
"__catchup_interval_ticks_description": "the number of ticks before the configured behaviour kicks in",
"catchup_interval_ticks": "60",
"__catchup_slowdown_steps_description": "defines the throttle if the behaviour 'slowdown' is configured",
"catchup_slowdown_steps": "0.5"
Why ?
- People dont have to pause / throttle the game per hand while another player is joining / trying to catch up.- Administrators dont need to pause / slow down the server over the CLI just to connect and pause the game per hand.
- People with slowers PCs could join empty servers with large bases.
- Buy merchandise instead of new hardware!
- The problem cant be solved with a mod