[0.16.45] Able to manually place wall on top of self

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[0.16.45] Able to manually place wall on top of self

Post by Muppet9010 »

While playing Singleplayer on 0.16.45 I was standing next to a wall and was able to place the wall on-top of myself, locking myself inside the wall. When I removed the wall I could replace it again on top of myself (showing as a valid green placement) or I could walk away as I'd removed the wall from ontop of myself. All walls were placed manually.
I was expecting the placement to be red (invalid) as I was in the way of the walls joining up, but instead got stuck inside the joined up walls.
locked in by wall on-top of me
locked in by wall on-top of me
20180526040102_1.jpg (678.91 KiB) Viewed 1223 times
I've reproduced it in the attached save game with no mods present. The positioning is key and the issue only occurs if the player is in just the right spot to not block the wall placement and to also not be pushed out when they try to move.

The reproduction and save is me standing in the middle of a cross. I originally hit the issue while building a T junction of a wall, but struggled to reproduce the exact spot to make a clean example save game.
log file
(6.18 KiB) Downloaded 52 times
wall locked in.zip
example save
(1.9 MiB) Downloaded 55 times

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Re: [0.16.45] Able to manually place wall on top of self

Post by Muppet9010 »

Hmm I did a forum Search for wall and didn't see it, sorry.

Would making it so if a players entity is inside the collision box of another entity they can pass through it, not solve the issue?
So characters center point within the other entity's collision box to avoid being able to lean into entities.

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Re: [0.16.45] Able to manually place wall on top of self

Post by Rseding91 »

Muppet9010 wrote:Hmm I did a forum Search for wall and didn't see it, sorry.

Would making it so if a players entity is inside the collision box of another entity they can pass through it, not solve the issue?
So characters center point within the other entity's collision box to avoid being able to lean into entities.
No. Collision doesn't work that way - it's generic: "does bounding box intersect with bounding box".
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