I can't put my trains to work...

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I can't put my trains to work...

Post by Peacem4ker »

Okay, I have an issue. I want want the trains to leave a station, if they are loaded, till a specific point... first i tried "wait until inventory full" but that didn't work... now I tried to make it even clearer. The configuration is: wait until Petroleum, light oil and heavy oil barrels are >9 (beacuse a stack is 10)
I handloaded them, I let it be done by inserters... unloaded and loaded again... but the train won't leave....
If I drive it manually to the other station, it will unload and then, as I set it to, leave if it's emptied...
but after that it will stand at the loading station forever again... what am I doing wrong?

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by Peacem4ker »

Okay, found the mistake, forgot to put in "Heavy Oil>´9" :oops:

But the question still stands, the train won't move if it's completelöy loaded... and what is, if I block some fields in the waggons? is "completely full" full until all open fields are filled? Or will it never leave, cause I forbid to make it completely full?

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by Bushdoctor »

I'm not THAT familiar with complicated train commands, but to me it seems that the problem lies in the AND commands.
I think the train keeps waiting because it needs petroleum AND light oil (AND heavy oil). If any of those aren't loaded, the train will keep waiting.

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by Hannu »

I made a test. I restricted all but one slot in empty wagon, put condition "inventory full" and filled the open slot with raw wood. Train left the station. It seem that it takes forbidden slots into account.

However, I would not use full or empty conditions on trains which transports multiple types of items between many stations. They are very good for "dumb" ore or plate transports between two points, but they have always leaded to some kind of problems in more complex use. If there are too much items to be practically listed in conditions, I use simple time or inactivity conditions.

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by Peacem4ker »

as I said, the problem was, that i didn't tell him, it shoueld be "heavy oil barrel > 9", only ">9", after I changed that, it worked.
But in an other savegame, I had a Problem with an ore train, which wouldn't leave, even if it was completely loaded...

thanks for your help. This was only a train for testing, what and how things work. I will layout it in other way later ;) If i have more problems, i will come back :P

One more question, not train related, but I don't think, I need to open another thread:
Is there a mod, which allows do configure the range of roboports?
I found "tiny roboports", but that doesn't work for 0.14.8...
I have a vehicle roboport, but that has only a construction, not a logistic range.
What I want to do is a kind of "Factorio Towns", but not that far away from each other.... so I really need some smaller logistic areas, so i can keep the robos at the needed places...
maybe i should post in the Ideas section, that you can define Logistic Networks, and assign Robots to them, so they will only do jobs, which are in this exact range :)

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by Peacem4ker »


So, I get have a new problem. In this setup, I have 2 lanes with a 4-waggon unloading station. behind that, there is enough space to fit another 4-waggon train. the blue dots, i put in is where my signals are. For the First lane it works perfect, one train is unloading, one is waiting. A third train is unloading in Lane 2, but the fourth train waits at the entrance. I tried every combination of Chain and normal signals... the train will never go to the second lane to wait. Can anyone help me, where I have to put which signal?

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by DaveMcW »

Use normal signals to separate waiting areas.

Sadly, the train is too dumb to do what you want. The 4th train sees that both paths are blocked, but does not count how many trains are in the way. Since it can't tell the difference, it chooses the closest station.

Possible solutions are avoid putting more than 1 train on a station track, or use unique station names.

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by Peacem4ker »

That is not what I observed.
This time it doesn't fill Lane 1. And if I Change the Chain Signal at the Entrance (the upper right blue dot in the first picture) to a normal Signal, the Train will go to Lane 2 ... Thats really frustrating...

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Re: I can't put my trains to work...

Post by mergele »

I assume both stations use the same name. The train determines which one will be his actual goal when he leaves the last station. He only reevaluates when there is no valid path to the chosen station. So to make this work you could add an intermediary station right before the unloading station tracks split, make it go there and then to the correct station, or put a circuit controlled signal at the entrance that goes red if both the unloading station and the waiting area before it are blocked.

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