I'm not using such systems personnaly because my outposts opens when there is enough for a full trains now that there is the limit. So they "close themselves" all the time, by defaut. It is making me "waste" in the worse case 1 train minus 1 ore worth of ressources. But before the problem was the reverse for me, i could have 20 trains but 30 outposts, and if 15 of them were depleted, then i would only have 5 trains available for service and 15 waiting forever that their cargo become "full" hopelessly. I suppose you don't use (only) condition like "full" and "empty" and don't risk losing trains to forever idle this way.Tertius wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:03 am The problem with automatically closing an outpost is that there now too many trains. You need to decommission the trains associated with that mining outpost as well. At least that's the case in my current train design: completely static. I have exactly as many trains as there are slots in the mining outposts. If I remove an outpost, I need to remove its trains as well. Otherwise I risk a deadlock.
I don't often go deconstructing depleted outpost, i play with settings and playstyle to avoid it. I'm lazy and slow, i had trouble with trains sticking in empty outpost while i was trying to figure out how combinator works or making malls or things that i try to do ingame. I don't often do sophisticated outpost, it's rather bare-bone outpost, or bare-bone subfactory, when i go for real game with no fancy goals. I will very often build some furnaces near my outpost, since my miners are spread out it sort of make sense. They deplete slower. That i would count as bare-bone subfactory.Tertius wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:03 am My plan is to create a new mining outpost first when my custom "outpost depleted" alert appears. Afterwards, I drive to the depleted outpost, send the trains waiting there away to a different mine (will probably drive to the new outpost), then deconstruct the old outpost. Without mods, I don't see potential for more automation.
About detecting mine depletion by reading belts: Yes, that's an option that can be better tested. However, it requires 2 or 3 more combinators. Too much for only that one situation that happens only once in the lifetime of a mining outpost. I try to keep outposts stripped to the bare minimum. In the past, I created the most sophisticated outposts, with supply to build the outpost itself, automated train limit, wall defense, laser turrets, even artillery, bots and more bells and whistles, but I realized it's all not necessary. One combinator for balanced chest loading, one for depletion detection, everything else is purely mechanical and protected by a single huge rectangular perimeter defense.
The coupling mining/defense perimeter is not always happening for me. In rail worlds there is no biter expansion, so you can "clear" some territory ahead easily, and wall choke point without need for much material , more water the better . Then there will be several ore patches available without the need for immediate protection. Other game with less water and more biter, the mining "oupost" are also militarized as they are the front lane. I don't like those when you have to do both at the same time because it increases the risk of me forgetting something. (wall, inserter, repair pack, turret ammo ... ) I'd rather go full on fighting first, then don't think about it and build until i have a new weapon that would make me want to do some fighting again, when i'm not playing peaceful which is most of the time.