From viewtopic.php?f=6&t=28327
After some mail-correspondence with one of the forum-users, I thought it would be a good idea to have a place, where you can put in all those things that are not worth to mention, but as sum it is some kind of big list.
So I start this as experiment:
Post your little quirks and small issues into this thread!
Simple rules:
- Not too much quirks per post (2 or 3 max).
- Only about existing quirks/issues. No game-logic, no new stuff, no game-play-suggestions.
- Try to describe exactly what you want to have better.
- In doubt: Screenshot it so that all can follow (you know you can upload up to 10 pics per post.
- Please only short discussions.
As said: This is an experiment, I hope that we can create a result, that could be used change those small itchy things, that some people hurt a lot.

From viewtopic.php?f=6&t=33082