Version 0.13.0

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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by brunzenstein »

Mooncat wrote:
brunzenstein wrote:
Mooncat wrote: I don't like working too hard to get achievements (like "Win the game in 8 hours", it is impossible for me), but at the same time, I don't like having unfinished achievements.
Factorio in not about "winning" (whom you think to impress with "Win in 8 hours"? boy - there is no-one around applauding) The game is only about mastering its finer details. You could indeed impress a lot of folks around with clever, intelligent and compact solutions as NegativeRoot's, Mazuri, Zisteau or Xterminator's and many others videos have shown (and helped newbies like me)
The aim in Factorio is in continuously perfecting and getting better and better and never "winning"
No need to teach me about what is a sand box game. For me, "achievement" is outside the game. Getting the achievements is not related to the gameplay in Factorio. I would do whatever I can to get the achievements, but I know I won't enjoy the process, because it is not the reason I play Factorio. And don't tell me to ignore them. I simply can't.
Anyway, I shared that not for showing off my cheating skill (there is no skill tbh, every modder should have known about that), but for telling the devs just in case they want to prevent cheating.
I'm ok with that ;-)
Especially with the last sentence
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by safan »

i'm having the same thing, but about the "lazy" achievement.

Is it easy to do? Absolutely. Is it possible to lose the achievement by one unintended misclick? Yes
Im not enjoying the game getting this achievement. I picked it first because i know it would be the hardest one for me, but actually getting it would be just a sign that i was very very careful ...
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Kryzeth »

Mooncat wrote: For me, "achievement" is outside the game. Getting the achievements is not related to the gameplay in Factorio. I would do whatever I can to get the achievements.
I feel exactly the same way about this. I like playing through the game and making the factory look just the way I like it, taking my time and enjoying the process; and then I checked the achievements list and some of them are.. "not my style". Speedrunning especially, I don't like, but I still want Steam to say that I have all the achievements for one of my most favorite games.

I was also wondering if they had some kind of check to see if the game's files were modified, and I didn't want to test it out before legitimately trying to get achievements in a new save :3
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by popcorn123 »

i dont have the update yet
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by ske »

The non-stack inserters, even the "normal" one, have a stack size of 2... and there are two types of stack inserters... I don't know what I should think of those items. I thought the idea was to keep the list short.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Joriom »

Would I be correct to assume there is no workaround to "chunk errors" in newly generated areas on old (0.12) maps?
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Mythoss »

I don't want to discredit all the hard work, there is a lot of awesome changes in here but....there isn't really a lot of new features or content. I think we just got new flame towers and fire right? Hopefully the next content patch brings a lot of new awesome content. My friends all want flying alien threats and water bases or buildings! Keep em coming and good work :)
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Phillip_Lynx »

Mythoss wrote:I don't want to discredit all the hard work, there is a lot of awesome changes in here but....there isn't really a lot of new features or content. I think we just got new flame towers and fire right? Hopefully the next content patch brings a lot of new awesome content. My friends all want flying alien threats and water bases or buildings! Keep em coming and good work :)
New Techtree, new Trains, implemented Landfill, new combinatorsystems, modportal, MP-matchingserver, you can disable replay saves .... and this is only the surface I scratched.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Muchaszewski »

For everybody that "didn't get update" or don't know how to get it.
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1. Press right mouse button over factorio in steam library.
2. Select Properties
3. Choose tab "Betas"
4. Change "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" to "experimental -Experimental version" if you want to get updates when they come out (0.13.x branch), or specify your version to prevents update if needed.

You cannot go more precise.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by FlyHigh »

Phillip_Lynx wrote:
Mythoss wrote:I don't want to discredit all the hard work, there is a lot of awesome changes in here but....there isn't really a lot of new features or content. I think we just got new flame towers and fire right? Hopefully the next content patch brings a lot of new awesome content. My friends all want flying alien threats and water bases or buildings! Keep em coming and good work :)
New Techtree, new Trains, implemented Landfill, new combinatorsystems, modportal, MP-matchingserver, you can disable replay saves .... and this is only the surface I scratched.
Actually Bentham has made a comprehensive overview of what's new in 0.13. Check the video out, maybe you've missed some new features. HERE
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by floodo1 »

Lol, people are talking about "winning isn't the point of factory" and such ... Factorio is about whatever you want it to be about :shock:

That said, I like to get what a lot of people would probably consider an "easy" start because I don't find resource gathering to be very much fun (i like the factory part), so the new map generator is pretty annoying. Generally I now find stone lacking, oil fields to be crazy dense (easy to have a couple dozen patches close together), it seems to like crazy dense forests, and it puts a lot of small lakes in the starting area (esp on big and very big). Overall it just feels a bit less balanced ... much easier to have a lot of one or two things and zero (or practically zero) of something else (many starts where it didn't not put any copper in the starting area).
On the other hand I didn't think map generation really needed any changes from 0.12.x but I generated a few dozen maps and I saw a lot of things i really liked.

Overall 0.13 is pretty awesome and I'm super happy that the vanilla game has a lot of functionality that previously required mods. Also looking forward to what happens with some of the mods like Smart Trains where most but not all of what it does is now in the vanilla game.

Speaking of which, can we get the ability to read from the train station in the future ?? :ugeek:
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by brunzenstein »

found the posting by floodo1 overall to be true to the bone.
The vanilla map generation was way better in 0.12 - it would be wise by the developers to recognize that simple truth and go back to the previous version.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Hooch »

floodo1 wrote: Also looking forward to what happens with some of the mods like Smart Trains where most but not all of what it does is now in the vanilla game.
If mod gets incorporated into game it is the highest award for a modder. (I am speaking as a creator of weapons in TF2).
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by bobingabout »

floodo1 wrote:Factorio is about whatever you want it to be about :shock:
Factorio is about installing bob's mods, and figuring out how to build electric mining drills... Okay, that's more of a challenge.

I made an error, and you basically can't built electric mining drills, Inserters (you still have burner inserters), and splitters until a much later point than normal.
The problem? Well, the find and replace item failed because I forgot to update the recipe names for those items.

I'll release a fix soon though.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by TheTom »

brunzenstein wrote:found the posting by floodo1 overall to be true to the bone.
The vanilla map generation was way better in 0.12 - it would be wise by the developers to recognize that simple truth and go back to the previous version.
Have to agree. Waiting for more stability and bobs mod I tried to start half a dozen games or so - and all the maps where seriously incoherent. Tons of smallish lakes, nightmares to build anything, not a single larger body of water visible.

That definitely needs a roll back and further development.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Ohlmann »

The new map generatiuon is one of the greatest improvement in 0.13. Dunno why anyone would want 0.12 back for that.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Wakaba-chan »

Isn't new map generator makes more enemies? Or they just expand so quickly?
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Kryzeth »

Ohlmann wrote:The new map generatiuon is one of the greatest improvement in 0.13. Dunno why anyone would want 0.12 back for that.
Because the new map gen is... odd. I don't care about the dense foresty bits (it's easy to burn it all down mid/late game, with the new flamethrower<3), or the small lakes (because of new landfill<3), OR the dense oil fields (because flamethrower turrets so funnn<3) but the part that IS annoying is that it almost always neglects to give you a certain resource. I had to restart the game so many times for my first playthrough because it kept neglecting to give me iron or copper, while giving me massive fields of stone (which is far less important than the other two). On the sixth or seventh restart, I finally got a start that lacked stone, but had a field of iron, copper, and coal. Although even then, I got 3 relatively large patches of copper, and 2 big patches of coal.

If they were trying to mimic RSO, they might have messed up somewhere... and although I certainly don't mind having double or triple patches of ore in the starting area, it's definitely... odd. Luckily, one can survive without that much stone, unless landfilling is needed. I wonder if maybe the small lakes and/or duplicate patches of ore overwrote the stone.. since I had tiny bit of stone sticking out of my coal, and part of it bordering a small lake/river/choke point. It should definitely be something to look into.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Neotix »

Kryzeth wrote: Because the new map gen is... odd. I don't care about the dense foresty bits (it's easy to burn it all down mid/late game, with the new flamethrower<3), or the small lakes (because of new landfill<3), OR the dense oil fields (because flamethrower turrets so funnn<3) but the part that IS annoying is that it almost always neglects to give you a certain resource. I had to restart the game so many times for my first playthrough because it kept neglecting to give me iron or copper, while giving me massive fields of stone (which is far less important than the other two). On the sixth or seventh restart, I finally got a start that lacked stone, but had a field of iron, copper, and coal. Although even then, I got 3 relatively large patches of copper, and 2 big patches of coal.

If they were trying to mimic RSO, they might have messed up somewhere... and although I certainly don't mind having double or triple patches of ore in the starting area, it's definitely... odd. Luckily, one can survive without that much stone, unless landfilling is needed. I wonder if maybe the small lakes and/or duplicate patches of ore overwrote the stone.. since I had tiny bit of stone sticking out of my coal, and part of it bordering a small lake/river/choke point. It should definitely be something to look into.
So true. I stop playing because after 20-30 restarts i still get crappy maps. In many maps i didn't get one of crucial resource (most of the time it was lack of iron).
That small lakes are insane. Even when i set water only in starting area i still get water all over the map.
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Re: Version 0.13.0

Post by Niuno »

Neotix wrote:
Kryzeth wrote: Because the new map gen is... odd. I don't care about the dense foresty bits (it's easy to burn it all down mid/late game, with the new flamethrower<3), or the small lakes (because of new landfill<3), OR the dense oil fields (because flamethrower turrets so funnn<3) but the part that IS annoying is that it almost always neglects to give you a certain resource. I had to restart the game so many times for my first playthrough because it kept neglecting to give me iron or copper, while giving me massive fields of stone (which is far less important than the other two). On the sixth or seventh restart, I finally got a start that lacked stone, but had a field of iron, copper, and coal. Although even then, I got 3 relatively large patches of copper, and 2 big patches of coal.

If they were trying to mimic RSO, they might have messed up somewhere... and although I certainly don't mind having double or triple patches of ore in the starting area, it's definitely... odd. Luckily, one can survive without that much stone, unless landfilling is needed. I wonder if maybe the small lakes and/or duplicate patches of ore overwrote the stone.. since I had tiny bit of stone sticking out of my coal, and part of it bordering a small lake/river/choke point. It should definitely be something to look into.
So true. I stop playing because after 20-30 restarts i still get crappy maps. In many maps i didn't get one of crucial resource (most of the time it was lack of iron).
That small lakes are insane. Even when i set water only in starting area i still get water all over the map.
Same feeling here. After a lot of restarts, with adjusting the settings several times, I also 'gave up'. Not really of course, I still want to play ;)
Main problem for me is, besides the lack of some of the ores in basic area, are the little lakes. On 12.x they were also very annoying for me, it looks so unnatural. I love building a base besides a coastline for instance. It also has water for the boilers and an extra defence. And I believe there are more original starting areas to think of.
I think it would be a great idea when you can choose in your settings what kind of starting area you want: with little lakes, a coastline, a river, etc.
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