I'm ok with thatMooncat wrote:No need to teach me about what is a sand box game. For me, "achievement" is outside the game. Getting the achievements is not related to the gameplay in Factorio. I would do whatever I can to get the achievements, but I know I won't enjoy the process, because it is not the reason I play Factorio. And don't tell me to ignore them. I simply can't.brunzenstein wrote:Factorio in not about "winning" (whom you think to impress with "Win in 8 hours"? boy - there is no-one around applauding) The game is only about mastering its finer details. You could indeed impress a lot of folks around with clever, intelligent and compact solutions as NegativeRoot's, Mazuri, Zisteau or Xterminator's and many others videos have shown (and helped newbies like me)Mooncat wrote: I don't like working too hard to get achievements (like "Win the game in 8 hours", it is impossible for me), but at the same time, I don't like having unfinished achievements.
The aim in Factorio is in continuously perfecting and getting better and better and never "winning"
Anyway, I shared that not for showing off my cheating skill (there is no skill tbh, every modder should have known about that), but for telling the devs just in case they want to prevent cheating.

Especially with the last sentence
No bad feelings