In some of my outposts, the trains have to make a sharp turn before approaching a gate. The logic for lowering a gate doesn't work in this situation, and the train crashes into the gate. This PAX station (where the train is) always experiences this problem:

See how it crashes:

Note how the gate is lowering, but not fast/early enough.
I tried moving the signals just south of the gate up two squares (between turrets and gate), and the train still hits the gate.
Perhaps the gate can't correctly estimate when it should lower if there's a sharp turn right before the gate. Maybe the high-speed of a short train exacerbates the issue. That being said, I've never seen a crash *entering* any of these 3 stations (or any others), and the turn sharpness is close to the same (although a slightly longer straight before the gate). Additionally, the two 1-3-1 train stations to the north don't hit the gate. It's only this high-speed PAX train that has to make a sharp corner.