I see how it is , that is a workaround for sure

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Currently for auto requests, if multiple platforms are requesting the same thing, it must decide somehow--first maybe? It could work the same for a manually-loaded rocket. If two or more platforms are requesting everything on the rocket, just pick one to send it to, using the same method.Sworn wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:50 pma "launch rocket" signal would work, now to which platform should it be sent?Tinyboss wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 8:38 pm There does not appear to be any means whatsoever of launching a rocket with more than one item type, except manually in the silo UI by clicking the "deliver" button.
No idea if that would work, but in my head, if we are sending rockets trough logic circuit, then the platform won't be requesting anything.Tinyboss wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:53 pm Currently for auto requests, if multiple platforms are requesting the same thing, it must decide somehow--first maybe? It could work the same for a manually-loaded rocket. If two or more platforms are requesting everything on the rocket, just pick one to send it to, using the same method.
Would that work?
Ahhhh, you're absolutely right, that's what I was not thinking of. Yeah my suggestion won't work, for that reason. We wouldn't know how to not mix requests from different platforms into the same rocket cargo.Sworn wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:42 pmHaving multiple platforms requesting different items would just group all requests into one big messy signal.
And how would you know to which rocket you send things ?JonGalt wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 3:25 pm My issues with rocket silo logistics could be solved with a few simple changes.
- Have a circuit controlled launch option so I can launch whenever I want.
One way would be to give each space platform a unique (nonzero) ID, and when a rocket silo receives the "Launch" signal, it checks the value of that signal against the ID's of every platform in orbit. If one of them matches, it launches to that platform, and otherwise it does not launch. This is plausible, because trains already have a unique ID, and train stops can read that ID as a signal. Space platforms are already similar to trains in many ways, so I think it makes sense.
Surface id from what bullipartty mentioned. Each platform has its own surfacebullipatty wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 1:04 pm from what the map editor exposes, it seems to be a string id, just like of other surfaces have a string id, but yea, that would be nice.
Yeah this was discussed in other topic with more serious suggestion, for the same reason no-one hardly build anything relying on train IDs i think this is a bad idea.bluegreen1024 wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 5:50 pm One way would be to give each space platform a unique (nonzero) ID, and when a rocket silo receives the "Launch" signal, it checks the value of that signal against the ID's of every platform in orbit. If one of them matches, it launches to that platform, and otherwise it does not launch. This is plausible, because trains already have a unique ID, and train stops can read that ID as a signal. Space platforms are already similar to trains in many ways, so I think it makes sense.
Do we even need circuit control there?mmmPI wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 4:26 pmYeah this was discussed in other topic with more serious suggestion, for the same reason no-one hardly build anything relying on train IDs i think this is a bad idea.bluegreen1024 wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 5:50 pm One way would be to give each space platform a unique (nonzero) ID, and when a rocket silo receives the "Launch" signal, it checks the value of that signal against the ID's of every platform in orbit. If one of them matches, it launches to that platform, and otherwise it does not launch. This is plausible, because trains already have a unique ID, and train stops can read that ID as a signal. Space platforms are already similar to trains in many ways, so I think it makes sense.
Any destroyed platform losing ID and no possbility to manually input it, or risk having it being non-unique, breaking blueprints where people put the ID manually.
I was merely pointing out that when people say "it can be fixed with a simple change" , they often do not realize the shortcomings of their proposition, and when they attempt to complete it , it becomes a very long text with a complex system, with many edges cases and exceptions that was written with the aim of "proposing a simple fix" to something that was not broken in the first place. And it look like more of the problem than the solution to me.
I probably misspoke when I talked of "giving" platforms unique IDs. As others pointed out, they probably already have them, so it is more a question of just exposing them in a form that the circuit network can parse.mmmPI wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 4:26 pmYeah this was discussed in other topic with more serious suggestion, for the same reason no-one hardly build anything relying on train IDs i think this is a bad idea.
Any destroyed platform losing ID and no possbility to manually input it, or risk having it being non-unique, breaking blueprints where people put the ID manually.
I was merely pointing out that when people say "it can be fixed with a simple change" , they often do not realize the shortcomings of their proposition, and when they attempt to complete it , it becomes a very long text with a complex system, with many edges cases and exceptions that was written with the aim of "proposing a simple fix" to something that was not broken in the first place. And it look like more of the problem than the solution to me.
No, none of any of what's discussed here is needed imo. I feel the same for this new proposition which doesn't make sense as a proposition to add more control with the circuits network over the rocket launch to me.mrvn wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 6:13 pm Do we even need circuit control there?
It's not like the game will have a million spaceships. It would be enough to have a building that can be configured to send items to a specific hub, selectable from a dropdown menu listing the names of existing hubs just like you can select train stops. If more is needed then mods can translate some ID signal to the hubs name just like the mods that do that for train stops.
I'm sorry but this goes to confirm what i was already thinking that players propose "solutions" that creates more problems that they solve. Splitting the different suggestions that are required to be implemented together for the system to work in different thread doesn't make it not a very long text for me.
, but you can control them with combinators, which is a true statement from anything on Factorio, but now it is an exception from the rocket silo alone, and also rocket silo alone is the exception of not allowing direct insertion with inserters.you can't place combinator on trains
It was already explained in details by the devs that they made a system which doesn't require all the circuitry from SE to work.Sworn wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 6:23 am Nah,, but you can control them with combinators, which is a true statement from anything on Factorio, but now it is an exception from the rocket silo alone, and also rocket silo alone is the exception of not allowing direct insertion with inserters.you can't place combinator on trains
But to be honest, this is going sideways from the main topic, "Rocket silo logistic is just broken", it works fine, it is not aligned with the other game mechanics, it does not support combinators as well as one would expect, but it does work.
I'm pretty sure devs didn't want to have a unique mechanic for the rocket if wasn't for a good reason that probably blocked them from make it working like anything else in the game, but who am I to say, only devs would know the reason or if it was really just a change of design.
Regardless of the silo been "unique", it is just a bad design in any game where absolutely everything works in a certain way, and all of the sudden, that one thing doesn't.mmmPI wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 8:04 am Also stll no use case, just some vague statement that "uhh the silo is inconsistent with the other things". Which makes little sense to me, the Silo is a unique building with unique mechanic associated.
The entire game works in one way, and this working in another way is not vague to me at all, is very specific.vague statement that "uhh the silo is inconsistent with the other things"
That's the meaning of the word "unique" => "isn't like the other things", it's not bad design to have thing that are unique it creates variety. Now this is exactly what i called a "vague rant" with no use case, this is improductive to me.Sworn wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 8:30 am Regardless of the silo been "unique", it is just a bad design in any game where absolutely everything works in a certain way, and all of the sudden, that one thing doesn't.
Your opinion isn't a fact.Sworn wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 8:30 am I'm not saying I don't understand the reasons why, it doesn't remove the fact that it still bad for players.
I think current options are good, and it's not easy to find better, when people suggest things, it's usually not the case and they don't often realize, it can be a lot of confirmation biais where people are congratulating themselves for their similar ideas even though they do not result in a consistent system.Sworn wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 8:30 am that is precisely why people should join and try to figure out a good option, if any, so we don't have to stick with the less bad option forever, that simple.
One simple way around that would be to move the rocket part recipe to assemblers, create rocket parts and those you insert into the silo. That you can't send rocket parts with a rocket makes as much sense as not being able to send a rocket silo itself. With the rocket parts only being used by the rocket there wouldn't be such a big drawback from not being able to send them. The items now blocked are just too common to make sense.Sworn wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 8:30 amRegardless of the silo been "unique", it is just a bad design in any game where absolutely everything works in a certain way, and all of the sudden, that one thing doesn't.mmmPI wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 8:04 am Also stll no use case, just some vague statement that "uhh the silo is inconsistent with the other things". Which makes little sense to me, the Silo is a unique building with unique mechanic associated.
The entire game works in one way, and this working in another way is not vague to me at all, is very specific.vague statement that "uhh the silo is inconsistent with the other things"
Also, except that those 3 exception items are used everywhere, which make them quite important.
I'm not saying I don't understand the reasons why, it doesn't remove the fact that it still bad for players. Have to choose between bad and another bad, doesn't make it good because one is less bad than the other, it is still bad, and that is precisely why people should join and try to figure out a good option, if any, so we don't have to stick with the less bad option forever, that simple.