[0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Moderator: bobingabout
- bobingabout
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 7352
- Joined: Fri May 09, 2014 1:01 pm
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[0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Updating to 0.18 as usual, I'm not going to be as fast as 0.17 now that I no longer have Source access.
Most of the changes are pretty easy to work with, but I'm also adding a few tweaks and extra features.
Most of the changes are pretty easy to work with, but I'm also adding a few tweaks and extra features.
- bobingabout
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 7352
- Joined: Fri May 09, 2014 1:01 pm
- Contact:
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Patch notes and stuff:
Assembling Machines 0.18.0:
Changed assembling machine 3's to have only 3 module slots and assembling machine 4's have 4 module slots.
Increased health of Electric Furnaces to be more than base game version.
Increased health of multi-purpose furnaces to reflect changes in other electric furnaces
fixed icons
Changed multi-purpose furnaces fluid box height from 2 to 1, fluids won't flow back out.
Assembly 0.18.1:
Renamed Oil powered Steel furnaces to Fluid burning.
Added Steel processing and Logistic science pack as prerequisite to Automation 2
Added Chemical science pack prerequisite to Automation 4, oil refinery 2 and chemical plant 2 research
Added Production science pack prerequisite to Automation 6
Added science pack prerequisites to all distillery researchs.
Updated chemical plant technology icon.
Updated chemical plant graphics, mask graphics by kirazy
Assembly 0.18.2:
Updated chemical plant graphics.
Assembly 0.18.3:
Added basic-automation prerequisite to automation technology
Added tinted chemical plant icons coloured for each tier.
Added Production science pack and prerequisite to Automation 5, Chemical plant 3, multi-purpose furnace, advanced material processing 3 and Oil refinery 3 research.
Added Utility science pack and prerequisite to Automation 6, Chemical plant 4, multi-purpose furnace 2, advanced material processing 4 and Oil refinery 4 research.
Added Electrolyser 5 with stats of old Electrlyser 4, but with 600 health.
Changed Electrolyser 3 to have 4 module slots, and Electrolyser 4 to have 5 module slots
Changed speed and power consumption of Electrolysers 2 to 4 to scale between E1 and the new E5.
Full Electrolyser recipe rework to suit 5 tiers.
Added New Electrloyser graphics by kirazy.
Assembly 0.18.4:
Added Centrifuge 2 and 3.
Assemly 0.18.5:
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Reduced polution of Steam assembling machine at max power to 5.
Updated to work with MCI 0.18.8
Changed technology icons for fluid powered furnaces and multipurpose furnace.
Reduced cost of electric (and chemical mixing) furnaces to match base game costs.
Added recipes to convert between Chemical <-> Normal <-> Mixing furnaces of fluid burning types.
Added recipes to convert between item fuelled <-> fluid fuelled furnaces of Normal, Chemical and Mixing types.
Fixed smoke position on fluid burning steel furnaces.
Assembly 0.18.6:
Fixed alignment of multipurpose furnaces
Internally renamed the furnaces to a standard naming scheme.
Updated for MCI 0.18.9 compatabillity.
Added fuel values and polution multipliers to Light/Heavy/Crude oil and Petroleum Gas to match MCI and Power mods. (to fuel the Fluid burning furnaces)
Assembly 0.18.7:
Fixed loading error when Ingredient Limits were turned on.
Added Ingredient limits to Fluid furnaces
Classes 0.18.0:
Fixed icon for player entity.
Classes 0.18.1:
Changed capitilisation of the mod name.
Added automation-3 and advanced-material-processing-2 prerequisites to bodies
Classes 0.18.2:
Added raise_built = true in the function that replaces your character entity when you choose a class.
Moved the class specific bodies to their own technology.
Classes 0.18.3:
Added animations copying to new character classes in data-updates phase (Allows new armours to be recognised on new classes)
Classes 0.18.4:
RTGs can be a component of the Power core.
Added new T2 classes, Balanced 2, Builder 2, Fighter 2, Miner 2, Engineer and Prospector, which all need to be researched before they can be chosen.
Fixed unknown locale entry "gui.open-in-map" error (base game changed it to gui-train.open-in-map)
Avatar switcher GUI now displays Class icon instead of item icon.
Added the ability to set your own icon for your characters. (click the pencil icon to enter edit mode, then click on the set icon button while holding an item)
Fixed Builder class build speed was +20% when it should have been double.
Added a script to update bonuses on configuration change.
Moved electric engine unit and chest ingredient from body recipe to frame recipe
Classes 0.18.5:
Fixed line 401 on_init error when you have no character entity.
Classes 0.18.6:
Added missing locale entries for Engineer and Prospector class technologies.
Classes 0.18.7:
Changed table style to fix spacing issues with 0.18.27 update.
Added a check to make sure the global table for a player exists in the on_init (and on_configuration_changed) function.
Added information about the current character to the Avatar GUI.
Classes 0.18.8:
Fixed issue where character entity would be deleted if you entered editor mode using a command, then selected a character from the Avatar switcher.
Class select window will re-open when closing editor mode if you've never selected a class before.
Updated header/button filler styles
Added close buttons to the top right corner of both GUIs.
Removed the big green close button from bottom right corner of class select GUI
Updated Locale entries to refer to the GUIs as Windows.
Clock 0.18.0:
Updated with no changes.
Clock 0.18.1:
Internal changes to improve performance. (up to a 400% speed improvement)
GUI update (each value's name is now in bold), this required a GUI re-write, so the GUI is auto-closed on_configuration_changed.
Removed the word GUI from the clock window name
Added an Admin panel to the Clock window that lets you change time related things in the game.
Electronics 0.18.0:
Fixed Icons (Crude oil processing)
Added rocket-control-unit to electronics crafting category (can be made in electronics crafting machines)
Electronics 0.18.1:
Added production-science-pack prerequisite to Advanced Electronics 3
Added ceramics prerequisite to Advanced Electronics 3 if needed
Added electronics prerequisite to gates technology.
Enemies 0.18.0:
Fixed icons (you only see them in map editor mode)
Reduced pollution_to_join_attack on all enemies.
Elemental nests will absorb pollution faster
Enemies 0.18.1:
Fixed Worm, Biter and Spitter sounds.
Enemies 0.18.1:
Update poison sticker damage tick.
Changed small poison cloud to new format.
Fire and Poison spitters/worms no longer cause Poison/Fire stickers.
Badass Behemoths cause poison sticker instead of fire sticker.
Enemies 0.18.3:
Fixed Alien artifact crafting recipes so that crafting coloured artifacts from basic aren't disabled when you turn off small artifacts.
Enemies 0.18.4:
Increased regular Alien artifact drop rate from Elemental(The ones added by this mod) biters/spitters with all coloured artifacts turned on. (and other minor loot change tweaks)
Added a few missing lines to enemies code from base game.
Enemies 0.18.5:
Removed Stickers (Damage over Time effects) from Giant Fire/Poison biters.
Equipment 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added color_lookup to Nightvision 2 and 3.
Fixed icons (nightvision, exoskeleton)
Equipment 0.18.1:
Added chemical-science-pack prerequisite to Exoskeleton technology.
Added zinc processing prerequisite to personal roboport 2 technology.
Added Advanced Electronics 2 prerequisites to personal roboport 3.
Greenhouse 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Greenhouse 0.18.1:
Added wood pellets as a fuel item
Inserters 0.18.0:
Added an event when inserter positions are changed, detailed here: viewtopic.php?p=474709#p474709
Inserters 0.18.1:
Updated the inserter hand position overrides to explicitly check for holding the item (or ghost) of the inserter being placed. (Still messes up if you press undo while holding the restored entity)
Inserters 0.18.2:
Fixed issue where hand overrides wouldn't be applied to the placed inserter if it was your last inserter (Hand became empty by placing it)
Inserters 0.18.3:
Fixed Factorio 0.18.21 start-up crash
Inserters 0.18.4:
Updated header/button filler styles
GUI Style update for 0.18.27
Added inserter preview window to the center GUI.
Updated locale method to display inserter name correctly.
Updated Locale entries to refer to the GUIs as Windows.
Internal code restructure to make things easier to read.
Fixed issue where the drop offset wouldn't be calculated correctly when using using the top menu in inserter configuration mode to place an inserter before researching near inserters.
Added Drop position rotation key combination CTRL + Shift + R as default. (Made possible by the internal restructure)
Library 0.18.0:
Changed bobmods.lib.recipe.enabled to actually use bool (Bool isn't actually a string of "true" or "false" anymore (it was in older versions of factorio))
Removed my custom ore generation system from the library (It's not needed anymore as all my functions actually use the 0.17 ore generator)
Changed particle to optimized-particle on ore-particle generator
Library 0.18.1:
Made add/remove/replace science pack/recipe unlock/prerequisite/ingredient/result/limitation functions and item functions more robust with better error logging.
Library 0.18.2:
Wasn't removing a prerequisite or recipe unlock from a technology if the entry didn't exist (it should only need a name and remove it anyway, it not existing could be why you're removing it.)
library 0.18.3:
Added support for catalyst_amount in bobmods.lib.item.ingredient/result/combine functions. (used by bobmods.lib.recipe.add_ingredient/recipe and similar functions)
bobmods.lib.recipe.set_ingredient/recipe will now add an ingredient/result if it doesn't already exist.
Library 0.18.4:
Added bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(item) function, which takes an item/fluid/entity(maybe even recipe) and returns a complete icons array. (if it has no icons= tag, it builds one from icon, icon_size and icon_mipmaps). Example use bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(data.raw.item.wood)
Added support for fluidbox_index on ingredients/results
Minor crashproof change to bobmods.lib.resource.generate_updates_stage
Library 0.18.5:
Added the 0.18.4 changes to the change log file.
Added (even more) robustness to bobmods.lib.item.ingredient and bobmods.lib.item.result (and derivative) functions.
Library 0.18.6:
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.has_prerequisite(technology, prerequisite), returns true if technology has prerequisite on it's prerequisites list
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.has_prerequisite_in_tree(technology, prerequisite), same as above, but recursively checks all prerequisites of prerequisites
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.has_prerequisite_in_tree_only(technology, prerequisite), same as above, but doesn't check for the prerequisite on that technology
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_redundant_prerequisites(technology), which returns a table of prerequisites that exist in the prerequisites tree of other prerequisites on the technology
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_redundant_prerequisites_smart(technology), Same as above, but doesn't include derivatives of it's own name. (performs a filter on the name for letters, meaning it drops numbers and dashes from a typical technology name, then compares) EG: automation 2 won't return automation in the list.
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.prerequisite_cleanup(), which scans all technologies and deletes prerequisites as found by the above function.
function bobmods.lib.tech.prerequisite_cleanup() is called in the data-final-fixes phase of loading.
Library 0.18.7:
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_prerequisites(technology), which returns a copy of the prerequisites table on a technology.
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_prerequisites_in_tree(technology), which returns a table of technology names including it's prerequisites table, and the prerequisites of those prerequisites, recursively.
function bobmods.lib.tech.prerequisite_cleanup() now uses a buffered version of the functions to save a lot of loading time going through all the technologies.
Library 0.18.10:
Added a few more safety checks to Technology prerequisites.
Technology functions now take difficulty into account.
Added function versions for editing a specific difficulty.
Logistics 0.18.0:
Fixed Icon name for Locomotive (It's no longer Diesel Locomotive)
Added icon_size = 64, icon_mipmaps = 4, to entities that use Base game icons (Cargo wagon and Locomotive so far)
Added icon-size tags for all base game construction/logistics robots change lists.
Change the recipe for fusion powered robots to use vehicle-fusion-cell (and prerequisite) if it exists instead of fusion-reactor-equipment
Added an event when inserter positions are changed, detailed here: viewtopic.php?p=474709#p474709
Fixed that Bob's Adjustable Inserters mod didn't properly disable inserter hand position overrides. (could be a problem if you added bob's inserters to an old game using Logistics.)
Logistics 0.18.1:
Fixed error with fusion powered logistic/construction robots when vehicle equipment mod is not installed.
Logistics 0.18.2:
Fixed Robot sounds.
Logistics 0.18.3:
Changed the description for Inserter Overhaul option.
Added Advanced Electronics prerequisite to Modular Roboports, and Logistic/Construction robotics.
Added science pack prerequisites to Modular roboports, robotics and Logistic system technologies.
Changed fluid_box height of all pumps to 4, to match base game.
Updated the inserter hand position overrides to explicitly check for holding the item (or ghost) of the inserter being placed.
Added Zinc Processing prerequisite to fluid handling 3
Added Logistic science pack and Tungsten alloy processing prerequisites to Fluid handling 4
Added science packs prerequisites to Logistic systems and Modular roboports research
Added Logistic science pack and Advanced electronics 2 to Armoured railway 2.
Added Tungsten Alloy Processing and Nitinol Processing prerequisites to Advanced Logistic and Construction Robotics 3
Added utility science pack prerequisite to logistics 5
Logistics 0.18.4:
Fixed crash when placing inserter.
Logistics 0.18.5:
Added Expensive mode pipe recipes.
Fixed changelog.
Removed character Logistic slots upgrades (for 0.18.13, you now have infinite once unlocked)
Changed prerequisite for the infinite logistic trash slot upgrade to Logistic Robots.
Logistics 0.18.6:
Removed character-logistic-slots and character-logistic-trash-slots technology references from science pack changes.
Logistics 0.18.7:
Updated Nitinol and Copper tungsten pipe graphics.
Logistics 0.18.8:
Added RTGs as a prefered option for fusion powered robots.
Updated the Express/Ultimate (name depends if you have inserter overhaul turned on) inserters are now clones of fast/filter/stack/stack-filter vanilla inserters (Like the other inserter overhaul inserters) to fix issues with the 0.18.18 inserter sound update.
Fixed library log error messages when Roboports are disabled.
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Logistics 0.18.9:
Fixed issue where hand overrides wouldn't be applied to the placed inserter if it was your last inserter (Hand became empty by placing it)
Fixed Factorio 0.18.21 start-up crash
Mining 0.18.0:
Fixed icons
New blue pumpjack icon for water mining drills.
Mining 0.18.1:
Fixed Steel Axe technology icons.
Mining 0.18.2:
Updated for factorio version 0.18.31
Mining 0.18.3:
Fixed module mining drill counts.
Tweaked the animation speed change function
Modules 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added icon-size tags for all base game module change lists.
Fixed beacon icons
Added fast_replaceable_group and next_upgrade to Beacons
Modules 0.18.1:
Added Gold and Aluminium Processing prerequisites to Modules research.
Added science pack prerequisites to Effect Transmission research.
Added gem processing 2 prerequisite to level 5 module technologies
Modules 0.18.2:
Added DiscoScience compatabillity
Modules 0.18.3:
Removed MK from beacon name numbers.
Modules 0.18.4:
Fixed beacon fast_replaceable_group and next_upgrade (To fix the upgrade planner)
Updated for Factorio 0.18.32
Ores 0.18.0:
Changed particle to optimized-particle on gem-ore-particle
Ores 0.18.1:
Added missing line bobmods.ores.lithia_water.enabled = true to function bobmods.ores.lithia_water.create_autoplace()
Ores 0.18.2:
previous change to bobmods.ores.lithia_water.enabled = true added a broken litha water slider, set bobmods.ores.lithia_water.autoplace = false to compensate. (data.raw.resource["lithia-water"].autoplace still holds full autoplace data)
Ores 0.18.3:
Lead map colour is now a dark blue (grey was too hard to see, and black is coal, so I made it a dark blue)
Tungsten Map colour is now a dark red (Brown was too hard to see, Dark red is kind of close and easier to see)
Gem Ore map colour is now a brighter green. (Easier to distinguish from Uranium)
Thorium map colour is now a bright greeny yellow. (More distinct from Sulfur and Bauxite)
Gold map colour is brighter and slightly more yellow (Somewhere between the red-orange of copper, and Yellow)
Sulfur map colour is now pure yellow. (easier to distinguish from Bauxite, Thorium and Gold)
Lithia water map colour is more a more greeny aqua. (Easier to distinguish from Pure water)
Silver map colour is now a much ligher greyish cyan. (Somewhere between Zinc, tin and Quartz, but easier to distinguish from Tin and Iron)
Nickel map colour is now brighter. (Easier to distinguish from Iron)
MCI 0.18.0:
Changed deuterium-fuel-reprocessing to give 5 lead plates instead of 3 to 7.
Changed Plutonium item to always exist (not conditional) as this caused an error if thorium didn't exist.
Electrolysis 2 no longer requires 2 automation science packs.
Increased health of Chemical/Mixing furnaces to match base game versions
Fixed Icons (Crude oil processing, sulfuric acid, water)
New Nuclear overhaul turned on by default.
MCI 0.18.1:
Fixed water bore technology icons.
Improved description for the Nuclear Update option.
Balanced alien fluid recipes.
Added a fuel value of 2.6MJ to Alien Fire Fluid
MCI 0.18.2:
Added logistic-science-pack prerequisite to Electrolysis 2 and Lithium processing.
Added chemical-science-pack prerequisite to Titanium processing, gem processing 2 and ceramics
Added production-science-pack prerequisite to Advanced Electronics 3, Nitinol and tungsten alloy processing
Added nickel-processing and chemical-science-pack prerequisites to Tungsten processing
Added Electronics prerequisite to Water bore and Air compressor technology if Electronics mod is installed.
Added Aluminium processing prerequisite to Fluid Handling 2
Added logistic-science-pack and steel-processing prerequisites to Gas Canisters research
Added Automation 2 prerequisite to Gem Processing 1
Added sulfur-processing prerequisite to Cobalt Processing
Added science pack prerequisites to Battery 2 and 3 research.
MCI 0.18.3:
My batteries are now built in a chemical plant.
Added colours to the battery crafting recipes.
MCI 0.18.4:
Reduced Speed and energy consumption of Electrolyser slightly from 0.8 and 450kW to 0.75 and 420kW.
Added New Electrloyser graphics by kirazy.
MCI 0.18.5:
Added uranium-processing prerequisite to deuterium-fuel-reprocessing (Centrifuge is required to recycle a fuel cell)
Added an alternate icon for deuterium-fuel-reprocessing (Recipe and technology) with the nuclear update on, that shows a Fusion catalyst instead of Lithium
Added icons to Uranium and Thorium fuel reprocessing icons (Recipe and technology) when secondary products can be obtained regularly.
Changed Bobingabout Enrichement Process prerequisite from Thorium fuel reprocessing to uranium fuel reprocessing when nuclear update on (plutonium required, and where to get it was changed to uranium)
Nuclear fuel reprocessing recipes doubled (time, ingredients and results) to give 1 fusion catalyst instead of a 50% chance.
With the nuclear update turned on, Plutonium based fuels now have their own research with prerequisites of uranium/nuclear fuel reprocessing(Because it's the entry point of Plutonium) and Thorium processing.
With the nuclear update turned on, Nuclear fuel reprocessing is included in Module productivity filters (you can use them), with catalyst filtering, to give fewer products on the bonus cycles. (Needs library 0.18.3 for the bonus cycles to give the correct results)
Added missing plutonium-fuel-cell productivity limitation filter.
MCI: 0.18.6:
lithium-water-electrolysis gives double the hydrogen (Balance)
Added bobmods.plates.make_void_fluid_recipe(name, amount, polution) which takes a fluid's name, the amount to vent per cycle, and the polution multiplier.
Also added bobmods.plates.get_void_icon(name) used by the above function, which places a reduced sized icon of a fluid on top of a the void icon.
Changed the void fluid recipe definitions to use the new function.
Changed the amounts that some gasses vent by slightly (increased most of my gasses to 25, Oxygen was already 25, hydrogen and deuterium left at 20 and reduced steam and petroleum-gas to 10.)
Needs library version 0.18.4
Removed MK from the number on compressor and pump, Renamed Waterbore "Pump" to Barrelling pump, to be less confusing about what it does.
MCI 0.18.7:
removed production science pack from nuclear fuel reprocessing and plutonium fuel cell technologies
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Balance: Resin from oil now gives 2 per run. (it was actually cheaper to make it from wood when you consider the synthetic wood recipe)
Added a wood to coal recipe.
MCI 0.18.8:
Updated Salt-water-electrolysis icon to size 64
Renamed technology Alloy processing 2 to Steel mixing furnace
Moved Chemical steel furnace to it's own technology
Renamed Chemical processing 3 to Electric chemical furnace
Moved enriched-fuel-from-liquid-fuel to Advanced oil processing
Fixed solid-fuel-from-light-oil technology migration
Fixed solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil technology migration
Fixed Locale entry typo for Electrolysis description.
Removed the chemical science pack requirement from gem processing 2.
Changed the Chemical and Mixing stone furnaces to cost stone instead of stone bricks (to match the normal stone furnace)
Reduce cost of Electric furnaces to match that of the base game.
Added recipes to convert between Chemical <-> Normal <-> Mixing furnaces of stone, steel and electric types.
Fixed smoke on Stone Chemical furnace, Stone mixing furnace and Steel chemical furnace.
MCI 0.18.9:
Updated electric furnace graphics and colours.
Internally renamed the furnaces to a standard naming scheme.
Changed distillery from type assembling-machine (pick a recipe) to furnace (auto recipe)
Updated my oil processing recipe icon
Added Bobingabout process to productivity filters
Power 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Some working visualisation updates, in case support is ever added for it.
Fixed bob-heat-pipe-1 does not exist error message.
Increased health of hydrazine generator
Changed burner-generator to burner-generator type
Fixed icon issues
Power 0.18.1:
Renamed burner generator to bob-burner-generator internally.
Added an Active animation to the burner generator (a fire graphic)
Power 0.18.2:
Renamed Oil Burning boiler to Fluid burning boiler.
Renamed Oil burning generator to Fluid burning generator.
Renamed Oil burning heat source to Fluid burning heat source.
Fixed Burner Generator for 0.18.10
Power 0.18.3:
Changed nuclear-reactor consumption to 54MW if new reactors are turned on. (That's how fast it converts fuel to heat) this makes it 1 Reactor to 5 Heat Exchangers like higher tiers.
Added chemical-science-pack prerequisite to heatpipe 2.
Added science pack prerequisites to solar enery 3 and 4
Fixed steam engine, steam turbine and heat exchanger entity icon sizes.
Added logistic science pack to electric poles and substation 4.
Fixed Tungsten processing prerequisite on Nuclear power 2 (thorium nuclear power) research.
Added science pack prerequisites to fluid burning generators.
Power 0.18.4:
Added max_temperature tag to heat exchangers. (HE2 should now be able to get up to 1250 and HE3 to 1500)
Updated Accumulator code (uses new remnants, etc)
Large Accumulators have new graphic.
Power 0.18.5:
Fixed Boiler entity icons.
Updated fluid burning generator stats. Produce double polution to if you were using oil boilers (per power unit), and same power as steam engines of the same tier.
Complete recipe overhaul of Fluid burning generators.
Reduced science pack tier of all Fluid burning Generators by 1.
Fixed check for advanced-processing-unit (Processing board) on Steam Turbine.
Added a turbine graphic to the top of the Fluid burning Generators, as there's no way to make a light, and a shadow.
Also added a dummy 120 frame animated first layer to the Fluid burning Generators, to get around the bug where they don't produce smoke.
Power 0.18.6:
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Moved Fluid burning boilers and Heat exchangers into their own subgroups (They get their own lines in the crafting menu)
Added recipes to convert between Fluid burning boiler <-> Boiler <-> Heat Exchanger of all tiers.
Power 0.18.7:
Compatabillity for Assembly 0.18.6
Added next_upgrade for fluid-generators 1 to 3. it won't automatically try to upgrade to Hydrazine generator.
Removed a conditional require (could break multiplayer games. Just made it not conditional)
Revamp 0.18.0:
Added icon_size tag to advanced-oil-processing change list
Added new icons for Basic and my Crude oil processing to make it clearer what each gives if crude oil processing exists (and oil overhaul is enabled)
New Oil overhaul turned on by default.
Revamp 0.18.1:
Fixed solid fuel technology icon.
Added Pumpjack prerequisite to Oil processing.
Added logistic-science-pack prerequisite to Chemical plant and pumpjack research.
Added Electrnics prerequisite to pumpjack technology if Electronics mod is installed.
Added Rocket engine to Rocket part, and Rocketry prerequisite to Rocket Silo
Updated chemical plant technology icon.
Revamp 0.18.2:
Changed Chemical plant technology icon to be tinted red.
Added "Extra chemistry" option, which will effect Nitrogen dioxide, Lithium perchlorate, Calcium chloride and Petroleum gas cracking to Hydrogen recipes.
Extra chemistry mode adds Carbon dioxide and Limestone as new biproducts/ingredients.
Extra chemistry mode adds sodium chlorate and sodium perchlorate as intermediates for the Lithium perchlorate chain.
Changed the Rocket fuel/Hydrazine chemistry chain to only include the Nitric Oxide step of Nitrogen dioxide in "Extra chemistry" mode, Nitrogen dioxide recipe remains the same as in MCI without this option.
Added a production chain to make Sodium cobaltate, with an extra long version in Extra chemistry mode.
Added an RTG(Radio-Thermo-electric Generator) intermediate item, which requires Plutonium and the new Sodium cobaltate
Revamp 0.18.3:
removed production science pack from RTGs technology.
In Nuclear overhaul, moved the fuel cell unlock to the related nuclear power technology, and changed some prerequisites to suit.
With RTGs on, the Satalite (for space science) uses 20 RTGs instead of 100 solar panels, and only 50 accumulators/batteries.
Recoloured the RTG to an orangey yellow colour, like Plutonium glow.
Fixed missing locale entry on calcium-chloride recipe by setting main_product
Moved Brine and Ammoniated brine recipes to the fluid tab.
Revamp 0.18.4:
Removed prerequisites for accumulators and solar energy from Space Science technology when related items are removed from the satelite recipe
Balance: Changed RTG to cost only 1 Plutonium instead of 10.
Balance: Changed satellite Recipe to cost 10 RTGs instead of 20.
Added missing "Electrolysis 2" prerequisite to Plastics technology.
Added petroleum-gas-sweetening unlock to Sulfur Processing too (Just in case you end up with sulfur processing and oil processing before plastics, and want to actually split the sour gas to get the Hydrogen Sulfide.)
Added brine-electrolysis recipe that takes Brine and gives same results as Salt-water-electrolysis (just an alternate recipe, but slightly faster)
Revamp 0.18.5:
Fixed solid-fuel-from-light-oil technology migration
Fixed solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil technology migration
new oil update moves enriched-fuel-from-liquid-fuel unlock onto solid-fuel technology
Updated for MCI 0.18.8
Revamp 0.18.6:
Changed Rocket Silo recipe, makes use of some Rocket parts, and bob materials.
Updated oil icons
Removed ammonium-chloride-recycling from productivity module list.
Added a lot of byproducts as Catalyst (you don't get this result from Productivity bonus)
Added recipe for ammonia venting
Tech 0.18.0:
Added a little more AAI Industry compatabillity.
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Fixed science pack icon update
Utility science now costs Lithium-Ion battery instead of Silver-zinc
Tech 0.18.1:
Fixed steam power technology icon.
Added Fast/Express inserter prerequisite to Advanced lab and Logistic science pack technologies as appropriate
Added Zinc processing prerequisite to Logistic science pack technology.
Tech 0.18.2:
Added DiscoScience compatabillity
Tech 0.18.3:
Removed character-logistic-slots and character-logistic-trash-slots technology references from science pack changes.
Vehicle equipment 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Vehicle Equipment 0.18.1:
Added alien technology prerequisites to vehicle Shield, fusion, plasma turret, and battery technologies.
Added science pack prerequisites to vehicle Shield technologies.
Added science packs to speed increase equipment.
Added Advanced Electronics 2 prerequisites to vehicle fusion power technologies 1 and vehicle roboport 3.
Added science packs to Vehicle fusion power technologies 2 and 3
Added zinc processing prerequisite to vehicle roboport 2 technology.
Added Science pack prerequisites to plasma defense technologies.
Added advanced electronics prerequisites to vehicle energy shield and laser defence technologies.
Added utility science pack prerequisite to vehicle solar energy 5.
Warfare 0.18.0:
Fixed Combat robot brain 4 name
Updated Plasma Explosion to use particle_name tag.
Changed Distractor Artillery shell to use distractor drone shadow.
Fixed icons (Mines, Artillery shells, scatter cannon shell, radars, turrets, gate, Artillery wagon)
Added fast_replaceable_group to Artillery turrets
Warfare 0.18.1:
Fixed Artillery wagon technology icon.
Fixed Gun and Robot sounds.
Warfare 0.18.2:
Added science pack prerequisites to turret researches
Added science pack prerequisites to sniper turret technologies
Added military-science-pack prerequisite to nitroglycerin-processing
Added Tungsten Processing prerequisite to Rockets.
Minor laser turret fix.
Fix cobalt processing prerequisite on Sniper turrets 2 should now be applied correctly.
Added Artillery prerequisite to Tanks 2.
Removed utility science pack military 4 prerequisite from Artillery research.
Added military 4 prerequisite to artillery (Turret and wagon) 2 research.
Fix moved Emerald to combat robot weapon 3 instead of 2.
Added zinc processing and gem processing 2 prerequisites to combat robot researches 2 and 3.
Update poison/plasma sticker damage tick.
fixed Vehicle flamethrower and tank cannon wrong icons.
Changed small poison cloud (used by poison rocket) to new format.
Updated Artillery poison cloud to new format.
Added utility science pack prerequisite to laser turrets 5 and Tanks 3.
Fixed plasma turrets 5 prerequisites battery 3 and nitinol processing.
Added prerequisite nitinol processing to combat robotics 4 if applicable.
Added new technologies to unlock scatter cannon shells, and my artillery ammos.
Warfare 0.18.3:
Increased heavy armor 3 resistances a little.
Fixed tank graphics error in Factorio 0.18.16
Warfare 0.18.4:
Added new armors to the character animations, and charactor corpse animations lists.
Warfare 0.18.5:
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Balance: adjusted explosives cost of Explosive artillery shell with explosive fluid to match explosives on other artillery shell types.
Added expensive mode recipe to Scatter cannon shells, and all my Artillery shells.
Balance: Plastic as an ingredient to Artillery shells.
Balance: Removed Radar from Artillery shell, and set Explosive cannon shells to 3 down from 4.
Added Atomic artillery shell. It's basically an Artillery launched Atomic Bomb.
Warfare 0.18.6:
Added updated resistances to Artillery wagon.
Assembling Machines 0.18.0:
Changed assembling machine 3's to have only 3 module slots and assembling machine 4's have 4 module slots.
Increased health of Electric Furnaces to be more than base game version.
Increased health of multi-purpose furnaces to reflect changes in other electric furnaces
fixed icons
Changed multi-purpose furnaces fluid box height from 2 to 1, fluids won't flow back out.
Assembly 0.18.1:
Renamed Oil powered Steel furnaces to Fluid burning.
Added Steel processing and Logistic science pack as prerequisite to Automation 2
Added Chemical science pack prerequisite to Automation 4, oil refinery 2 and chemical plant 2 research
Added Production science pack prerequisite to Automation 6
Added science pack prerequisites to all distillery researchs.
Updated chemical plant technology icon.
Updated chemical plant graphics, mask graphics by kirazy
Assembly 0.18.2:
Updated chemical plant graphics.
Assembly 0.18.3:
Added basic-automation prerequisite to automation technology
Added tinted chemical plant icons coloured for each tier.
Added Production science pack and prerequisite to Automation 5, Chemical plant 3, multi-purpose furnace, advanced material processing 3 and Oil refinery 3 research.
Added Utility science pack and prerequisite to Automation 6, Chemical plant 4, multi-purpose furnace 2, advanced material processing 4 and Oil refinery 4 research.
Added Electrolyser 5 with stats of old Electrlyser 4, but with 600 health.
Changed Electrolyser 3 to have 4 module slots, and Electrolyser 4 to have 5 module slots
Changed speed and power consumption of Electrolysers 2 to 4 to scale between E1 and the new E5.
Full Electrolyser recipe rework to suit 5 tiers.
Added New Electrloyser graphics by kirazy.
Assembly 0.18.4:
Added Centrifuge 2 and 3.
Assemly 0.18.5:
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Reduced polution of Steam assembling machine at max power to 5.
Updated to work with MCI 0.18.8
Changed technology icons for fluid powered furnaces and multipurpose furnace.
Reduced cost of electric (and chemical mixing) furnaces to match base game costs.
Added recipes to convert between Chemical <-> Normal <-> Mixing furnaces of fluid burning types.
Added recipes to convert between item fuelled <-> fluid fuelled furnaces of Normal, Chemical and Mixing types.
Fixed smoke position on fluid burning steel furnaces.
Assembly 0.18.6:
Fixed alignment of multipurpose furnaces
Internally renamed the furnaces to a standard naming scheme.
Updated for MCI 0.18.9 compatabillity.
Added fuel values and polution multipliers to Light/Heavy/Crude oil and Petroleum Gas to match MCI and Power mods. (to fuel the Fluid burning furnaces)
Assembly 0.18.7:
Fixed loading error when Ingredient Limits were turned on.
Added Ingredient limits to Fluid furnaces
Classes 0.18.0:
Fixed icon for player entity.
Classes 0.18.1:
Changed capitilisation of the mod name.
Added automation-3 and advanced-material-processing-2 prerequisites to bodies
Classes 0.18.2:
Added raise_built = true in the function that replaces your character entity when you choose a class.
Moved the class specific bodies to their own technology.
Classes 0.18.3:
Added animations copying to new character classes in data-updates phase (Allows new armours to be recognised on new classes)
Classes 0.18.4:
RTGs can be a component of the Power core.
Added new T2 classes, Balanced 2, Builder 2, Fighter 2, Miner 2, Engineer and Prospector, which all need to be researched before they can be chosen.
Fixed unknown locale entry "gui.open-in-map" error (base game changed it to gui-train.open-in-map)
Avatar switcher GUI now displays Class icon instead of item icon.
Added the ability to set your own icon for your characters. (click the pencil icon to enter edit mode, then click on the set icon button while holding an item)
Fixed Builder class build speed was +20% when it should have been double.
Added a script to update bonuses on configuration change.
Moved electric engine unit and chest ingredient from body recipe to frame recipe
Classes 0.18.5:
Fixed line 401 on_init error when you have no character entity.
Classes 0.18.6:
Added missing locale entries for Engineer and Prospector class technologies.
Classes 0.18.7:
Changed table style to fix spacing issues with 0.18.27 update.
Added a check to make sure the global table for a player exists in the on_init (and on_configuration_changed) function.
Added information about the current character to the Avatar GUI.
Classes 0.18.8:
Fixed issue where character entity would be deleted if you entered editor mode using a command, then selected a character from the Avatar switcher.
Class select window will re-open when closing editor mode if you've never selected a class before.
Updated header/button filler styles
Added close buttons to the top right corner of both GUIs.
Removed the big green close button from bottom right corner of class select GUI
Updated Locale entries to refer to the GUIs as Windows.
Clock 0.18.0:
Updated with no changes.
Clock 0.18.1:
Internal changes to improve performance. (up to a 400% speed improvement)
GUI update (each value's name is now in bold), this required a GUI re-write, so the GUI is auto-closed on_configuration_changed.
Removed the word GUI from the clock window name
Added an Admin panel to the Clock window that lets you change time related things in the game.
Electronics 0.18.0:
Fixed Icons (Crude oil processing)
Added rocket-control-unit to electronics crafting category (can be made in electronics crafting machines)
Electronics 0.18.1:
Added production-science-pack prerequisite to Advanced Electronics 3
Added ceramics prerequisite to Advanced Electronics 3 if needed
Added electronics prerequisite to gates technology.
Enemies 0.18.0:
Fixed icons (you only see them in map editor mode)
Reduced pollution_to_join_attack on all enemies.
Elemental nests will absorb pollution faster
Enemies 0.18.1:
Fixed Worm, Biter and Spitter sounds.
Enemies 0.18.1:
Update poison sticker damage tick.
Changed small poison cloud to new format.
Fire and Poison spitters/worms no longer cause Poison/Fire stickers.
Badass Behemoths cause poison sticker instead of fire sticker.
Enemies 0.18.3:
Fixed Alien artifact crafting recipes so that crafting coloured artifacts from basic aren't disabled when you turn off small artifacts.
Enemies 0.18.4:
Increased regular Alien artifact drop rate from Elemental(The ones added by this mod) biters/spitters with all coloured artifacts turned on. (and other minor loot change tweaks)
Added a few missing lines to enemies code from base game.
Enemies 0.18.5:
Removed Stickers (Damage over Time effects) from Giant Fire/Poison biters.
Equipment 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added color_lookup to Nightvision 2 and 3.
Fixed icons (nightvision, exoskeleton)
Equipment 0.18.1:
Added chemical-science-pack prerequisite to Exoskeleton technology.
Added zinc processing prerequisite to personal roboport 2 technology.
Added Advanced Electronics 2 prerequisites to personal roboport 3.
Greenhouse 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Greenhouse 0.18.1:
Added wood pellets as a fuel item
Inserters 0.18.0:
Added an event when inserter positions are changed, detailed here: viewtopic.php?p=474709#p474709
Inserters 0.18.1:
Updated the inserter hand position overrides to explicitly check for holding the item (or ghost) of the inserter being placed. (Still messes up if you press undo while holding the restored entity)
Inserters 0.18.2:
Fixed issue where hand overrides wouldn't be applied to the placed inserter if it was your last inserter (Hand became empty by placing it)
Inserters 0.18.3:
Fixed Factorio 0.18.21 start-up crash
Inserters 0.18.4:
Updated header/button filler styles
GUI Style update for 0.18.27
Added inserter preview window to the center GUI.
Updated locale method to display inserter name correctly.
Updated Locale entries to refer to the GUIs as Windows.
Internal code restructure to make things easier to read.
Fixed issue where the drop offset wouldn't be calculated correctly when using using the top menu in inserter configuration mode to place an inserter before researching near inserters.
Added Drop position rotation key combination CTRL + Shift + R as default. (Made possible by the internal restructure)
Library 0.18.0:
Changed bobmods.lib.recipe.enabled to actually use bool (Bool isn't actually a string of "true" or "false" anymore (it was in older versions of factorio))
Removed my custom ore generation system from the library (It's not needed anymore as all my functions actually use the 0.17 ore generator)
Changed particle to optimized-particle on ore-particle generator
Library 0.18.1:
Made add/remove/replace science pack/recipe unlock/prerequisite/ingredient/result/limitation functions and item functions more robust with better error logging.
Library 0.18.2:
Wasn't removing a prerequisite or recipe unlock from a technology if the entry didn't exist (it should only need a name and remove it anyway, it not existing could be why you're removing it.)
library 0.18.3:
Added support for catalyst_amount in bobmods.lib.item.ingredient/result/combine functions. (used by bobmods.lib.recipe.add_ingredient/recipe and similar functions)
bobmods.lib.recipe.set_ingredient/recipe will now add an ingredient/result if it doesn't already exist.
Library 0.18.4:
Added bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(item) function, which takes an item/fluid/entity(maybe even recipe) and returns a complete icons array. (if it has no icons= tag, it builds one from icon, icon_size and icon_mipmaps). Example use bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(data.raw.item.wood)
Added support for fluidbox_index on ingredients/results
Minor crashproof change to bobmods.lib.resource.generate_updates_stage
Library 0.18.5:
Added the 0.18.4 changes to the change log file.
Added (even more) robustness to bobmods.lib.item.ingredient and bobmods.lib.item.result (and derivative) functions.
Library 0.18.6:
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.has_prerequisite(technology, prerequisite), returns true if technology has prerequisite on it's prerequisites list
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.has_prerequisite_in_tree(technology, prerequisite), same as above, but recursively checks all prerequisites of prerequisites
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.has_prerequisite_in_tree_only(technology, prerequisite), same as above, but doesn't check for the prerequisite on that technology
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_redundant_prerequisites(technology), which returns a table of prerequisites that exist in the prerequisites tree of other prerequisites on the technology
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_redundant_prerequisites_smart(technology), Same as above, but doesn't include derivatives of it's own name. (performs a filter on the name for letters, meaning it drops numbers and dashes from a typical technology name, then compares) EG: automation 2 won't return automation in the list.
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.prerequisite_cleanup(), which scans all technologies and deletes prerequisites as found by the above function.
function bobmods.lib.tech.prerequisite_cleanup() is called in the data-final-fixes phase of loading.
Library 0.18.7:
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_prerequisites(technology), which returns a copy of the prerequisites table on a technology.
Added function bobmods.lib.tech.get_prerequisites_in_tree(technology), which returns a table of technology names including it's prerequisites table, and the prerequisites of those prerequisites, recursively.
function bobmods.lib.tech.prerequisite_cleanup() now uses a buffered version of the functions to save a lot of loading time going through all the technologies.
Library 0.18.10:
Added a few more safety checks to Technology prerequisites.
Technology functions now take difficulty into account.
Added function versions for editing a specific difficulty.
Logistics 0.18.0:
Fixed Icon name for Locomotive (It's no longer Diesel Locomotive)
Added icon_size = 64, icon_mipmaps = 4, to entities that use Base game icons (Cargo wagon and Locomotive so far)
Added icon-size tags for all base game construction/logistics robots change lists.
Change the recipe for fusion powered robots to use vehicle-fusion-cell (and prerequisite) if it exists instead of fusion-reactor-equipment
Added an event when inserter positions are changed, detailed here: viewtopic.php?p=474709#p474709
Fixed that Bob's Adjustable Inserters mod didn't properly disable inserter hand position overrides. (could be a problem if you added bob's inserters to an old game using Logistics.)
Logistics 0.18.1:
Fixed error with fusion powered logistic/construction robots when vehicle equipment mod is not installed.
Logistics 0.18.2:
Fixed Robot sounds.
Logistics 0.18.3:
Changed the description for Inserter Overhaul option.
Added Advanced Electronics prerequisite to Modular Roboports, and Logistic/Construction robotics.
Added science pack prerequisites to Modular roboports, robotics and Logistic system technologies.
Changed fluid_box height of all pumps to 4, to match base game.
Updated the inserter hand position overrides to explicitly check for holding the item (or ghost) of the inserter being placed.
Added Zinc Processing prerequisite to fluid handling 3
Added Logistic science pack and Tungsten alloy processing prerequisites to Fluid handling 4
Added science packs prerequisites to Logistic systems and Modular roboports research
Added Logistic science pack and Advanced electronics 2 to Armoured railway 2.
Added Tungsten Alloy Processing and Nitinol Processing prerequisites to Advanced Logistic and Construction Robotics 3
Added utility science pack prerequisite to logistics 5
Logistics 0.18.4:
Fixed crash when placing inserter.
Logistics 0.18.5:
Added Expensive mode pipe recipes.
Fixed changelog.
Removed character Logistic slots upgrades (for 0.18.13, you now have infinite once unlocked)
Changed prerequisite for the infinite logistic trash slot upgrade to Logistic Robots.
Logistics 0.18.6:
Removed character-logistic-slots and character-logistic-trash-slots technology references from science pack changes.
Logistics 0.18.7:
Updated Nitinol and Copper tungsten pipe graphics.
Logistics 0.18.8:
Added RTGs as a prefered option for fusion powered robots.
Updated the Express/Ultimate (name depends if you have inserter overhaul turned on) inserters are now clones of fast/filter/stack/stack-filter vanilla inserters (Like the other inserter overhaul inserters) to fix issues with the 0.18.18 inserter sound update.
Fixed library log error messages when Roboports are disabled.
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Logistics 0.18.9:
Fixed issue where hand overrides wouldn't be applied to the placed inserter if it was your last inserter (Hand became empty by placing it)
Fixed Factorio 0.18.21 start-up crash
Mining 0.18.0:
Fixed icons
New blue pumpjack icon for water mining drills.
Mining 0.18.1:
Fixed Steel Axe technology icons.
Mining 0.18.2:
Updated for factorio version 0.18.31
Mining 0.18.3:
Fixed module mining drill counts.
Tweaked the animation speed change function
Modules 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added icon-size tags for all base game module change lists.
Fixed beacon icons
Added fast_replaceable_group and next_upgrade to Beacons
Modules 0.18.1:
Added Gold and Aluminium Processing prerequisites to Modules research.
Added science pack prerequisites to Effect Transmission research.
Added gem processing 2 prerequisite to level 5 module technologies
Modules 0.18.2:
Added DiscoScience compatabillity
Modules 0.18.3:
Removed MK from beacon name numbers.
Modules 0.18.4:
Fixed beacon fast_replaceable_group and next_upgrade (To fix the upgrade planner)
Updated for Factorio 0.18.32
Ores 0.18.0:
Changed particle to optimized-particle on gem-ore-particle
Ores 0.18.1:
Added missing line bobmods.ores.lithia_water.enabled = true to function bobmods.ores.lithia_water.create_autoplace()
Ores 0.18.2:
previous change to bobmods.ores.lithia_water.enabled = true added a broken litha water slider, set bobmods.ores.lithia_water.autoplace = false to compensate. (data.raw.resource["lithia-water"].autoplace still holds full autoplace data)
Ores 0.18.3:
Lead map colour is now a dark blue (grey was too hard to see, and black is coal, so I made it a dark blue)
Tungsten Map colour is now a dark red (Brown was too hard to see, Dark red is kind of close and easier to see)
Gem Ore map colour is now a brighter green. (Easier to distinguish from Uranium)
Thorium map colour is now a bright greeny yellow. (More distinct from Sulfur and Bauxite)
Gold map colour is brighter and slightly more yellow (Somewhere between the red-orange of copper, and Yellow)
Sulfur map colour is now pure yellow. (easier to distinguish from Bauxite, Thorium and Gold)
Lithia water map colour is more a more greeny aqua. (Easier to distinguish from Pure water)
Silver map colour is now a much ligher greyish cyan. (Somewhere between Zinc, tin and Quartz, but easier to distinguish from Tin and Iron)
Nickel map colour is now brighter. (Easier to distinguish from Iron)
MCI 0.18.0:
Changed deuterium-fuel-reprocessing to give 5 lead plates instead of 3 to 7.
Changed Plutonium item to always exist (not conditional) as this caused an error if thorium didn't exist.
Electrolysis 2 no longer requires 2 automation science packs.
Increased health of Chemical/Mixing furnaces to match base game versions
Fixed Icons (Crude oil processing, sulfuric acid, water)
New Nuclear overhaul turned on by default.
MCI 0.18.1:
Fixed water bore technology icons.
Improved description for the Nuclear Update option.
Balanced alien fluid recipes.
Added a fuel value of 2.6MJ to Alien Fire Fluid
MCI 0.18.2:
Added logistic-science-pack prerequisite to Electrolysis 2 and Lithium processing.
Added chemical-science-pack prerequisite to Titanium processing, gem processing 2 and ceramics
Added production-science-pack prerequisite to Advanced Electronics 3, Nitinol and tungsten alloy processing
Added nickel-processing and chemical-science-pack prerequisites to Tungsten processing
Added Electronics prerequisite to Water bore and Air compressor technology if Electronics mod is installed.
Added Aluminium processing prerequisite to Fluid Handling 2
Added logistic-science-pack and steel-processing prerequisites to Gas Canisters research
Added Automation 2 prerequisite to Gem Processing 1
Added sulfur-processing prerequisite to Cobalt Processing
Added science pack prerequisites to Battery 2 and 3 research.
MCI 0.18.3:
My batteries are now built in a chemical plant.
Added colours to the battery crafting recipes.
MCI 0.18.4:
Reduced Speed and energy consumption of Electrolyser slightly from 0.8 and 450kW to 0.75 and 420kW.
Added New Electrloyser graphics by kirazy.
MCI 0.18.5:
Added uranium-processing prerequisite to deuterium-fuel-reprocessing (Centrifuge is required to recycle a fuel cell)
Added an alternate icon for deuterium-fuel-reprocessing (Recipe and technology) with the nuclear update on, that shows a Fusion catalyst instead of Lithium
Added icons to Uranium and Thorium fuel reprocessing icons (Recipe and technology) when secondary products can be obtained regularly.
Changed Bobingabout Enrichement Process prerequisite from Thorium fuel reprocessing to uranium fuel reprocessing when nuclear update on (plutonium required, and where to get it was changed to uranium)
Nuclear fuel reprocessing recipes doubled (time, ingredients and results) to give 1 fusion catalyst instead of a 50% chance.
With the nuclear update turned on, Plutonium based fuels now have their own research with prerequisites of uranium/nuclear fuel reprocessing(Because it's the entry point of Plutonium) and Thorium processing.
With the nuclear update turned on, Nuclear fuel reprocessing is included in Module productivity filters (you can use them), with catalyst filtering, to give fewer products on the bonus cycles. (Needs library 0.18.3 for the bonus cycles to give the correct results)
Added missing plutonium-fuel-cell productivity limitation filter.
MCI: 0.18.6:
lithium-water-electrolysis gives double the hydrogen (Balance)
Added bobmods.plates.make_void_fluid_recipe(name, amount, polution) which takes a fluid's name, the amount to vent per cycle, and the polution multiplier.
Also added bobmods.plates.get_void_icon(name) used by the above function, which places a reduced sized icon of a fluid on top of a the void icon.
Changed the void fluid recipe definitions to use the new function.
Changed the amounts that some gasses vent by slightly (increased most of my gasses to 25, Oxygen was already 25, hydrogen and deuterium left at 20 and reduced steam and petroleum-gas to 10.)
Needs library version 0.18.4
Removed MK from the number on compressor and pump, Renamed Waterbore "Pump" to Barrelling pump, to be less confusing about what it does.
MCI 0.18.7:
removed production science pack from nuclear fuel reprocessing and plutonium fuel cell technologies
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Balance: Resin from oil now gives 2 per run. (it was actually cheaper to make it from wood when you consider the synthetic wood recipe)
Added a wood to coal recipe.
MCI 0.18.8:
Updated Salt-water-electrolysis icon to size 64
Renamed technology Alloy processing 2 to Steel mixing furnace
Moved Chemical steel furnace to it's own technology
Renamed Chemical processing 3 to Electric chemical furnace
Moved enriched-fuel-from-liquid-fuel to Advanced oil processing
Fixed solid-fuel-from-light-oil technology migration
Fixed solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil technology migration
Fixed Locale entry typo for Electrolysis description.
Removed the chemical science pack requirement from gem processing 2.
Changed the Chemical and Mixing stone furnaces to cost stone instead of stone bricks (to match the normal stone furnace)
Reduce cost of Electric furnaces to match that of the base game.
Added recipes to convert between Chemical <-> Normal <-> Mixing furnaces of stone, steel and electric types.
Fixed smoke on Stone Chemical furnace, Stone mixing furnace and Steel chemical furnace.
MCI 0.18.9:
Updated electric furnace graphics and colours.
Internally renamed the furnaces to a standard naming scheme.
Changed distillery from type assembling-machine (pick a recipe) to furnace (auto recipe)
Updated my oil processing recipe icon
Added Bobingabout process to productivity filters
Power 0.18.0:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Some working visualisation updates, in case support is ever added for it.
Fixed bob-heat-pipe-1 does not exist error message.
Increased health of hydrazine generator
Changed burner-generator to burner-generator type
Fixed icon issues
Power 0.18.1:
Renamed burner generator to bob-burner-generator internally.
Added an Active animation to the burner generator (a fire graphic)
Power 0.18.2:
Renamed Oil Burning boiler to Fluid burning boiler.
Renamed Oil burning generator to Fluid burning generator.
Renamed Oil burning heat source to Fluid burning heat source.
Fixed Burner Generator for 0.18.10
Power 0.18.3:
Changed nuclear-reactor consumption to 54MW if new reactors are turned on. (That's how fast it converts fuel to heat) this makes it 1 Reactor to 5 Heat Exchangers like higher tiers.
Added chemical-science-pack prerequisite to heatpipe 2.
Added science pack prerequisites to solar enery 3 and 4
Fixed steam engine, steam turbine and heat exchanger entity icon sizes.
Added logistic science pack to electric poles and substation 4.
Fixed Tungsten processing prerequisite on Nuclear power 2 (thorium nuclear power) research.
Added science pack prerequisites to fluid burning generators.
Power 0.18.4:
Added max_temperature tag to heat exchangers. (HE2 should now be able to get up to 1250 and HE3 to 1500)
Updated Accumulator code (uses new remnants, etc)
Large Accumulators have new graphic.
Power 0.18.5:
Fixed Boiler entity icons.
Updated fluid burning generator stats. Produce double polution to if you were using oil boilers (per power unit), and same power as steam engines of the same tier.
Complete recipe overhaul of Fluid burning generators.
Reduced science pack tier of all Fluid burning Generators by 1.
Fixed check for advanced-processing-unit (Processing board) on Steam Turbine.
Added a turbine graphic to the top of the Fluid burning Generators, as there's no way to make a light, and a shadow.
Also added a dummy 120 frame animated first layer to the Fluid burning Generators, to get around the bug where they don't produce smoke.
Power 0.18.6:
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Moved Fluid burning boilers and Heat exchangers into their own subgroups (They get their own lines in the crafting menu)
Added recipes to convert between Fluid burning boiler <-> Boiler <-> Heat Exchanger of all tiers.
Power 0.18.7:
Compatabillity for Assembly 0.18.6
Added next_upgrade for fluid-generators 1 to 3. it won't automatically try to upgrade to Hydrazine generator.
Removed a conditional require (could break multiplayer games. Just made it not conditional)
Revamp 0.18.0:
Added icon_size tag to advanced-oil-processing change list
Added new icons for Basic and my Crude oil processing to make it clearer what each gives if crude oil processing exists (and oil overhaul is enabled)
New Oil overhaul turned on by default.
Revamp 0.18.1:
Fixed solid fuel technology icon.
Added Pumpjack prerequisite to Oil processing.
Added logistic-science-pack prerequisite to Chemical plant and pumpjack research.
Added Electrnics prerequisite to pumpjack technology if Electronics mod is installed.
Added Rocket engine to Rocket part, and Rocketry prerequisite to Rocket Silo
Updated chemical plant technology icon.
Revamp 0.18.2:
Changed Chemical plant technology icon to be tinted red.
Added "Extra chemistry" option, which will effect Nitrogen dioxide, Lithium perchlorate, Calcium chloride and Petroleum gas cracking to Hydrogen recipes.
Extra chemistry mode adds Carbon dioxide and Limestone as new biproducts/ingredients.
Extra chemistry mode adds sodium chlorate and sodium perchlorate as intermediates for the Lithium perchlorate chain.
Changed the Rocket fuel/Hydrazine chemistry chain to only include the Nitric Oxide step of Nitrogen dioxide in "Extra chemistry" mode, Nitrogen dioxide recipe remains the same as in MCI without this option.
Added a production chain to make Sodium cobaltate, with an extra long version in Extra chemistry mode.
Added an RTG(Radio-Thermo-electric Generator) intermediate item, which requires Plutonium and the new Sodium cobaltate
Revamp 0.18.3:
removed production science pack from RTGs technology.
In Nuclear overhaul, moved the fuel cell unlock to the related nuclear power technology, and changed some prerequisites to suit.
With RTGs on, the Satalite (for space science) uses 20 RTGs instead of 100 solar panels, and only 50 accumulators/batteries.
Recoloured the RTG to an orangey yellow colour, like Plutonium glow.
Fixed missing locale entry on calcium-chloride recipe by setting main_product
Moved Brine and Ammoniated brine recipes to the fluid tab.
Revamp 0.18.4:
Removed prerequisites for accumulators and solar energy from Space Science technology when related items are removed from the satelite recipe
Balance: Changed RTG to cost only 1 Plutonium instead of 10.
Balance: Changed satellite Recipe to cost 10 RTGs instead of 20.
Added missing "Electrolysis 2" prerequisite to Plastics technology.
Added petroleum-gas-sweetening unlock to Sulfur Processing too (Just in case you end up with sulfur processing and oil processing before plastics, and want to actually split the sour gas to get the Hydrogen Sulfide.)
Added brine-electrolysis recipe that takes Brine and gives same results as Salt-water-electrolysis (just an alternate recipe, but slightly faster)
Revamp 0.18.5:
Fixed solid-fuel-from-light-oil technology migration
Fixed solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil technology migration
new oil update moves enriched-fuel-from-liquid-fuel unlock onto solid-fuel technology
Updated for MCI 0.18.8
Revamp 0.18.6:
Changed Rocket Silo recipe, makes use of some Rocket parts, and bob materials.
Updated oil icons
Removed ammonium-chloride-recycling from productivity module list.
Added a lot of byproducts as Catalyst (you don't get this result from Productivity bonus)
Added recipe for ammonia venting
Tech 0.18.0:
Added a little more AAI Industry compatabillity.
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Fixed science pack icon update
Utility science now costs Lithium-Ion battery instead of Silver-zinc
Tech 0.18.1:
Fixed steam power technology icon.
Added Fast/Express inserter prerequisite to Advanced lab and Logistic science pack technologies as appropriate
Added Zinc processing prerequisite to Logistic science pack technology.
Tech 0.18.2:
Added DiscoScience compatabillity
Tech 0.18.3:
Removed character-logistic-slots and character-logistic-trash-slots technology references from science pack changes.
Vehicle equipment 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Vehicle Equipment 0.18.1:
Added alien technology prerequisites to vehicle Shield, fusion, plasma turret, and battery technologies.
Added science pack prerequisites to vehicle Shield technologies.
Added science packs to speed increase equipment.
Added Advanced Electronics 2 prerequisites to vehicle fusion power technologies 1 and vehicle roboport 3.
Added science packs to Vehicle fusion power technologies 2 and 3
Added zinc processing prerequisite to vehicle roboport 2 technology.
Added Science pack prerequisites to plasma defense technologies.
Added advanced electronics prerequisites to vehicle energy shield and laser defence technologies.
Added utility science pack prerequisite to vehicle solar energy 5.
Warfare 0.18.0:
Fixed Combat robot brain 4 name
Updated Plasma Explosion to use particle_name tag.
Changed Distractor Artillery shell to use distractor drone shadow.
Fixed icons (Mines, Artillery shells, scatter cannon shell, radars, turrets, gate, Artillery wagon)
Added fast_replaceable_group to Artillery turrets
Warfare 0.18.1:
Fixed Artillery wagon technology icon.
Fixed Gun and Robot sounds.
Warfare 0.18.2:
Added science pack prerequisites to turret researches
Added science pack prerequisites to sniper turret technologies
Added military-science-pack prerequisite to nitroglycerin-processing
Added Tungsten Processing prerequisite to Rockets.
Minor laser turret fix.
Fix cobalt processing prerequisite on Sniper turrets 2 should now be applied correctly.
Added Artillery prerequisite to Tanks 2.
Removed utility science pack military 4 prerequisite from Artillery research.
Added military 4 prerequisite to artillery (Turret and wagon) 2 research.
Fix moved Emerald to combat robot weapon 3 instead of 2.
Added zinc processing and gem processing 2 prerequisites to combat robot researches 2 and 3.
Update poison/plasma sticker damage tick.
fixed Vehicle flamethrower and tank cannon wrong icons.
Changed small poison cloud (used by poison rocket) to new format.
Updated Artillery poison cloud to new format.
Added utility science pack prerequisite to laser turrets 5 and Tanks 3.
Fixed plasma turrets 5 prerequisites battery 3 and nitinol processing.
Added prerequisite nitinol processing to combat robotics 4 if applicable.
Added new technologies to unlock scatter cannon shells, and my artillery ammos.
Warfare 0.18.3:
Increased heavy armor 3 resistances a little.
Fixed tank graphics error in Factorio 0.18.16
Warfare 0.18.4:
Added new armors to the character animations, and charactor corpse animations lists.
Warfare 0.18.5:
Fixed icon mipmap log error messages
Balance: adjusted explosives cost of Explosive artillery shell with explosive fluid to match explosives on other artillery shell types.
Added expensive mode recipe to Scatter cannon shells, and all my Artillery shells.
Balance: Plastic as an ingredient to Artillery shells.
Balance: Removed Radar from Artillery shell, and set Explosive cannon shells to 3 down from 4.
Added Atomic artillery shell. It's basically an Artillery launched Atomic Bomb.
Warfare 0.18.6:
Added updated resistances to Artillery wagon.
- BlueTemplar
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Wow, that was fast !
I have a question though, that has been bugging me for the whole of 0.17 :
When can we expect to see efficiencies to be back in power generation ?
Because, while less pollution for higher boiler tiers is great, this doesn't matter in mods that disable pollution (or spawners) like Sea Block.
The result being that your line of boilers/steam engines kind of becomes pointless, since hotter steam is otherwise rarely needed (?), boilers/engines don't take that much space to start with, and last but not least, the starting boilers/engines are very cheap, while the higher tier ones get more and more expensive !
And if anyone can do this kind of change -
- - which is going to require overriding vanilla boiler efficiency
- - - back to 0.16's 50% ? Lower than 50% for more realism, and to give more room for growth ?
- - since you don't want to go over 100% efficiency due to infinite power loop issues
- it's someone with a lot of weight in the modding community like you !
And remember that Wube specifically decided to keep support for this feature for mods ! (And specifically yours ?)

I have a question though, that has been bugging me for the whole of 0.17 :
When can we expect to see efficiencies to be back in power generation ?
Because, while less pollution for higher boiler tiers is great, this doesn't matter in mods that disable pollution (or spawners) like Sea Block.
The result being that your line of boilers/steam engines kind of becomes pointless, since hotter steam is otherwise rarely needed (?), boilers/engines don't take that much space to start with, and last but not least, the starting boilers/engines are very cheap, while the higher tier ones get more and more expensive !
And if anyone can do this kind of change -
- - which is going to require overriding vanilla boiler efficiency
- - - back to 0.16's 50% ? Lower than 50% for more realism, and to give more room for growth ?
- - since you don't want to go over 100% efficiency due to infinite power loop issues
- it's someone with a lot of weight in the modding community like you !
And remember that Wube specifically decided to keep support for this feature for mods ! (And specifically yours ?)
(But I'm suspecting that you had something to do with it ?kovarex wrote:In the base game, this efficiency mechanic is almost completely useless, so we decided to remove it. To keep the previous balancing on the same level, all the fuel values have been halved, and the efficiency set to 100%. This just means, that the fuel value is the amount of energy the machines can actually extract from the fuel and calculations like this will give clear results. In this case, the functionality will still remain for mods to use.

BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I had no plans to restore it, I think the only things that even still have it in my mods are the fluid generators, and burner generator.BlueTemplar wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:22 am Wow, that was fast !![]()
I have a question though, that has been bugging me for the whole of 0.17 :
When can we expect to see efficiencies to be back in power generation ?
Because, while less pollution for higher boiler tiers is great, this doesn't matter in mods that disable pollution (or spawners) like Sea Block.
The result being that your line of boilers/steam engines kind of becomes pointless, since hotter steam is otherwise rarely needed (?), boilers/engines don't take that much space to start with, and last but not least, the starting boilers/engines are very cheap, while the higher tier ones get more and more expensive !
And if anyone can do this kind of change -
- - which is going to require overriding vanilla boiler efficiency
- - - back to 0.16's 50% ? Lower than 50% for more realism, and to give more room for growth ?
- - since you don't want to go over 100% efficiency due to infinite power loop issues
- it's someone with a lot of weight in the modding community like you !
And remember that Wube specifically decided to keep support for this feature for mods ! (And specifically yours ?)(But I'm suspecting that you had something to do with it ?kovarex wrote:In the base game, this efficiency mechanic is almost completely useless, so we decided to remove it. To keep the previous balancing on the same level, all the fuel values have been halved, and the efficiency set to 100%. This just means, that the fuel value is the amount of energy the machines can actually extract from the fuel and calculations like this will give clear results. In this case, the functionality will still remain for mods to use.)
I could, however, at some point, add it as an option, maybe to bob-revamp.
However, when given the option of either reverting the fuel values and efficiencies back to previous versions, or scaling them all down and increasing the base effeciency up from 50% to 100% for the new version, I chose the new version option.
If I were to re-implement lower efficiencies, should I revert the fuel values as well?
Also, and suggestions on progression pattern?
There's also the... minor issue that heat power can't have an efficiency, so the negative would need to be applied to the heat sources (burner heat sources or nuclear reactors) or the steam engines/turbines instead of boilers.
- BlueTemplar
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Sea Block has his own balance anyway, different from AngelBob, itself different from Bob. (IIRC, it doesn't even use coal, or at the very least *much* later !)
Fuel values might or might not need to be rescaled. (How problematic would be a script pass multiplying fuel values ? Keeping the Back to the Future easter egg is probably not as important in a mod with lots of other nuclear options ?)
Your mod has different balance from vanilla anyway. Having efficiency as an opt-in option is probably a good idea, as your mod is often the "first experience with mods" for people.
You put a lot of thought in your 0.16 progression pattern, bring it back ?
Heat sources might be a big issue, I'll take a detailed look into it (going to need a few days at least).
Fuel values might or might not need to be rescaled. (How problematic would be a script pass multiplying fuel values ? Keeping the Back to the Future easter egg is probably not as important in a mod with lots of other nuclear options ?)
Your mod has different balance from vanilla anyway. Having efficiency as an opt-in option is probably a good idea, as your mod is often the "first experience with mods" for people.
You put a lot of thought in your 0.16 progression pattern, bring it back ?
Heat sources might be a big issue, I'll take a detailed look into it (going to need a few days at least).
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I have two suggestions:
1. Add a steam powered lab if Burner Phase is on.
2. Allow oil burners to burn alien flame fluid and alien explosive fluid.
1. Add a steam powered lab if Burner Phase is on.
2. Allow oil burners to burn alien flame fluid and alien explosive fluid.
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
The lifespan of the burner lab is already limited enough that you shouldn't need a steam powered version of it.Mecejide wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:17 pm I have two suggestions:
1. Add a steam powered lab if Burner Phase is on.
2. Allow oil burners to burn alien flame fluid and alien explosive fluid.
I'll think about adding a fuel value to the alien fluids though (That makes them burnable)
- BlueTemplar
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Right, Steam Assemblers. This also might invalidate the
I tentatively second the idea of a Steam Lab, for the same reason that Steam Assemblers seem that they should be able to scale much farther than the burner age ?
Anyway, off to start a new Sea Block game... 0.17, but with the new 0.18 defaults.
Should have done my homework, sigh...
I tentatively second the idea of a Steam Lab, for the same reason that Steam Assemblers seem that they should be able to scale much farther than the burner age ?
Anyway, off to start a new Sea Block game... 0.17, but with the new 0.18 defaults.
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
In theory it's a good idea, but only if I put "All" science packs on it, or at least all the same ones as the standard lab.BlueTemplar wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:11 am Right, Steam Assemblers. This also might invalidate theShould have done my homework, sigh...
I tentatively second the idea of a Steam Lab, for the same reason that Steam Assemblers seem that they should be able to scale much farther than the burner age ?
Anyway, off to start a new Sea Block game... 0.17, but with the new 0.18 defaults.
if I'm only putting the same amount of science packs on it as what is on the burner lab, it becomes obsolete fast. Even if I only go up to the point of say... chemical science (maybe also including military) then it still becomes obsolete before the advantage of higher tier steam makes it more useful.
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I have two more suggestions:
1. Change the lithium-ion battery and silver zinc battery so they are made in chemical plants, like vanilla batteries
2. Allow flamethrower turrets to burn glycerol, hydrazine, and liquid fuel.
1. Change the lithium-ion battery and silver zinc battery so they are made in chemical plants, like vanilla batteries
2. Allow flamethrower turrets to burn glycerol, hydrazine, and liquid fuel.
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Last night someone posted a screenshot of an error he got regarding boblogistics. I posted that I was getting the same error. This morning, it seems that both posts have been deleted. Did we do something wrong?
- BlueTemplar
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
(In latest 0.17 at least) you have several "new nuclear" settings :
- "Nuclear update" under MCI
- "Nuclear power overhaul" under Revamp
Could get confusing ?
(And - "New nuclear generators" under Power, but this one is probably clear enough...)
(Never mind if already "fixed" in 0.18...)
- "Nuclear update" under MCI
- "Nuclear power overhaul" under Revamp
Could get confusing ?
(And - "New nuclear generators" under Power, but this one is probably clear enough...)
(Never mind if already "fixed" in 0.18...)
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Power's new reactors is easy enough, Adds higher tier reactors.BlueTemplar wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:29 pm (In latest 0.17 at least) you have several "new nuclear" settings :
- "Nuclear update" under MCI
- "Nuclear power overhaul" under Revamp
Could get confusing ?
(And - "New nuclear generators" under Power, but this one is probably clear enough...)
(Never mind if already "fixed" in 0.18...)
MCI's Nuclear update is because I've re-written it recently, but it's about balancing the extended nuclear fuel crafting, including thorium and deuterium fuels.
Nuclear power overhaul combines the elements from both the previous and changes the 3 tiers of Nuclear Reactor into a Uranium, Thorium and Deuterium reactor.
But I can add some descriptions, and add the word "Fuel" to the MCI option.
EDIT: It's actually almost all included in descriptions anyway (power doesn't have one, but the other 2 do). Don't forget you can hover over an option for a popup tooltip description to appear.
- BlueTemplar
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Yeah, just a minor nitpick.
I actually only ran into it because one of these seems to cause issues with the SeaBlock-included Nuclear Fuel mod - issue that it looks like you already fixed for 0.18 ?
I actually only ran into it because one of these seems to cause issues with the SeaBlock-included Nuclear Fuel mod - issue that it looks like you already fixed for 0.18 ?
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Well, I wasn't aware of an issue with seablock, but I've put a bit of extra detail into the option and description in bobplates, for the next update.BlueTemplar wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:42 pm Yeah, just a minor nitpick.
I actually only ran into it because one of these seems to cause issues with the SeaBlock-included Nuclear Fuel mod - issue that it looks like you already fixed for 0.18 ?
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Can you add higher tier 2x2 furnaces (tungsten furnace, oil powered tungsten furnace, copper tungsten furnace, oil powered copper tungsten furnace, tungsten multi-purpose furnace, oil powered tungsten multi-purpose furnace, copper tungsten multi-purpose furnace, oil powered copper tungsten multi-purpose furnace)?
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Furnaces is one of the few examples where non-electric powered higher tiers does make sense.Mecejide wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:52 am Can you add higher tier 2x2 furnaces (tungsten furnace, oil powered tungsten furnace, copper tungsten furnace, oil powered copper tungsten furnace, tungsten multi-purpose furnace, oil powered tungsten multi-purpose furnace, copper tungsten multi-purpose furnace, oil powered copper tungsten multi-purpose furnace)?
I'll consider it.
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Mostly just a bugfix run for 0.18.2, but here's some updates.
Power 0.18.1:
Renamed burner generator to bob-burner-generator internally.
Added an Active animation to the burner generator (a fire graphic)
MCI 0.18.1:
Fixed water bore technology icons.
Improved description for the Nuclear Update option.
Balanced alien fluid recipes.
Added a fuel value of 2.6MJ to Alien Fire Fluid
Warfare 0.18.1:
Fixed Artillery wagon technology icon.
Fixed Gun and Robot sounds.
Enemies 0.18.1:
Fixed Worm, Biter and Spitter sounds.
Logistics 0.18.2:
Fixed Robot sounds.
Power 0.18.1:
Renamed burner generator to bob-burner-generator internally.
Added an Active animation to the burner generator (a fire graphic)
MCI 0.18.1:
Fixed water bore technology icons.
Improved description for the Nuclear Update option.
Balanced alien fluid recipes.
Added a fuel value of 2.6MJ to Alien Fire Fluid
Warfare 0.18.1:
Fixed Artillery wagon technology icon.
Fixed Gun and Robot sounds.
Enemies 0.18.1:
Fixed Worm, Biter and Spitter sounds.
Logistics 0.18.2:
Fixed Robot sounds.
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Bob, just wanted to thank you for the mods and your continued support! Had lots of fun with them already, your work really brings Factorio to another level!
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
You're welcomeshuzen wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:09 am Bob, just wanted to thank you for the mods and your continued support! Had lots of fun with them already, your work really brings Factorio to another level!