There have been many awesome tank and car fillers posted around. None of the ones I found quite offered all of the features I wanted. So I made my own and wanted to share it. See bottom for blueprint string.
The first car & tank filler blueprint I found was KironaDragon's on reddit: I figured out how to build an automatic car rearm/refuel station! No mods!
Beside a few small bugs in the blueprint for the tank filler, this was basically what I was looking for. A compact place to drive my tank in and come back to a full tank when I wanted to go for a stroll. There were some issues that I didn't like however. First, you had to manually reset the filler using the gate which meant it would get stuck when multiple tanks when through. It was also stuck to a certain ammo / fuel type or at least difficult to change. I also found this circuit needlessly complex and difficult to understand. It does however do a very good job of not overfilling the vehicles.
The next one I found was a more advanced and more compact version of KironaDragon's design. https://imgur.com/a/Gnh4H This was a little cleaner and easier to modify for different fuel types but still relied on the gate to reset the system. It actually does completely fill a tank from one "station" which is quite cool.
The Automatic Tank Maintenance Station posted here by arrow in my gluteus is very cool as well. I don't particularly care for the removing extra truck stuff but it's neat. The main feature that I liked of theirs was to disable the input tracks until the player decides to start them. It can be annoying to park on a moving belt.
So with that in mind, I set out to build my own.
The main "innovation" imho in mine is using an inserter to detect the presence of a vehicle instead of a gate. This means there need not be any player interaction once dropped off. It also enables filling multiple vehicles in succession.
Ultimately, this circuit is quite simple. It's just a Set/Reset latch (SR latch) to stop the vehicle or not. It is "set" when the "first inserter" drops an item into the vehicle. This stops the belt preventing the vehicle from leaving. It is "reset" when the "second inserter" starts taking things out of the truck, indicating that the vehicle is full of that item type.
The "second inserter" is set to filter only that type of item out of the vehicle, indicating that we're full of that type.
I use a stack inserter for "first inserter" but anything should do. With a stack inserter, it will slightly overfill the vehicle but I don't really care.
Ideally, the feeder chests are filled via logistic robots and always have some space for the overflow return inserter to put extra back in the chest. Working belt feeders in should be pretty easy. You just need to make sure the return path for the "second inserter" is clear so that it can always detect a full vehicle.
To change which item types you want to fill your vehicles with, just feed the belts/request different items in the chests. All the filters should be set correctly.
Each station is identical, except for the "second inserter" filter settings.
This does work for combined car + tank but the tank must be parked near parallel with the main path.
I also added a wall that is forced up when the player is near, to prevent cars from getting to far to the right and missing belts. It needs to drop for tanks that can sometimes hit.
Code: Select all