I was thinking more like an additional type of item in addition to the current expanders. smaall logistics zone (5x5? 10x10?) and big construction zone.bobingabout wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:15 pmI have thought about it in the past, but decided against it. A roboport with construction zone needs to be inside a logistic zone to function, because robots look in their logistic zone for supplies. with a huge construction zone and little to no logistic zone, it would mean you have to place chests in the tiny logistic zone, or place the tower in an existing logistic zone to function.evandy wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:04 pm Bob,
A modular roboport question for you - you have logistics zone expanders (which do both logistics and construction areas). Any chance of a construction zone expander that has a very small logistics footprint, but a big green construction box?
So I decided to just keep it similar to base roboport where it creates a construction zone around the logistic zone.
Also consider that you can disable roboports entirely, so people who do play with only the logistic zones wouldn't appreciate if they suddenly lost their construction zone.
[0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Moderator: bobingabout
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Sorry. The question is closed. I understood my mistake.
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Factorio Base v0.18.17
Bob's Functions Library mod v18.3
Bob's Ores mod v18.1
Creating a new game with above mods only, gives the following on the map generator page...
Unknown key: "autoplace-control-names.lithia-water"
Bob's Functions Library mod v18.3
Bob's Ores mod v18.1
Creating a new game with above mods only, gives the following on the map generator page...
Unknown key: "autoplace-control-names.lithia-water"
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
it shouldn't, because Lithia water should be using the same control as ground water.moon69 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:34 pm Factorio Base v0.18.17
Bob's Functions Library mod v18.3
Bob's Ores mod v18.1
Creating a new game with above mods only, gives the following on the map generator page...
Unknown key: "autoplace-control-names.lithia-water"
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Normal inserter rotation (r key) rotates by 90 degrees only. Ctrl-R rotates the input to all options. I can not find a way to bind a hotkey to rotate the output to all options; am I missing something? Or do I have to use the GUI for this?
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Yeah, I think I only have rotation of the input, not the output.evandy wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:52 pm Normal inserter rotation (r key) rotates by 90 degrees only. Ctrl-R rotates the input to all options. I can not find a way to bind a hotkey to rotate the output to all options; am I missing something? Or do I have to use the GUI for this?
Bob, Are Elemental Bitters configurable?
Hello good Sir,
Congrats on the Bob's Mod series, it's superb.
Here's the set up & problem, hopefully you (or others) are able to assist:
I want to enjoy my mid-game somewhat safe from bitters yet I want them in the game ready to be a fierce opponent later on. I run Bob's Enemies, Natural Evolution & Rampant all together at quite high difficulty settings.
In order to preserve their ability to be an hard opponents for the late game; I must go through early & mid stages of a Bob Run while handling them .. So to do that I focused on camouflaging my pollution behind forest chunks I planted. I created a safe space where pollution is contained etc. It worked wonders on pollution control, yet randomly the enemies will go to war regardless of pollution.
When they go to war .. They're serious about it. There's so many of them it's insane. Like sentinelles in Matrix Revolution, or a school of fish, they behave like one massive entity it's amazing to watch and it's brutal.
Problem: In those moments I cannot defend myself because the FPS drops dramatically.
Not knowing lua or how to mod at all, I was wondering if you could please assist in disabling the Poison Cloud effects from elemental bitters as well as the unit Launcher bitter, both of which may be the cause of performance issues when bitter clusters from every corner of the known world join and form thousand strong raiding parties at my doorstep.
Anything I can do beyond in-game settings to help the situation? I haven't found anything in .cfg file. Help Sir please =)
Congrats on the Bob's Mod series, it's superb.
Here's the set up & problem, hopefully you (or others) are able to assist:
I want to enjoy my mid-game somewhat safe from bitters yet I want them in the game ready to be a fierce opponent later on. I run Bob's Enemies, Natural Evolution & Rampant all together at quite high difficulty settings.
In order to preserve their ability to be an hard opponents for the late game; I must go through early & mid stages of a Bob Run while handling them .. So to do that I focused on camouflaging my pollution behind forest chunks I planted. I created a safe space where pollution is contained etc. It worked wonders on pollution control, yet randomly the enemies will go to war regardless of pollution.
When they go to war .. They're serious about it. There's so many of them it's insane. Like sentinelles in Matrix Revolution, or a school of fish, they behave like one massive entity it's amazing to watch and it's brutal.
Problem: In those moments I cannot defend myself because the FPS drops dramatically.
Not knowing lua or how to mod at all, I was wondering if you could please assist in disabling the Poison Cloud effects from elemental bitters as well as the unit Launcher bitter, both of which may be the cause of performance issues when bitter clusters from every corner of the known world join and form thousand strong raiding parties at my doorstep.
Anything I can do beyond in-game settings to help the situation? I haven't found anything in .cfg file. Help Sir please =)
- bobingabout
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Re: Bob, Are Elemental Bitters configurable?
First off... you're welcome :3Vanassyl wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:59 am Hello good Sir,
Congrats on the Bob's Mod series, it's superb.
Here's the set up & problem, hopefully you (or others) are able to assist:
I want to enjoy my mid-game somewhat safe from bitters yet I want them in the game ready to be a fierce opponent later on. I run Bob's Enemies, Natural Evolution & Rampant all together at quite high difficulty settings.
In order to preserve their ability to be an hard opponents for the late game; I must go through early & mid stages of a Bob Run while handling them .. So to do that I focused on camouflaging my pollution behind forest chunks I planted. I created a safe space where pollution is contained etc. It worked wonders on pollution control, yet randomly the enemies will go to war regardless of pollution.
When they go to war .. They're serious about it. There's so many of them it's insane. Like sentinelles in Matrix Revolution, or a school of fish, they behave like one massive entity it's amazing to watch and it's brutal.
Problem: In those moments I cannot defend myself because the FPS drops dramatically.
Not knowing lua or how to mod at all, I was wondering if you could please assist in disabling the Poison Cloud effects from elemental bitters as well as the unit Launcher bitter, both of which may be the cause of performance issues when bitter clusters from every corner of the known world join and form thousand strong raiding parties at my doorstep.
Anything I can do beyond in-game settings to help the situation? I haven't found anything in .cfg file. Help Sir please =)
Okay... Bob's Enemies, Natural Evolution & Rampant all together means things are really going to get tough.
Bob's enemies already handles the "Easy early game, hard late game" issues by just setting all the harder enemies further out (you have to explore to find them), meaning the worst you're going to experience close to home is poison worms that may create poison clouds. if you don't explore much you're not going to run into any enemies capable of that level of damage... Keep in mind that the distance is calculated from the spawn point, so when you do explore, try to cover equal terrain in all directions.
However, due to how the game works, when enemies expand, if you have a high enough evolution factor, you may run into the more difficult enemies closer to home.
(initial spawn: what spawns is based on distance from home. Respawn: what spawns is based on Evolution factor)
Anyway... the unit launching enemy isn't one of mine, that's from one of the other mods, and with base game (vanilla) behaviour, which is what bob's mods uses, you really shouldn't have any biter attacks if your pollution cloud doesn't reach them.
As far as I know, the poison shouldn't really cause much slowdown, the main culprit to that was fire, and although the game changed the way poison clouds work to be closer to that of fire, they realised the issues with fire and changed the way it works, so it shouldn't cause massive slowdowns anymore.
But, effects like that aren't the only problems with slowdown, LUA scripting is also a large issue, I'm not sure exactly what the other two mods you have do, but I know at least one of them do change enemy behaviours, and as far as I know, that is done by scripts, so it's possible that could be playing a role in your slowdowns too.
In short... Bob's Enemies itself shouldn't be an issue, combining it with the others may be.
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Hopefully, this reduces some bug reports.
Library 0.18.4:
Added bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(item) function, which takes an item/fluid/entity(maybe even recipe) and returns a complete icons array. (if it has no icons= tag, it builds one from icon, icon_size and icon_mipmaps). Example use bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(data.raw.item.wood)
Added support for fluidbox_index on ingredients/results
Minor crashproof change to bobmods.lib.resource.generate_updates_stage
Library 0.18.5:
Added the 0.18.4 changes to the change log file.
Added (even more) robustness to bobmods.lib.item.ingredient and bobmods.lib.item.result (and derivative) functions.
Library 0.18.4:
Added bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(item) function, which takes an item/fluid/entity(maybe even recipe) and returns a complete icons array. (if it has no icons= tag, it builds one from icon, icon_size and icon_mipmaps). Example use bobmods.lib.icons_from_item(data.raw.item.wood)
Added support for fluidbox_index on ingredients/results
Minor crashproof change to bobmods.lib.resource.generate_updates_stage
Library 0.18.5:
Added the 0.18.4 changes to the change log file.
Added (even more) robustness to bobmods.lib.item.ingredient and bobmods.lib.item.result (and derivative) functions.
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
And the real updates:
Classes 0.18.3:
Added animations copying to new character classes in data-updates phase (Allows new armours to be recognised on new classes)
Ores 0.18.2:
previous change to bobmods.ores.lithia_water.enabled = true added a broken litha water slider, set bobmods.ores.lithia_water.autoplace = false to compensate. (data.raw.resource["lithia-water"].autoplace still holds full autoplace data)
MCI: 0.18.6:
lithium-water-electrolysis gives double the hydrogen (Balance)
Added bobmods.plates.make_void_fluid_recipe(name, amount, polution) which takes a fluid's name, the amount to vent per cycle, and the polution multiplier.
Also added bobmods.plates.get_void_icon(name) used by the above function, which places a reduced sized icon of a fluid on top of a the void icon.
Changed the void fluid recipe definitions to use the new function.
Changed the amounts that some gasses vent by slightly (increased most of my gasses to 25, Oxygen was already 25, hydrogen and deuterium left at 20 and reduced steam and petroleum-gas to 10.)
Needs library version 0.18.4
Removed MK from the number on compressor and pump, Renamed Waterbore "Pump" to Barrelling pump, to be less confusing about what it does.
Power 0.18.5:
Fixed Boiler entity icons.
Updated fluid burning generator stats. Produce double polution to if you were using oil boilers (per power unit), and same power as steam engines of the same tier.
Complete recipe overhaul of Fluid burning generators.
Reduced science pack tier of all Fluid burning Generators by 1.
Fixed check for advanced-processing-unit (Processing board) on Steam Turbine.
Added a turbine graphic to the top of the Fluid burning Generators, as there's no way to make a light, and a shadow.
Also added a dummy 120 frame animated first layer to the Fluid burning Generators, to get around the bug where they don't produce smoke.
Revamp 0.18.2:
Changed Chemical plant technology icon to be tinted red.
Added "Extra chemistry" option, which will effect Nitrogen dioxide, Lithium perchlorate, Calcium chloride and Petroleum gas cracking to Hydrogen recipes.
Extra chemistry mode adds Carbon dioxide and Limestone as new biproducts/ingredients.
Extra chemistry mode adds sodium chlorate and sodium perchlorate as intermediates for the Lithium perchlorate chain.
Changed the Rocket fuel/Hydrazine chemistry chain to only include the Nitric Oxide step of Nitrogen dioxide in "Extra chemistry" mode, Nitrogen dioxide recipe remains the same as in MCI without this option.
Added a production chain to make Sodium cobaltate, with an extra long version in Extra chemistry mode.
Added an RTG(Radio-Thermo-electric Generator) intermediate item, which requires Plutonium and the new Sodium cobaltate
Warfare 0.18.4:
Added new armors to the character animations, and charactor corpse animations lists.
Unfortunately, if you're already running revamp, The new "Extra chemistry" option is going to break at least one of your production chains if you turn it on or off.
Turning it off will break the Nitrogen dioxide recipe, as revamp used to over-write it regardless
Turning it on will break Lithium perchlorate, as you now need to first make Sodium perchlorate. it will also break Calcium chloride as it uses Lime instead of stone.
Classes 0.18.3:
Added animations copying to new character classes in data-updates phase (Allows new armours to be recognised on new classes)
Ores 0.18.2:
previous change to bobmods.ores.lithia_water.enabled = true added a broken litha water slider, set bobmods.ores.lithia_water.autoplace = false to compensate. (data.raw.resource["lithia-water"].autoplace still holds full autoplace data)
MCI: 0.18.6:
lithium-water-electrolysis gives double the hydrogen (Balance)
Added bobmods.plates.make_void_fluid_recipe(name, amount, polution) which takes a fluid's name, the amount to vent per cycle, and the polution multiplier.
Also added bobmods.plates.get_void_icon(name) used by the above function, which places a reduced sized icon of a fluid on top of a the void icon.
Changed the void fluid recipe definitions to use the new function.
Changed the amounts that some gasses vent by slightly (increased most of my gasses to 25, Oxygen was already 25, hydrogen and deuterium left at 20 and reduced steam and petroleum-gas to 10.)
Needs library version 0.18.4
Removed MK from the number on compressor and pump, Renamed Waterbore "Pump" to Barrelling pump, to be less confusing about what it does.
Power 0.18.5:
Fixed Boiler entity icons.
Updated fluid burning generator stats. Produce double polution to if you were using oil boilers (per power unit), and same power as steam engines of the same tier.
Complete recipe overhaul of Fluid burning generators.
Reduced science pack tier of all Fluid burning Generators by 1.
Fixed check for advanced-processing-unit (Processing board) on Steam Turbine.
Added a turbine graphic to the top of the Fluid burning Generators, as there's no way to make a light, and a shadow.
Also added a dummy 120 frame animated first layer to the Fluid burning Generators, to get around the bug where they don't produce smoke.
Revamp 0.18.2:
Changed Chemical plant technology icon to be tinted red.
Added "Extra chemistry" option, which will effect Nitrogen dioxide, Lithium perchlorate, Calcium chloride and Petroleum gas cracking to Hydrogen recipes.
Extra chemistry mode adds Carbon dioxide and Limestone as new biproducts/ingredients.
Extra chemistry mode adds sodium chlorate and sodium perchlorate as intermediates for the Lithium perchlorate chain.
Changed the Rocket fuel/Hydrazine chemistry chain to only include the Nitric Oxide step of Nitrogen dioxide in "Extra chemistry" mode, Nitrogen dioxide recipe remains the same as in MCI without this option.
Added a production chain to make Sodium cobaltate, with an extra long version in Extra chemistry mode.
Added an RTG(Radio-Thermo-electric Generator) intermediate item, which requires Plutonium and the new Sodium cobaltate
Warfare 0.18.4:
Added new armors to the character animations, and charactor corpse animations lists.
Unfortunately, if you're already running revamp, The new "Extra chemistry" option is going to break at least one of your production chains if you turn it on or off.
Turning it off will break the Nitrogen dioxide recipe, as revamp used to over-write it regardless
Turning it on will break Lithium perchlorate, as you now need to first make Sodium perchlorate. it will also break Calcium chloride as it uses Lime instead of stone.
Re: Bob, Are Elemental Bitters configurable?
its not the poison clouds, it's the number of variants you have enabled all crushing your CPU/VRAM.Vanassyl wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:59 amI run Bob's Enemies, Natural Evolution & Rampant all together at quite high difficulty settings.
Problem: In those moments I cannot defend myself because the FPS drops dramatically.
- bobingabout
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Re: Bob, Are Elemental Bitters configurable?
they're all just a colour tint of the same graphics, the number of different enemies shouldn't really effect anything, it's just "Biters" and "Spitters"ptx0 wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 5:52 pmits not the poison clouds, it's the number of variants you have enabled all crushing your CPU/VRAM.Vanassyl wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:59 amI run Bob's Enemies, Natural Evolution & Rampant all together at quite high difficulty settings.
Problem: In those moments I cannot defend myself because the FPS drops dramatically.
Re: Bob, Are Elemental Bitters configurable?
it appears it may be a solved issue: viewtopic.php?t=72200bobingabout wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:07 pmthey're all just a colour tint of the same graphics, the number of different enemies shouldn't really effect anything, it's just "Biters" and "Spitters"ptx0 wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 5:52 pmits not the poison clouds, it's the number of variants you have enabled all crushing your CPU/VRAM.Vanassyl wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:59 amI run Bob's Enemies, Natural Evolution & Rampant all together at quite high difficulty settings.
Problem: In those moments I cannot defend myself because the FPS drops dramatically.
Re: Bob, Are Elemental Bitters configurable?
That's for a bug fix back in 0.17, if the issue is happening now I'm not sure I would consider it a solved issue.
Re: Bob, Are Elemental Bitters configurable?
i meant the bug I referenced with biters consuming 20GiB of memory from Rampant was a resolved bug and if there's a performance issue it's unlikely to be this.kirazy wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:49 amThat's for a bug fix back in 0.17, if the issue is happening now I'm not sure I would consider it a solved issue.
honestly, having that many enemy mods on at the same time isn't going to do wonders for performance. dunno what they're expecting to happen.
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I wonder why modules research (lvl 1-8) always require basic circuit boards? I think to make modules progression more meaningful tiers 3-5 and 6-8 should use logic and processor boards. It would also perfectly match with B&A play, where new type of crystals are added - splinters/shards/crystal. Now once you set up massive splinter production (quite complex chain), you are god to go for all modules research till level 8. If above ideal is implemented, it would require also massive production of shards and crystals.
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
the problem with doing that is then you need to set more items as research ingredients, and having too many on the lab kinda breaks it's interface.danyax wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:40 pm I wonder why modules research (lvl 1-8) always require basic circuit boards? I think to make modules progression more meaningful tiers 3-5 and 6-8 should use logic and processor boards. It would also perfectly match with B&A play, where new type of crystals are added - splinters/shards/crystal. Now once you set up massive splinter production (quite complex chain), you are god to go for all modules research till level 8. If above ideal is implemented, it would require also massive production of shards and crystals.
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
seems to be okay when i played MoreSciencePacks that adds 30 to be consumed by the lab at a time.bobingabout wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:27 pmthe problem with doing that is then you need to set more items as research ingredients, and having too many on the lab kinda breaks it's interface.danyax wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:40 pm I wonder why modules research (lvl 1-8) always require basic circuit boards? I think to make modules progression more meaningful tiers 3-5 and 6-8 should use logic and processor boards. It would also perfectly match with B&A play, where new type of crystals are added - splinters/shards/crystal. Now once you set up massive splinter production (quite complex chain), you are god to go for all modules research till level 8. If above ideal is implemented, it would require also massive production of shards and crystals.
Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
If this is the case, may be adding modules lab 2 and 3 for tiers 3-5 and 6-8 will solve the problem? With modules being so powerful some hurdle feels necessary. Also I mentioned above use of new crystals in Angels. Right now progressing to modules 3-5 and 6-8 is too simple in B&A game once use sorted out how to progress to modules 1-2.bobingabout wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:27 pmthe problem with doing that is then you need to set more items as research ingredients, and having too many on the lab kinda breaks it's interface.danyax wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:40 pm I wonder why modules research (lvl 1-8) always require basic circuit boards? I think to make modules progression more meaningful tiers 3-5 and 6-8 should use logic and processor boards. It would also perfectly match with B&A play, where new type of crystals are added - splinters/shards/crystal. Now once you set up massive splinter production (quite complex chain), you are god to go for all modules research till level 8. If above ideal is implemented, it would require also massive production of shards and crystals.
- Manual Inserter
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Re: [0.18.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I started playing full pack of mods some days ago. And was wondering about recipes decomposition. The total raw components actually not showing all the basic materials, which for me is crutial. Very often they include some craftable components. I see it's not a bug, because of lots of "allow_decomposition = flase", but I can't understand why? I wonder it causes some problems? Or can I change everything to "allow_decomposition = true" without consequences if I want to? For example, I changed some electronics recipes and it works fine as I see:
I started playing full pack of mods some days ago. And was wondering about recipes decomposition. The total raw components actually not showing all the basic materials, which for me is crutial. Very often they include some craftable components. I see it's not a bug, because of lots of "allow_decomposition = flase", but I can't understand why? I wonder it causes some problems? Or can I change everything to "allow_decomposition = true" without consequences if I want to? For example, I changed some electronics recipes and it works fine as I see: