My UPS dropped after playing with a constant 60 UPS/FPS in this server. I tried different things such as disabling all mods except space age, elevated rails, qualities, Kux Power Poles (as these power my factory), and Factory Levels (as this mod makes assemblers/furnaces level up the more they create smth and they are replaced with different entities so the mod can change their stat values like productivity so my factory wouldn't work properly if this was deleted) This didn't do anything in terms of increasing my UPS, next I tried killing every enemy w/ commands (biters, nests, worms, etc.) and removing pollution, this also didn't do anything. Lastly, I tried reducing all my graphics to the lowest and that didn't affect anything.
I wanted to say though, that when factorio is active my Memory is usually at 80-90% and my CPU is usually at 20%-30% so if this is just a computer problem please inform me as I understand my computer may be the issue here!
Thank you so much in advance! <3
Mod List: (Listed authors of half of the mods I'm using but realized that probably won't be needed, will list any authors of mods that someone may need if the mods seem to be the problem though!)
Elevated Rails
Space Age
Searchlight Assault - ben
Additional qualities - Average Chaos
Belt upgrader - Mylon
Better Robots+ - Bobsau
Blueprint Sandboxes - somethingtohide
Bob's adjustable inserters - bobingabout
chest auto sort - notnotmelon
clean floor - david skrundz
combat mechanics overhaul - earendel
configurable qualities - average chaos
constructron-continued - illisis
dedicated bot charger - leion247
dynamic robot queues - illisis
editor extensions - raiguard
factorio library - raiguard, optera, justarandomgeek, nexela
factorissimo 3 - magmamcfry, notnotmelon
factory levels - sensenmann (MOD MENTIONED IN DESC.)
fill4me - kovus
fluid memory storage - notnotmelon
free cliff explosives - hertz
handcraft timer space age - sirhall, h4ckerxx44
heroiclibrary - herogold
infinite resources - sonaxaton
invincible construction bots - nauviax
keep inventory - zweroxotnik
kux power poles - kuxynator (MOD MENTIONED IN DESC.)
merging chests - atria
merging chests unlimited - atria
more roboports - b4bu
ore unlimited - noOVad
pavement drive assist continued - azaghal
pro flashlight
pump anywhere
quality of life research
realistic decoration cleanup
resource patch organizer
roboport technology
robot attrition
robot energy
rpg system
science pack glow reborn
shield generators
shield projector
shuttle train refresh
solar lamp
solar productivity
squeak through 2
stable foundations
total productivity for belts, landfill & everything
tree collision
void chest +
water pumpjack
wood stack to 1k
UPS/FPS slow down issue. [Space Age]
UPS/FPS slow down issue. [Space Age]
- Attachments
- factorio-current.log
- Log File
- (32.73 KiB) Downloaded 16 times
- Forum Reporting.zip
- save-file of Game
- (23.41 MiB) Downloaded 13 times
- Screenshot of Map/Base if needed
- 11-08-2024, 01-32-40.png (244.87 KiB) Viewed 774 times
- Screenshot of Game w/ Debug Options
- 11-08-2024, 01-31-04.png (4.54 MiB) Viewed 774 times