It's very possible, though not at all trivial to figure out. I spent a long time doing exactly what you're talking about. But eventually I came up with a small number of rules that allowed me to avoid lockups. My Gleba base has been stable and productive for 10+ game hours now.j1357 wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 9:06 amWith Gleba, though, no such luck. I have to monitor it, keep adapting ratios etc, and if the system collapses and spoilage takes over I have to spend ages rebooting the whole thing.
The few places where I use blue chests, I make sure "trash unrequested" is checked. Likewise, I rarely use provider chests, but where I do, I always go with purple, not red. Probably not as necessary as long as I'm requesting spoilage to be burned quickly enough. But I've gotten into the habit elsewhere, too.
And every belt end needs it. Mostly I try to loop belts back to their start, but there are several places where they have dead ends, and spoilage MUST be removed there. Add in a few places in the middle of looped belts, and you're pretty much good to go.