In the end different "modes" would be the best idea, but also harder to implement, balance and would consume more time.

I never understood the "command chair" concept. These two posts make good arguments against it.mycale wrote:This. My oppinion exactly. I think the Focus should rest on factory construction / Automation and not on traditional RTS Features. This is what makes factorio Special in the first place.Shaska wrote:Sounds nifty, but while the game is all about automating stuff, if you start to make basic things such as factory construction automated, the game will start going from constructing factories to waiting for the game to construct factories for you.
I think it would work better as just a command chair for your defences, especially if you plan on making enemies more advanced.
I'd love to be able to set up complex factories to churn out an army, then jumping into a chair and commanding it around, but if everything can just be done from a chair defended by 8 automatic turrets, it'd lose a lot of its charm I think
it might work with a "patrol Station" building, you place the building and then in the command chair you set the command system for that post, and have slow, tanklike robots assigned to protect each post.....Nova wrote:@orbito: The two post are about a command chair used to build factories, not about controlling some attack / defense units with this chair. I don't really like the idea of fully automated robots, too, but a way of controlling some units as a kind of attack/defense would be nice. It should not be the only way of fighting an enemy in the late game, but a possibility.
hamster = brainNova wrote:I don't know about which hamster you talk, but if it is sleepy you could build him a small bed out of an oversized matchbox! :3
The core concepts of the game would still be the same, just the way of building stuff would change.ImmortalArcher wrote:I dont really like this idea. I bought the game because i enjoy building factories if we get robots to do everything and make it into a RTS it pretty much becomes a different game and i dont see it competing with starcraft unless theres something that can really make it stand out.
Having an avatar you control directly makes the game a touch more "personal" for me. Running here and there to do your stuff is what makes part of the charm of Factorio. I'd rather see the games "building factories" part beeing fleshed out completely before adding the strategy layer.kovarex wrote:The core concepts of the game would still be the same, just the way of building stuff would change.ImmortalArcher wrote:I dont really like this idea. I bought the game because i enjoy building factories if we get robots to do everything and make it into a RTS it pretty much becomes a different game and i dont see it competing with starcraft unless theres something that can really make it stand out.
You would still have to build transport belts/trains/inserters assembling machines etc, you would just don't have to run there personally to build that.
I tend to agree. To me the core of the game is a survival story where the main character creates factories to help him craft faster and automate resource collection and defense. But when you remove the survival aspect altogether and take the "human" out of the picture, you loose something important. What I'd suggest instead would be to control one robot Avatar at a time. The human character would sit in a virtual reality chair and a factory would produce a "copy" of the player character. If that "copy" dies, you'll wake up in a virtual reality chair (sort of like having an extra life). But I don't like the idea of the game eventually becoming a full RTS.mycale wrote:Having an avatar you control directly makes the game a touch more "personal" for me. Running here and there to do your stuff is what makes part of the charm of Factorio. I'd rather see the games "building factories" part beeing fleshed out completely before adding the strategy layer.kovarex wrote:The core concepts of the game would still be the same, just the way of building stuff would change.ImmortalArcher wrote:I dont really like this idea. I bought the game because i enjoy building factories if we get robots to do everything and make it into a RTS it pretty much becomes a different game and i dont see it competing with starcraft unless theres something that can really make it stand out.
You would still have to build transport belts/trains/inserters assembling machines etc, you would just don't have to run there personally to build that.
Game changing gamemode games have a big problemMatLaPatate wrote:Why are you all saying "I don't want this part of the game, just keep that one". I think one of the main cool point with Factorio is that it can be BOTH RTS-like and survival. And for people who don't like some RTS or survival features, it could just be switched on/off with modes. So you could have RTS mode, Survival Mode, Tower Defense mode or whatever you want ...
And possibly implement some kind of fog-of-war-type system, where you can't build x-distance away from the nearest lamp or something like that. (Think Warhammer 40k)kovarex wrote:The core concepts of the game would still be the same, just the way of building stuff would change.ImmortalArcher wrote:I dont really like this idea. I bought the game because i enjoy building factories if we get robots to do everything and make it into a RTS it pretty much becomes a different game and i dont see it competing with starcraft unless theres something that can really make it stand out.
You would still have to build transport belts/trains/inserters assembling machines etc, you would just don't have to run there personally to build that.