Other games have different situations. But sure, let's look at those.Saphira123456 wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:00 am 1. Let's take a look at some of the games that give you DLC content for free, shall we?
Space Engineers.
Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries
[From another post: No Man's Sky]
Space Engineers: $20 game with 12x $5 DLCs ($80 total)
Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries: $30 game with 6 DLCs, most between $15-$20 ($120 total)
No Man's Sky: $60 game
Factorio: $35 game with soon to have $30-35 DLC ($65-$70 total)
And I want to point out something important here: according to the devs, the DLC was planned to have just as much content as the base game. This means their DLC should, in theory, double the content of the game. And, as has been mentioned already, we will be getting many engine and UI improvements for free, too.
Well, yes. They made the DLC and then decided to split it into subcomponents so that you can enable and disable the pieces you want on any given playthrough. If anything, an arguement could be made to not sell these as a bundled pack like they are and instead separate them out as their own $5 DLC packages. I imagine many people would not buy Quality if they did. But it's their choice to do it like this, and they certainly shouldn't be obligated to release the elevated rails for free just because other games do.Saphira123456 wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:00 am Oh, and according to this very FFF post, you MUST HAVE the DLC in order to add the elevated rails to your game by enabling the mod. The mod WILL NOT WORK without the DLC, so you cannot actually enable them without buying the DLC.
(Of course, if they did this, I can totaly see the cries about how Factorio is going down the road of many other games (like SE) where they're just nickle and diming their player base with DLC. Can't win.)
Again, each game and its surrounding circumtances are different, and just because some games can afford to do this kind of stuff doesn't mean it makes sense for all.
It's not a puzzle game in the same vein as say (to pull out an ancient title because I really don't know what there are for modern games like this) Dr Brain, absolutely not. But there are definitely logistic challenges to be solved like puzzles. Advanced Oil and its 3 fluids (which apparently was too difficult for so many people the devs decided to remove it from Basic), Kovarex process, belt spaghetti, belt balancing, train signaling and interesections, beacon setups, etc are all forms of puzzles to solve. You don't have to solve some of these in the sense of gating progression, and there are multiple ways to solve each of them, but they're still puzzles.Saphira123456 wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:00 am 2. It is not a puzzle game. It is a construction logistics and tycoon game. By your logic, any and all automation games (Factorio, Satisfactory, Captain of Industry, etcetera) must also be puzzle games.
I suppose if you feel as though you can do all of it in your sleep, then I can understand how you don't see the puzzles. But that doesn't mean they're not there.
Ah, my apologies, then. I read it as if you were trying to point out a mistake in the setup. Could be they just threw that down real quick to make the area visible for a map view screenshot, but I'm not sure, as the only way of placing those that would make sense would be via /editor, but then they could've taken the screenshot from there, so.... *shrug*ema wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 6:03 amI was just thinking maybe they're hinting at a new mechanic.FuryoftheStars wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:09 amWhen setting up something for the purposes of screenshots, why does it have to be perfect?ema wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:42 pm Looking at the "island crossing" example more closely. There is a radar powered by accumulators, but there don't seem to be anything refilling the accumulators.
Ok, sure, they could do that. Now they need to manually assign this property for everything in the game and DLC that qualifies. But for what gain? What value does this bring?Abarel wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:15 amSame way as you can differentiate items that require an energy source (like an assembler, a furnace or a locomotive) from items that doesn't (like a belt, a pipe or a box): a developer assign some property for each prototype.FuryoftheStars wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:10 amYou misunderstand. Internally, ore is no different from locomotives (as items). There is no concept of size or weight, so how do you differentiate?Saphira123456 wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:52 am2B: As in real life, loose materials are those like coal, iron ore, gears, screws...
I like Bulk Rail Loader mod by therax.
Again, I'm not against the idea, but a bulk unloader (and/or loader) is superior to inserter setups in every way. It would completely supplant what we have now for these types of items and trivialize the unloading (and/or) loading process. There is no trade off.
Maybe if it was much more limited in use scope? Like ore only? I mean, honestly, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to be unloading circuits or even plates like this anyway. Circuits would be too easily broken and plates would be dented and bent (hard to feed those through a machine).
(Of course, if all of this was controlled by a property, the first mod I can see coming out would be setting all items to being able to use this, but that's digressing.)
I think the problem, and extra work involved with this, is because everything in this game are sprites, then for each ramp orientation they'd need to create more sprites for locomotives, wagons, and artillery.kirkbauer wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:51 pm Stick this in the backlog if you run out of things to do before release. But I agree with some others that more ramp options would be very valuable. Although I don't think that just adding more directions (like 45deg) is the best option.
I'd love to see ramps with a 90deg turn. But you would need one with a left turn and one with a right turn, and each of those would need to be rotated in 4 orientations. But it would be really useful.
Also nice would be an "s turn" ramp that is almost like the straight ramp but jogs left or right on the way up or down.