We need alien tech back!

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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Rush »

I like the idea of an ore that is specified to the nests, but there are a lot of nests. That Ore would be everywhere. It should probibly be specified to areas where nests have grown up to more than 4 or 5 different spanwers. There ore should also gain quantity as the nest grows larger.
But an even better fix for the massive ore problem could be a new type of nest. This nest would be quite rare, and would only spawn in 1 or 5 different nest areas, this would produce the ore around it, and also speed of the development of the nests around it.
Asthetics wouldnt be a problem, anything could be made to look cool. The ore would probebly be some type of crystal or rock, probibly not dead baby biters.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Jap2.0 »

Rush wrote:Yeah I like the Idea of using the as fuel. But if that is implemented, they should probibly be refined in some way before using it as fuel. Because putting alien artifacts as fuel would be to convenient.
As in collecting them, you could have logistics bots pick them up when they are dropped.
Hey, do you remember how a few centuries back people used to use dried animal poop as fuel?
Last edited by Jap2.0 on Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by dood »

Rush wrote:The ore would probebly be some type of crystal or rock, probibly not dead baby biters.
Oh you had to be that buzzkill now. Why wouldn't you want to run your factory on dead babies?
Hm, nests could spread creep around them like the zerg in starcraft 2 and you could mine that.
You would have screens full of the stuff tho, it better look good and it better be mined out fast so you can get rid of it.

That special creep miner should probably have a massive range then, to keep people sane.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by bobucles »

The problem with making aliens drop useful materials is that you're essentially asking players to automate war crimes. May I suggest playing Rimworld?
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Hedning1390 »

bobucles wrote:The problem with making aliens drop useful materials is that you're essentially asking players to automate war crimes. May I suggest playing Rimworld?
Actually this is exactly what factorio is about. Factorio is about industrial exploitation and ravaging of nature. Have you ever wondered why there are 2 achievements for destroying trees, but there is no way to plant them? Take a look at the start menu screen. The only green in factorio is the rusted green paint on the pumpjacks.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Rush »

I understand where you are coming from Jap, and we could have to mine crap off the ground, but id rather a material that isnt feccies.
On another note, the one guy that said the thing about war crimes got shut down so hard, im still on the floor laughing.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Jap2.0 »

Rush wrote:I understand where you are coming from Jap, and we could have to mine crap off the ground, but id rather a material that isnt feccies.
On another note, the one guy that said the thing about war crimes got shut down so hard, im still on the floor laughing.
You're right, automated mass genocide/war crimes is more like Factorio than mining fecal matter.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by bobucles »

Factorio is about industrial exploitation and ravaging of nature
Yes, Factorio really teaches dirt a good hard lesson about having resources.

The very instant you put resources into biters players will be setting up murder farms, train grinders and all sorts of horror shows to maximize resources from biters. Yes, it is automation. Yes it is viable, players will 100% find a way. However it's a very different flavor of gameplay compared to turning dirt into rockets.

Is a fully automated meat grinder that turns biters into rockets Factorio? It may be clever and morbidly funny, but I don't think that's the kind of message this game intends to give.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by dood »

Jap2.0 wrote:
Rush wrote:I understand where you are coming from Jap, and we could have to mine crap off the ground, but id rather a material that isnt feccies.
On another note, the one guy that said the thing about war crimes got shut down so hard, im still on the floor laughing.
You're right, automated mass genocide/war crimes is more like Factorio than mining fecal matter.
So... dead alien babies it is?
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Redstone_Tesla »

I have a simple idea.

As the monsters evolve, there will be a greater tendency to mount nests over mineral sources.

Therefore, the reward for destroying nests is to have access to more resources.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Jap2.0 »

dood wrote:
Jap2.0 wrote:
Rush wrote:I understand where you are coming from Jap, and we could have to mine crap off the ground, but id rather a material that isnt feccies.
On another note, the one guy that said the thing about war crimes got shut down so hard, im still on the floor laughing.
You're right, automated mass genocide/war crimes is more like Factorio than mining fecal matter.
So... dead alien babies it is?
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Rush »

Come on guys, cant we think of something better than dead biter babies as the ore. Im sure we could come up with something better for the devs.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by 5thHorseman »

Rush wrote:Come on guys, cant we think of something better than dead biter babies as the ore. Im sure we could come up with something better for the devs.
I suggest "leave it like it is" but that may not be what you are thinking.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Koub »

I also vote for "biters drop nothing". I don't want to be in a situation where :
- either I'm forced to farm biters (or biter nests)
- or, without actively farming, I drop and get tons of a product faster than I use them.

If biter drop something, it will be either one of those : it's impossible to adjust droprate to fit every single game's needs.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by dood »

Rush wrote:Come on guys, cant we think of something better than dead biter babies as the ore. Im sure we could come up with something better for the devs.
Oh I know! Living alien babies.
That's better. Right?
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Hannu »

It could be an interesting option, for example there could be alternative recipe for high tech science, which would use an alien artifact in addition to current ingredients but give 20 science bottles instead of 2. Of alien artifact could be mixed with sulfuric acid to some kind of super acid, which would give 10 processing units instead of 1 if used instead of sulfuric acid. If every destroyed nest saved couple of thousands of raw resources, it could have some significance in late game high production base. But I would not force player to kill enemies as an only option to launch rockets.

If artifacts laying on ground would disappear in 5 minutes they would not affect on UPS or be annoying scrap. In my opinion all items laying on ground should disappear in 5 minutes so that item explosions would not be so annoying to fix. However, reasonable automation of collection should be developed. So that bots would bot leave during fight but player should not have to mark them actively.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Aeternus »

I disagree with putting those orbs back in. For reasons stated above - collecting them would be difficult and artillery plus respawning would cause a mess of the stuff outside the base walls. It'd create an unneccesary clutter on the map. However, the idea of having a small reward of sorts may not be a bad idea. Maybe have nearby biter spawners go into a "surpressed" mode for some time, where they still absorb pollution but do not spawn new biters while the effect is active?
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by bobingabout »

I don't think they'll ever come back in the base game, however, if you do like them, there are mods for that.

Bob's enemies mod does add them back in if you turn the option on, but also adds a lot more enemies. It also doesn't edit any of the recipes.
so if you're just looking for the pink bubblegum, it's not the best mod for you.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: Put the Alien Orbs back in the Game.

Post by Rush »

Sadly you are correct about that, you can’t please everyone.
My idea so far is not that you farm biters, or spitters, but instead every once in a while a type of nest will spawn, that will every few ticks spawn a type of alienite ore. This nest will still get rid of polution, but wont be a threat towards the player. However they should be hard to get to, in a sence that it is surrounded by a large polulation of biter and spiter spawners, and worms.


The ore would spawn in the X marked areas, and could be farmed by mining drills once it has spawned. The nest could have a certain amount of alienite ore it could spawn, or it could be infinite. If it is infinite, the rate that it spawns could be set at a slow rate, or it could produce more, the more polution is arround.
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Re: Have biter nests be more usefull

Post by MoreThanTom »

Honestly this idea is rather out-there, and I don't really expect it to be added. But to me it would perfectly fit this use and be an interesting mechanic. The names are all temporary :D

Spitters and Worms should drop venom sacs. Each kill could drop 0-1 items, though it is weighted towards dropping none. On their own, these items don't really do much, just accumulate as the player kills more nests. You can however combine them with sulphuric acid in an assembly machine to create volatile acid. This is used as flamethrower to 'melt' tiles - if it comes into contact with anything, they are removed in 1 second, dropping no items. (This includes trees, making that less of an issue :roll: ) The main use, however, would be destroying nests. You could no longer normally damage them, and only spray acid on them would reduce their health (requiring a similar amount of damage as using a flamethrower now.) When they are destroyed, they spawn new uranium deposits, which no longer spawn naturally. these would be far smaller than the ones we currently have, but be easier to find as they could potentially be regenerated every time you find a nest.

This would make the uranium more special, as if you have to dig them up to use them, and also improve the game for newcomers, keeping the start of the game simple with the main four materials, and discovering a whole new branch to the game when they start fighting biters. The uranium would work as normal if you were to disable enemies to keep functionality.
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