[MOD 0.15.29+] Creative Mode 0.3.12 - Infinite resources

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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Mooncat »

Qon wrote:Disabled it, now I can enter vehicles. Thanks. I should have been able to figure that one out by myself...

It didn't seem to work with the speeds I'm running at anyways. I probably run at 1000 km/h and I'm still too slow, takes forever with my UPS and the size of my base to get around q:
It's OK. Do you mean you are still having trouble on the running speed? :shock:
GeekinaCave wrote:Hi, i have a suggestion: the passive and active void energy should have a setting for configure their drain capacity; that will be useful for know exactly the point when the "steam+storage tanks" setup get its limits.
Yes, it has been suggested. Oh right.... I should add the suggestions to the first post.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Airat9000 »

:D author! freat mod!

and can not in any way to do so that some of the items were available, but not all in the infinite form?
and even recipes to make, you can manually :( fun certainly does not argue, made in view of the shopping fashion wherever receive could be items for certain coins .. so that would have a choice of modes,

let's say 10 coins - 1 piece of iron
or 3000 coins diesel generator
and a box which can be ordered. and then all at once you do know for the test but would be more difficult it would be)

and technology to open in chest (items and other)
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Mooncat »

Airat9000 wrote::D author! freat mod!

and can not in any way to do so that some of the items were available, but not all in the infinite form?
and even recipes to make, you can manually :( fun certainly does not argue, made in view of the shopping fashion wherever receive could be items for certain coins .. so that would have a choice of modes,

let's say 10 coins - 1 piece of iron
or 3000 coins diesel generator
Thanks. :D

But sorry I can't make the mod to be something like what you said...
First of all, the "infinite form" is actually the Factorio built-in cheat mode, which makes hand crafting for ALL items free and instant. It cannot select which item to be free or not. It doesn't really change the recipes.

And about the coins, I guess you are looking for a trading mod instead of this one? This mod aims to let you build freely, create something from nothing, so you can test factory setups, create initial map setup (skip the first n hours).
Airat9000 wrote:and a box which can be ordered. and then all at once you do know for the test but would be more difficult it would be)
If I understand correctly, you are looking for a Creative Chest with optional contents, right?
You will be able to filter out items in the Creative Provider Chest in the next version. Maybe this will fit your requirement.
and technology to open in chest (items and other)
Can you explain more on this? :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Mooncat »

Just a quick showcase about the upcoming update.

So the GUI for filtering out contents in creative chests will look like this:
creative-chest-filter-table.png (483.94 KiB) Viewed 10955 times
The button will be shown on the left when a chest is selected, then you can click the button to open the slot table. At the bottom of the table, you can click the cross button to toggle all slots to filter out or restore them.
And yes, the button icon is a normal Creative Chest, which is not accessible by robots.

About the performance issue, I found that I did something wrong and made the situation worse than before when the Item Sources/Item Voids/Duplciators are working with chests. It has been fixed. Unfortunately, the performance is still not very good. I would say it is mainly due to the complexity of their functionalities. But still, I am willing to find more possible ways to optimize them. Reducing their functionalities is not considered though.
Also, I am looking forward to the improvement brought by the new modding API in Factorio 0.13.16. :P
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Qon »

Mooncat wrote:And yes, the button icon is a normal Creative Chest, which is not accessible by robots.
So what exactly does this mean? If the creative chest isn't a passive provider then the filtering ability is pointless. I don't really get it.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by siggboy »

Qon wrote:So what exactly does this mean? If the creative chest isn't a passive provider then the filtering ability is pointless. I don't really get it.
A chest has 48 slots, but there are more items than that. If you simply want a non-logistic magic chest to feed test setups, or to pick up items from manually, then it's not pointless at all. I assume there will be a logistic variant as well.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Qon »

siggboy wrote:
Qon wrote:So what exactly does this mean? If the creative chest isn't a passive provider then the filtering ability is pointless. I don't really get it.
A chest has 48 slots, but there are more items than that. If you simply want a non-logistic magic chest to feed test setups, or to pick up items from manually, then it's not pointless at all. I assume there will be a logistic variant as well.
If I'm going to pick from it manually why would I flter it? I can just pick the items I want and not pick the ones I don't want. Same with test setups, the item source can give any item necessary and sice the required items are fixed it is basically the same as setting up an item source. Pointless.

The whole reason for filtering was to provide almost all items to the logistics network with very little configuration. If it provides nothing at all to the logistics network I have no use for it.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by aubergine18 »

Hey, just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for this mod. It's made it so much easier to do work on my own mod and just randomly try stuff out in game.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Mooncat »

Qon wrote:
siggboy wrote:
Qon wrote:So what exactly does this mean? If the creative chest isn't a passive provider then the filtering ability is pointless. I don't really get it.
A chest has 48 slots, but there are more items than that. If you simply want a non-logistic magic chest to feed test setups, or to pick up items from manually, then it's not pointless at all. I assume there will be a logistic variant as well.
If I'm going to pick from it manually why would I flter it? I can just pick the items I want and not pick the ones I don't want. Same with test setups, the item source can give any item necessary and sice the required items are fixed it is basically the same as setting up an item source. Pointless.

The whole reason for filtering was to provide almost all items to the logistics network with very little configuration. If it provides nothing at all to the logistics network I have no use for it.
Maybe you are right that this function is not very useful for the normal Creative Chest. But the original Creative Provider Chest is still here, shared with the same functionality to filter out slots, so you can think that it is just a bonus feature for the normal chest. Also, filtering out the unwanted items can make the chest cleaner, so it is not completely pointless.
Somebody may find the normal chest useful for testing robotic networks because the cheated items will not be provided to the robots. ;)
aubergine18 wrote:Hey, just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for this mod. It's made it so much easier to do work on my own mod and just randomly try stuff out in game.
My pleasure. :D
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by siggboy »

Mooncat wrote:Also, filtering out the unwanted items can make the chest cleaner, so it is not completely pointless.
That's my point. It makes sense to have a chest with only a few select items in it, also if you want to limit what inserters can grab from it (for test setups). In a real game I would probably not use it, but for test setups it's useful if you can control what the chest possibly can contain.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.11+] Creative Mode 0.1.1 - Optimized, auto-enable

Post by Qon »

Mooncat wrote:But the original Creative Provider Chest is still here, shared with the same functionality to filter out slots,
Well ok! I thought that the creative provider was what you called creative chest there, so it sounded like you had removed the provider functionality from it. Well it sounds like a better version of the duplicator chest then. I can get behind that as long as the creative provider isn't removed :D .
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by Mooncat »

tada.... almost a month after the last update, 0.1.2 is finally finished and released:
- New chests as discussed: Creative Chest, Duplicating Chest, Duplicating Provider Chest and Void Requester Chest
- Contents of the Creative Chest and Creative Provider Chest can be configured.
- Fixed the optimization failure in v0.1.1

Also thanks to Nexela, Instant Blueprint and Instant Deconstruction are implemented as cheats when Creative Mode is enabled.
They are automatically enabled if you load an existing game with this mod older than v0.1.2 under the following conditions:
1) Creative Mode is enabled, and
2) cheat_mode is enabled for player 1.
As a replacement of the instant blueprint mod on Mod Portal, these 2 new cheats are compatible with other mods.

Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, optimization against wired Item Source/Item Void/Duplicator is not ready yet.
And also due to an API limitation, configurable Energy Source and Energy Void are not implemented. But Passive Energy Source is created. However, it is an known issue that it will make the Energy Production bar displayed incorrectly. I will make a bug report for this later.

As usual, the new things will be added to the first post later. ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by Anson »

i was just reading this thread and about to report that the old problem still exists for me, that blueprints don't show a preview when items from this mod are included (using factorio 0.13.17 and the newest version of your mod), when i saw that you just posted an update a few minutes ago :-)

i immediately updated it, but when walking a few steps in my factory, i got this error :
creativedestruction.PNG (201.1 KiB) Viewed 11012 times
maybe it is related to this new feature that you just introduced ?
Mooncat wrote:Instant Blueprint and Instant Deconstruction are implemented as cheats ...
As a replacement of the instant blueprint mod on Mod Portal, these 2 new cheats are compatible with other mods.
i use a ton of mods, including logistics mining and auto deconstruct (which both automatically mark entities for destruction by robots and which gave no problems until now), but not instant blueprints.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by Qon »

Mooncat wrote: - New chests as discussed: Creative Chest, Duplicating Chest, Duplicating Provider Chest and Void Requester Chest
- Contents of the Creative Chest and Creative Provider Chest can be configured.
- Fixed the optimization failure in v0.1.1

Also thanks to Nexela, Instant Blueprint and Instant Deconstruction are implemented as cheats when Creative Mode is enabled.
Fantastic! So instant blueprint sends on_built_entity event (or whatever it is called) and works with Filtered Deconstruction planner? Can I toggle it off by toggling cheat_mode though? It's impossible to blueprint landfill and waterfill without ghosts since you can't mark the tiles themselves. But maybe you could fix that, the screenshot_tool mod by Klonan marks ground tiles. Well you did promise compatability with other mods so maybe you already thought about that too? :D
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by Nexela »

Anson wrote: i use a ton of mods, including logistics mining and auto deconstruct (which both automatically mark entities for destruction by robots and which gave no problems until now), but not instant blueprints.
Looks like we didn't account for mods that mark things for deconstruction.

mooncat/anson adjust line 297 in scripts/events.lua to:

Code: Select all

if not game.active_mods["instant-blueprints"] and event.player_index and game.players[event.player_index].cheat_mode then
This should only trigger the event if a player marks the item for deconstruction.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by siggboy »

I love the new features! :D

The new chests ARE AMAZING with the instant operation, exactly what was missing.
The passive energy source was a good idea as well.

The instant blueprinting and deconstruction: amazing, removes the need for the Instant Blueprint mod.

The instant functionality also works a lot better than in TestMode because it triggers the correct events (so I'm not left with proxy items on the ground or in my inventory, with is a big problem with Test Mode.

Edit: I just realize that the Creative Chest has the following property: if there's at least one slot free in it (filtered), then you can drop any items into it and they are voided. That is actually extremely useful, especially if you use the chest manually. You can simply take out what you need and trash what you don't need, all at the same chest.

For this reason, I propose to always have 1 free slot in Creative Chests, so you will have this voiding capability by default. This would be SUPER useful because then one could always place a creative chest, no matter if you need it as an item source or as an item void. Right now one has to manually clear 1 filter slot for this to work, and you have to do it every time when you place a chest. The requester void chest would only be needed in bot setups.

And mention it in the tool tip of the item, I more or less discovered it randomly.

You should also make the "compact" inventory view the default.

You should start working on something like Mjollnir now, because we really, really need that.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by Nexela »

Qon wrote: Fantastic! So instant blueprint sends on_built_entity event (or whatever it is called) and works with Filtered Deconstruction planner? Can I toggle it off by toggling cheat_mode though?
Toggling cheat_mode off will also turn off instant blueprint/decon.

Kinda like how HandyHands always makes sure I have a full stack in cheat_mode :)
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by Qon »

Nexela wrote:
Qon wrote: Fantastic! So instant blueprint sends on_built_entity event (or whatever it is called) and works with Filtered Deconstruction planner? Can I toggle it off by toggling cheat_mode though?
Toggling cheat_mode off will also turn off instant blueprint/decon.

Kinda like how HandyHands always makes sure I have a full stack in cheat_mode :)
Ok nice. Glad you are enjoying HandyHands. With cheat_mode it's actually better than logi bots. Ghost place is also free with the instant blueprint function but I can't remember to do that all the time. But you can turn HandyHands off with K (default) even while cheat_mode is on.

@Mooncat, the item source doesn't output fully compressed express belt speed. Possible to fix? Was kinda obvious while filling my 512 belt balancer, it's easily visible at 10 UPS. And yeah 1024 item source + voids are not optimized enough to run at the same time as my balancer q:
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by siggboy »

Qon wrote:@Mooncat, the item source doesn't output fully compressed express belt speed. Possible to fix?
Maybe it's possible to create a modded loader, the loader seems to be able to easily compress a belt with no performance issues. I do not know what else would be necessary to turn it into something like an item source, but maybe it's possible and then it certainly would be the best approach.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Creative Mode 0.1.2 - Chests, instant bp

Post by Nexela »

Also the latest update seems to have broken the energy sources......
And Nexela Seems to have broken energy sources :) Silly typos.
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