Overhauls combat to feel more satifsying, providing (and requiring) more meaningful choices when picking your weapons which have each been given a more unique feel. The point is NOT to add anything major to the game, just to adjust what is already there so that it's not just "combat shotgun all the way." I've given pretty much everything some kind of weakness, eg the Flamethrower for example is excellent against waves of Biters and grouped Spawners but struggles to kill Worms and the larger Spitters, and Destroyers now take longer to kill Behemoth Biters.
Defending in the early game is pretty much the same, though I gave Armour Piercing Rounds 50% more shots per clip and Gun Turrets 50% more HP so you don't need to maintain your defences quite as often. Grenades are now required to take out early nests, regular bullets will literally do nothing to a Spawner.
Still tweaking but it's at a stage now where I'm just fine tuning so any feedback is welcome. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do anything interesting with the regular Shotgun, was hoping I could give it a ton of range or something but the range values on the weapon appear to be ignored.