Mylon's Many Mods
Mylon's Many Mods
Here's a general thread for my collection of mods to make it easier to keep track of feedback as well as what I'm working on.
Last edited by Mylon on Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:54 pm, edited 41 times in total.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Concreep has a bug when processing a roboport with no construction_radius (used by some mods to drain power).
I added this to the check in the checkRoboports function which allows it to be removed from the creepers table:
Concreep has a bug when processing a roboport with no construction_radius (used by some mods to drain power).
I added this to the check in the checkRoboports function which allows it to be removed from the creepers table:
Code: Select all
and roboport.logistic_cell and roboport.logistic_cell.construction_radius > 0
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Such a strange bug! Thanks for catching that.
Such a strange bug! Thanks for catching that.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Got a publishable version of Belt Upgrader done. Since publishing I worked out a method to simulate fast-replace with bots, allowing putting down an entity without stopping the old one and preserving circuit connections so I need to rewrite a decent chunk of it to use this new method. Oh, and I figured out how to preserve Bobs Inserter settings.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Made a huge update to Global Warming. Performance is greatly improved.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Published my Prospector mod. Would be nice if I had some people using ore mods do some testing.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Multiple (4) issues detailed below:Mylon wrote:Published my Prospector mod. Would be nice if I had some people using ore mods do some testing.
1. Factorio v14.21, Prospector v0.6.1, Angel's Infinite Ores v0.4.5, together causes error on startup:
2. Prospector Mk2 is not set to be able to fast-replace Prospector Mk13. Depleted ore and ore veins have minability, but cannot be mined by hand or machine? Should they not just disappear from the map if they are depleted, like a normal patch of ore? Or can they somehow become undepleted later?
EDIT: Tested a little more, seems depleted ores do sometimes become undepleted by prospectors. They're not really "depleted" if they still have ore in them though? =P Do they ever become truly depleted then? I feel like there should be a limit to how much ore is inside a patch? Otherwise this just becomes truly infinite ore, producing far more pollution than Angel's method, but potentially being more stable. Uncovered another issue:
4. Ore seams have a mining hardness of 7, but Mining Drill Mk3's have only mining power of 6. Thus, seams cannot be mined. (Tested with Creative Mode v0.2.5 and CNC's Sulfur mod v1.0.0, in case the issue cannot be reproduced with Prospector mod alone)
Last edited by Kryzeth on Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
The deconstruction with bluebuild doesn't seem to work.
I've made the deconstruction planner and I know deconstruction is turned on with the n-key, but when I mark assembly machines they don't get decontructed.
Can there be something I'm missing?
When I disable all the other mods it still doesn't work.
The autobuild option does work, it's only the deconstruction that doesn't.
I've made the deconstruction planner and I know deconstruction is turned on with the n-key, but when I mark assembly machines they don't get decontructed.
Can there be something I'm missing?
When I disable all the other mods it still doesn't work.
The autobuild option does work, it's only the deconstruction that doesn't.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
pieppiep wrote:/edit
When I disable all the other mods it still doesn't work.
The autobuild option does work, it's only the deconstruction that doesn't.
I'm an idiot, ignore me. Bluebuild v1.0.1 deconstruction is most definitely broken.
Last edited by Kryzeth on Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
If I understand the description of the BluePrint mod correctly you don't need the construction bots.Kryzeth wrote:Are you sure you're using it right? I don't know about any toggling with n, but the way a deconstruction planner works is that you mark an area with the planner in your hand (just as if you were creating a blueprint) and then constructions bots from either the logistics network, or your inventory with a personal roboport, will come and deconstruct it, and ferry the remains to a storage chest (or into your inventory, if using personal roboport)pieppiep wrote:/edit
When I disable all the other mods it still doesn't work.
The autobuild option does work, it's only the deconstruction that doesn't.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods is way too late for my brain to work right; I completely missed that this post covered multiple mods by the same author. My bad.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Deleted ore can turn into ore veins, depleted ore veins can turn into ore seams. This is so they're still around to be turned into seams, otherwise depleting a patch early would destroy resources.Kryzeth wrote: 3. Depleted ore and ore veins have minability, but cannot be mined by hand or machine? Should they not just disappear from the map if they are depleted, like a normal patch of ore? Or can they somehow become undepleted later?
I thought about a prospector Mk. 3 that can add ore to existing seams for infinite mining, but I decided against it. I might offer it as an option in 0.15.
I'll look into the other reports, thanks.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
I published a fix for Prospector and Bluebuild. Thanks for the reports.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Was testing out Prospector and noticed that when deconstructing the Mk. 3 Drills they would revert to the Mk. 2 versions. No idea if that was intended or not. Either way great mod!
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Prospector updated to 0.7.0. Fixed the bug where Mk 3 drills were returning Mk 2s when mined. Also simulated richness so this mod will emulate the richness setting of the map.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
RE: Dirt path
Nice idea. needs some tweaking to work with other flooring mods though
if not (string.find(, "dirt") or string.find(, "sand") or string.find(, "brick") or string.find(, "concrete")) then
can be converted to
if not tile.hidden_tile or not (string.find(, "dirt") or string.find(, "sand")) then
A hidden_tile will be non nil if there is a tile on top (typically flooring tiles)
Nice idea. needs some tweaking to work with other flooring mods though
if not (string.find(, "dirt") or string.find(, "sand") or string.find(, "brick") or string.find(, "concrete")) then
can be converted to
if not tile.hidden_tile or not (string.find(, "dirt") or string.find(, "sand")) then
A hidden_tile will be non nil if there is a tile on top (typically flooring tiles)
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
One more for ya, Not sure what you are trying to accomplish here (Dirt Paths)
Also changing both functions to "local function" will net you better performance, albeit unnoticeable. Still good habit
. same with DIRT_THRESHOLD
Code: Select all
-- Check for water to prevent landfill exploit
local xx = -3, 4, 1 do
local yy = -3, 4, 1 do
local waterCheck = p.surface.get_tile(tile.position.x + xx, tile.position.y + yy)
if not (waterCheck and waterCheck.valid and waterCheck.collides_with("ground-tile")) then

Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
I added that segment because otherwise you can run into the shoreline and create land. There is a 3 tile margin of grass between any other terrain and water. I could add an extra condition to check if Waterfix is installed and instead only convert land tiles in the 2x2 area.
Re: Mylon's Multiple Mods
Mylon wrote:I added that segment because otherwise you can run into the shoreline and create land. There is a 3 tile margin of grass between any other terrain and water. I could add an extra condition to check if Waterfix is installed and instead only convert land tiles in the 2x2 area.
Ohhh I put everything but what the problem was in my post. I think you want these to be "for" and not "local"
Code: Select all
local xx = -3, 4, 1 do
local yy = -3, 4, 1 do