- 3d_rusty_metal_text_effect.png (454.67 KiB) Viewed 17109 times
- Assembling machines, drills, refineries, pumpjacks, chemical plants, solar panels, steam engines and electric furnaces all age and degrade over time
- Replacement of old machines can be automated with your construction bots
- Old machines can be recycled and refurbished.
- Recyclers and refurbishers have adaptive recipe setting to automatically recycle whatever old machines are brought to it.
- Increases difficulty and challenge. Your factories must produce replacement parts in addition to everything else.
- Now includes inhibitor toxin. Inhibit's evolution. When you loot enemies, choose either to make universal replacement parts, or inhibitor toxin.
- Lots of configuration options.
Version: 1.2.4
Release: 2017-02-25
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.15.x
Category: game mechanics, balancing
Download-Url: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/withers/WearAndTear
Website: NA
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Long description
Long description
This mod adds wear and tear mechanics to the game. Mining drills, assembling machines, pumpjacks, oils refineries, chemical plants, electric furnaces, steam engines and solar panels all age and degrade over time. Machines added by other mods age as well. Machines that run constantly age faster than machines that are idle. Machines made of higher grade materials have improved durability.
There are 4 stages of wear:
- new: small bonus to speed and less pollution
- aging: normal speed and pollution
- old: significant speed penalty and double pollution.
- dilapidated: crippling speed penalty and massive pollution. Stops working completely after a while.
You will receive an alert whenever a machine reaches the end of its useful life. Old machines also show on the mini-map. This can be toggled off in settings.
The stage of aging, old and dilapidated machines are shown in the name of the entity in the information panel. Old machines periodically emit smoke and dilapidated machines emit a lot of smoke. You can check the remaining useful life of a machine by moving the cursor over it and pressing CTRL-A.
Old machines can be recycled for 50% of the ingredients. If you remove a dilapidated machine, it becomes a pile of scrap metal, which can be smelted into iron plates. With more advanced tech, you can also refurbish old machines to restore them, however this requires you to make universal spare parts, which requires alien loot to craft. Both the recyclers and refurbishers will automatically adjust their recipe to recycle/refurbish any machine brought to it. (so you only need to build one for automation)
You can configure the intervals for each stage of wear in the settings. Actual times may vary depending on the machine type, how often it is used, the type of metal used in build it, and a little randomness. You can also configure which machines types age.
Old or dilapidated machines will automatically be removed and replaced by your construction bots. You can configure which machines (or none) are to be automatically replaced in the settings. To make sure a machine gets replaced, you must: (a) make sure the machine is inside a construction network (the green zone) (b) Have a suitable replacement item in a provider or storage chest that is in the logistics network (orange zone). Bots will scan roughly every 6 seconds for old equipment. When found, they deconstruct the old machine, placing all of its contents in storage, retrieve a new machine from storage, build the new machine, and finally transfer the orientation, recipe and any modules to the new machine.
Also, for more advanced automation, you get access to diagnostics scanners after researching circuit networks. Place these devices in a logistics network. They will automatically scan for old machines in need of replacement and send a signal for that machine into any connected circuit network.
Aliens drop alien goo as loot. (a lot of it). This goo is quite useful. It's a key ingredient in producing universal spare parts. Universal spare parts can be used to refurbish any "old" machine into a brand new one. Refurbishers (and recyclers) are special assembling machines which scan chests that feed them and automatically set it's recipe to recycle/refurbishing anything brought to it. In this way you can 100% automate all of the machine replacements in your base.
Alternatively, you can use any leftover alien loot to manufacture inhibitor toxin. Feed the inhibitor toxin into a special boiler, it will dump toxic emissions into the atmosphere. These emissions, once built up to sufficient levels, will slow down or even temporary halt evolution process. This is an effective way to prevent the enemy from overpowering your base, giving you more time in marathon games. The bug GUI can be clicked for more information. To prevent waste, you should generally continue dumping toxins into the atmosphere until the bar completely fills up. Colors of GUI bug are as follows.
- Red: No effect. aliens are evolving at normal speeds.
- Yellow: aliens are evolving, but at slower speeds.
- Green: alien evolution is suppressed.
- Orange: Although you have developed sufficient toxin levels, aliens are resisting the effects and are evolving anyway.
Should be compatible with most mods. I am not aware of any current conflicts. See readme file for more details.
This mod adds wear and tear mechanics to the game. Mining drills, assembling machines, pumpjacks, oils refineries, chemical plants, electric furnaces, steam engines and solar panels all age and degrade over time. Machines added by other mods age as well. Machines that run constantly age faster than machines that are idle. Machines made of higher grade materials have improved durability.
There are 4 stages of wear:
- new: small bonus to speed and less pollution
- aging: normal speed and pollution
- old: significant speed penalty and double pollution.
- dilapidated: crippling speed penalty and massive pollution. Stops working completely after a while.
You will receive an alert whenever a machine reaches the end of its useful life. Old machines also show on the mini-map. This can be toggled off in settings.
The stage of aging, old and dilapidated machines are shown in the name of the entity in the information panel. Old machines periodically emit smoke and dilapidated machines emit a lot of smoke. You can check the remaining useful life of a machine by moving the cursor over it and pressing CTRL-A.
Old machines can be recycled for 50% of the ingredients. If you remove a dilapidated machine, it becomes a pile of scrap metal, which can be smelted into iron plates. With more advanced tech, you can also refurbish old machines to restore them, however this requires you to make universal spare parts, which requires alien loot to craft. Both the recyclers and refurbishers will automatically adjust their recipe to recycle/refurbish any machine brought to it. (so you only need to build one for automation)
You can configure the intervals for each stage of wear in the settings. Actual times may vary depending on the machine type, how often it is used, the type of metal used in build it, and a little randomness. You can also configure which machines types age.
Old or dilapidated machines will automatically be removed and replaced by your construction bots. You can configure which machines (or none) are to be automatically replaced in the settings. To make sure a machine gets replaced, you must: (a) make sure the machine is inside a construction network (the green zone) (b) Have a suitable replacement item in a provider or storage chest that is in the logistics network (orange zone). Bots will scan roughly every 6 seconds for old equipment. When found, they deconstruct the old machine, placing all of its contents in storage, retrieve a new machine from storage, build the new machine, and finally transfer the orientation, recipe and any modules to the new machine.
Also, for more advanced automation, you get access to diagnostics scanners after researching circuit networks. Place these devices in a logistics network. They will automatically scan for old machines in need of replacement and send a signal for that machine into any connected circuit network.
Aliens drop alien goo as loot. (a lot of it). This goo is quite useful. It's a key ingredient in producing universal spare parts. Universal spare parts can be used to refurbish any "old" machine into a brand new one. Refurbishers (and recyclers) are special assembling machines which scan chests that feed them and automatically set it's recipe to recycle/refurbishing anything brought to it. In this way you can 100% automate all of the machine replacements in your base.
Alternatively, you can use any leftover alien loot to manufacture inhibitor toxin. Feed the inhibitor toxin into a special boiler, it will dump toxic emissions into the atmosphere. These emissions, once built up to sufficient levels, will slow down or even temporary halt evolution process. This is an effective way to prevent the enemy from overpowering your base, giving you more time in marathon games. The bug GUI can be clicked for more information. To prevent waste, you should generally continue dumping toxins into the atmosphere until the bar completely fills up. Colors of GUI bug are as follows.
- Red: No effect. aliens are evolving at normal speeds.
- Yellow: aliens are evolving, but at slower speeds.
- Green: alien evolution is suppressed.
- Orange: Although you have developed sufficient toxin levels, aliens are resisting the effects and are evolving anyway.
Should be compatible with most mods. I am not aware of any current conflicts. See readme file for more details.
Screen shots
Screen Shots
- notifications.jpg (86.06 KiB) Viewed 13953 times
- toxin-dispersion.jpg (331.72 KiB) Viewed 13953 times
- slowed.jpg (14.18 KiB) Viewed 13953 times
- ss_1.jpg (191.11 KiB) Viewed 17292 times
- ss_3.jpg (152.41 KiB) Viewed 17292 times
- ss_4.jpg (186.27 KiB) Viewed 17292 times
- ss_5.jpg (219.04 KiB) Viewed 17292 times
Compatibility and Recommendations
Compatibility and Recommendations
There are no incompatibilities that I am aware of. If another mod creates a prototype which is manipulated by the control.lue, the game might throw an error. See readme for details on how to fix.
I recommend setting the game up for high density / rich resource deposits or using a mod such as Angel's Infinite Ores to prevent running out as this mod will significantly increase the demand for resources. Also highly recommend using Angel's Logistics as this will provide what you need to set up early game automation for bots to replace old machines.
I recommend both Bobs and Angels. For an even greater challenge, try using this with my other mod "10x Harder" (or any "marathon" type of mod). I currently play with all the above, setting biter evolution time factor to 0, setting the 10x recipe ingredient factor to 5 (so I guess its 5x Harder) and setting aging times to double default times and .001 for idle aging.
There are no incompatibilities that I am aware of. If another mod creates a prototype which is manipulated by the control.lue, the game might throw an error. See readme for details on how to fix.
I recommend setting the game up for high density / rich resource deposits or using a mod such as Angel's Infinite Ores to prevent running out as this mod will significantly increase the demand for resources. Also highly recommend using Angel's Logistics as this will provide what you need to set up early game automation for bots to replace old machines.
I recommend both Bobs and Angels. For an even greater challenge, try using this with my other mod "10x Harder" (or any "marathon" type of mod). I currently play with all the above, setting biter evolution time factor to 0, setting the 10x recipe ingredient factor to 5 (so I guess its 5x Harder) and setting aging times to double default times and .001 for idle aging.
To Do
To Do
- Add GUI features to monitor machines and allow more direct control over robot replacements.
- Add GUI features to monitor machines and allow more direct control over robot replacements.
Version history
Version history
- Added an option to hide recycle and refurbish recipes in crafting menus.
- (Hopefully) fixed a conflict with Yuoki's mods.
- Modified the localisation coding to allow more flexible localisation.
- Recyclers and refurbishers should now be able to detect old equipment on belts. (They had to be in a chest before)
- Revisited the old inventory item tracking once again. Under the new system, there's no longer any need to make the stack size = 1 for age-able items.
I decided I should make the inhibitor toxin a little easier to work with, especially as a weapon. So.....
- You can now toggle the vents in the toxin boilers on/off. Mouse over the boiler and press CTRL-V. When the vent is closed, toxin will not be released into the atmosphere. It will instead build up inside the boiler, just like steam in the steam boiler. Now this deadly steam toxin can be transported to other locations and used against the enemy.
- Ordinary pipe sections now have vents. Or, more specifically, END-pipe has vents. You can toggle these vents open/closed the same way. (mouse over and press CTRL-V). So..... boil the toxin, transfer the deadly steam to your borders via pipe, and open the vent on that pipe. Stand back watch the carnage....
- Just for the hell of it, I decided to extend this functionality to all gases. Any gas that's in a pipe can now be dumped into the atmosphere be pressing CTRL-V on the pipe to open the vent. Warning: Dumping raw gas into the atmosphere is really bad for the environment. Don't let liberals catch you doing this. heh
- The Inhibitor toxin is now quite hazardous. Both to you, and the enemy.
- Fixed crash when clicking on GUI icon when there's no pollution.
New Features: You can now use looted alien goop to make inhibitor toxin, in addition to the universal spare parts. Boiler the stuff in a toxin boiler, it releases a pink cloud of toxin emissions into the atmosphere. This toxin, after building up sufficient levels, can temporarily suppress alien evolution. New clickable GUI and progress bar indicates whether and how effective the toxin is. Effectiveness depends on how much pollution is currently in the atmosphere. Aliens will eventually build up a tolerance to the toxin. Warning, dumping too much into the atmosphere can be wasteful. Use the GUI to plan accordingly. You still need the alien goop to make universal spare parts.
Effective use of this feature can hold off the enemy from overwhelming and overpowering your base during those long, heavily modded, marathon games.
Currently the new recipes and features are available at the start of the game. A future release will move it behind a tech research.
- Various minor bug fixes
- Adjusted spare part recipe and refurbish recipes to better balance the copper/iron resource drain.
- Automation of crafting machine replacement is now cleaner. Old inventory is automatically saved to memory and deleted out of the old machine, then reinserted into the new machine, so bots don't have to deal with loose items.
- Fixed compatibility with supportive weapons
- Recycle and refurbish recipes now properly adjust for "normal" or "expensive" recipe settings.
- Added a new option for notifications under game settings. You can now set alerts to "on", "off" or "scanner", which will make it so you only get alerts for old equipment that is detected by diagnostics scanners.
- Added Diagnostics Scanners for advanced automation. Unlock with circuit network research. If you place one in a logistics network, it will scan for old machines and send a signal for a new version of that machine into any connected circuit network. Useful for automating delivery of replacement machines to your construction bots.
- Old equipment in need of service now appear on the mini-map.
- Fixed stack-overflow problems with certain mods.
- Fixed compatibility with mods that use tinted icons.
- Adjusted spare part algorithm to work better with other mods that use crazy complicated recipes (like py coal)
- Added Refurbishers (game changing tech which can refurbish old machines into new ones, automatically sets recipe to refurbish machines brought to it)
- Added Recycling and Refurbishing Technology
- Added Alien Goo which aliens drop as loot
- Added Alien Liquefied Goo and Universal Spare Parts
- Balanced Recycling recipes
- Steam generator aging now depends on use. Generators that work harder will age faster. Generators that are idle will age at the user-defined idle age rate.
- The max range for age time in settings increased to 100,000 minutes. (for people with servers that stay on)
- This update is to make the bot replacement automation work with Angel's Logistics or other mods which add early game construction bots.
- Automated machine replacement now works for machines that are inside the construction zone.
- Ghost entities that are placed by the automation script no longer have a time limit. (you don't need to research anything)
- Merged the "Smart Loader" mod into this mod. The smart loader is handy to use with the adaptive recyclers. It won't get jammed when the recycler changes it's recipe if there's already a different item on the loader.
- Fixed miscellaneous bugs
- Crafting machines that are not "fast replaceable" should no longer destroy inventories when aging.
- The recycler will now wait for it's contents to be emptied before automatically changing it's recipe.
- Fixed compatibility with AAI Industry
- Added option for whether the game tracks the age of items in inventory. Stack size will not be set to one if unchecked.
- Added in-game settings
- Fixed removed item age tracking which was broken by Factorio .15 release. Unfortunately I had force the stack size of all "age-able" items to 1 to fix this..
- Added "recyclers" . These are special assembling machines unlocked with automation-2 that can sense "old" items in inputing storage chests and automatically set it's recipe to recycle whatever is nearby. Build one. Send all your old machines to it. And forget.
- Fixed recipe's not getting copies during automation.
- Update to Factorio v.15
- Removed "Restorio Lube" for now since there are no longer alien artifacts in the game. I might possibly add it back later along with some kind of alien drop. Too busy atm.
- Fixed a rare bug where an entity's age would become nil.
- Fixed a bunch of minor issues
- Added config setting for idle aging rate. (How much wear/tear happens when machines are idle)
- Added "restorative maintenance". Requires alien tech research.
- "Explosive Endings" is now disabled by default. (can enable in config file)
- Balance: Recycle formulas now round up instead of down. (makes certain higher tier machines more viable)
- Moving entities around no longer causes damage or any ill effects at all. (The age of the entity is still saved on the item.)
- Machine durability is improved based on the material used in it's construction. e.g. steel plates are better than iron plates. Includes metals from Bob's plates. The material bonus table is in the config file and can be adjusted.
- Added hotkey (CONTROL-A) to check the remaining useful life of an entity.
- Added "New" tag to new machines.
- Balance: New machines now get a small bonus to speed and less pollution.
- Balance: Aging machines are now equivalent to a "non-aged" version. (0 changes to speed or pollution)
- Balance: New machines now last 30 minutes before becoming "aging" by default. (changed from 60)
- Balance: Aging machines now last 120 minutes before becoming "old" by default. (changed from 60)
- Balance: Idle crafting machines and mining drills now age much slower. (from .25 to .06)
- New config options: You can now specify how aging affects machines in the config file.
- Electric furnaces now age.
- Moving entities around no longer causes them to instantly advance to the next stage of aging. Instead, moved item take "damage" in proportion their age. This is then translated back to "age" when the item is placed again. So the age is now saved when moving items around and you no longer have to worry so much about moving things. Note it's best to repair this damage before moving the entity again as any "regular" damage is added on top of this.
- Added a bit of randomness to the aging process.
- Balance: Changed the crafting speed penalty for "aging" machines from 20% to 10%.
- Centered the "recycling" group icon. (that's been bugging me for a while.)
- Overhauled the notification system. Notifications now only happen when a machine becomes "old" and thus needs to serviced. Added flavor text to the notifications. Now instead of just "xxx machine is now old" you get a random flavor text such as "xxx has broken gears" or "xxx is leaking fluids".
- Fixed issue with modules sometimes getting lost when a machine ages.
- Added a "do not age" list to the config file. Useful mainly to fix compatibility issues with other mods. Note if you add something to this list, any already existing "aging" versions will be removed from the game on load.
- Added error checking to prevent game crashes related to the above. (see readme file)
- Fixed issue with replaced assemblers using fluid inputs not getting properly oriented by the bots
- Fixed issue where aging was happening faster then intended and getting multiplied by the number of players.
- Added smoke effects to old and dilapidated machines (can be turned off in the config file)
- When bots replace an old entity with modules, the modules are now transferred to the new entity
- Fixed issue where recycling was yielding 100% of the original ingredients. It's now always 50% as intended
- The qty of scrap metal from dilapidated entities is now 50% of total ingredients for original recipe. (was always 200)
- Improved algorithm for bot replacement of old entities. Bots will now compare the available parts to "claimed-parts" before starting a new work order. Bot replacement is now much faster and more robust.
- Added internal cleanup utility to bot replacement work-orders.
- Fixed bug caused by changing config to disable aging on certain machines and then loading an old game
- Added in-game notifications for whenever config settings are changed.
- Fixed problems with hand-crafting formulas.
- Optimized code for significant performance improvement, especially on large factories.
- Extended wear and tear mechanics to solar panels and steam engines.
- You can now configure which machines age in the config file.
- There's now a chance that Dilapidated machines left unattended for too long will explode. This can be toggled off in the config settings.
1.0.6 Fixed issue related to 1.0.5
1.0.5 Fixed typo that was causing a crash when a mod creates a recipe with a different name than the entity it creates.
1.0.4 Added error checking to make sure recycle recipes have at least one product. (should fix problem with Angel's heavy pump)
1.0.3 Added full automation of aging equipment using the logistics network. Fixed issue where oil refineries (and possibly other machines) were losing recipes when aging.
1.0.1 Made moving new equipment less punishing. Removing new equipment now yields "aging" equipment. Moving aging equipment yields "old" equipment. Also removed the hard dependency on the uranium ore mod.
1.0.0 Initial version
- Added an option to hide recycle and refurbish recipes in crafting menus.
- (Hopefully) fixed a conflict with Yuoki's mods.
- Modified the localisation coding to allow more flexible localisation.
- Recyclers and refurbishers should now be able to detect old equipment on belts. (They had to be in a chest before)
- Revisited the old inventory item tracking once again. Under the new system, there's no longer any need to make the stack size = 1 for age-able items.
I decided I should make the inhibitor toxin a little easier to work with, especially as a weapon. So.....
- You can now toggle the vents in the toxin boilers on/off. Mouse over the boiler and press CTRL-V. When the vent is closed, toxin will not be released into the atmosphere. It will instead build up inside the boiler, just like steam in the steam boiler. Now this deadly steam toxin can be transported to other locations and used against the enemy.
- Ordinary pipe sections now have vents. Or, more specifically, END-pipe has vents. You can toggle these vents open/closed the same way. (mouse over and press CTRL-V). So..... boil the toxin, transfer the deadly steam to your borders via pipe, and open the vent on that pipe. Stand back watch the carnage....
- Just for the hell of it, I decided to extend this functionality to all gases. Any gas that's in a pipe can now be dumped into the atmosphere be pressing CTRL-V on the pipe to open the vent. Warning: Dumping raw gas into the atmosphere is really bad for the environment. Don't let liberals catch you doing this. heh
- The Inhibitor toxin is now quite hazardous. Both to you, and the enemy.
- Fixed crash when clicking on GUI icon when there's no pollution.
New Features: You can now use looted alien goop to make inhibitor toxin, in addition to the universal spare parts. Boiler the stuff in a toxin boiler, it releases a pink cloud of toxin emissions into the atmosphere. This toxin, after building up sufficient levels, can temporarily suppress alien evolution. New clickable GUI and progress bar indicates whether and how effective the toxin is. Effectiveness depends on how much pollution is currently in the atmosphere. Aliens will eventually build up a tolerance to the toxin. Warning, dumping too much into the atmosphere can be wasteful. Use the GUI to plan accordingly. You still need the alien goop to make universal spare parts.
Effective use of this feature can hold off the enemy from overwhelming and overpowering your base during those long, heavily modded, marathon games.
Currently the new recipes and features are available at the start of the game. A future release will move it behind a tech research.
- Various minor bug fixes
- Adjusted spare part recipe and refurbish recipes to better balance the copper/iron resource drain.
- Automation of crafting machine replacement is now cleaner. Old inventory is automatically saved to memory and deleted out of the old machine, then reinserted into the new machine, so bots don't have to deal with loose items.
- Fixed compatibility with supportive weapons
- Recycle and refurbish recipes now properly adjust for "normal" or "expensive" recipe settings.
- Added a new option for notifications under game settings. You can now set alerts to "on", "off" or "scanner", which will make it so you only get alerts for old equipment that is detected by diagnostics scanners.
- Added Diagnostics Scanners for advanced automation. Unlock with circuit network research. If you place one in a logistics network, it will scan for old machines and send a signal for a new version of that machine into any connected circuit network. Useful for automating delivery of replacement machines to your construction bots.
- Old equipment in need of service now appear on the mini-map.
- Fixed stack-overflow problems with certain mods.
- Fixed compatibility with mods that use tinted icons.
- Adjusted spare part algorithm to work better with other mods that use crazy complicated recipes (like py coal)
- Added Refurbishers (game changing tech which can refurbish old machines into new ones, automatically sets recipe to refurbish machines brought to it)
- Added Recycling and Refurbishing Technology
- Added Alien Goo which aliens drop as loot
- Added Alien Liquefied Goo and Universal Spare Parts
- Balanced Recycling recipes
- Steam generator aging now depends on use. Generators that work harder will age faster. Generators that are idle will age at the user-defined idle age rate.
- The max range for age time in settings increased to 100,000 minutes. (for people with servers that stay on)
- This update is to make the bot replacement automation work with Angel's Logistics or other mods which add early game construction bots.
- Automated machine replacement now works for machines that are inside the construction zone.
- Ghost entities that are placed by the automation script no longer have a time limit. (you don't need to research anything)
- Merged the "Smart Loader" mod into this mod. The smart loader is handy to use with the adaptive recyclers. It won't get jammed when the recycler changes it's recipe if there's already a different item on the loader.
- Fixed miscellaneous bugs
- Crafting machines that are not "fast replaceable" should no longer destroy inventories when aging.
- The recycler will now wait for it's contents to be emptied before automatically changing it's recipe.
- Fixed compatibility with AAI Industry
- Added option for whether the game tracks the age of items in inventory. Stack size will not be set to one if unchecked.
- Added in-game settings
- Fixed removed item age tracking which was broken by Factorio .15 release. Unfortunately I had force the stack size of all "age-able" items to 1 to fix this..
- Added "recyclers" . These are special assembling machines unlocked with automation-2 that can sense "old" items in inputing storage chests and automatically set it's recipe to recycle whatever is nearby. Build one. Send all your old machines to it. And forget.
- Fixed recipe's not getting copies during automation.
- Update to Factorio v.15
- Removed "Restorio Lube" for now since there are no longer alien artifacts in the game. I might possibly add it back later along with some kind of alien drop. Too busy atm.
- Fixed a rare bug where an entity's age would become nil.
- Fixed a bunch of minor issues
- Added config setting for idle aging rate. (How much wear/tear happens when machines are idle)
- Added "restorative maintenance". Requires alien tech research.
- "Explosive Endings" is now disabled by default. (can enable in config file)
- Balance: Recycle formulas now round up instead of down. (makes certain higher tier machines more viable)
- Moving entities around no longer causes damage or any ill effects at all. (The age of the entity is still saved on the item.)
- Machine durability is improved based on the material used in it's construction. e.g. steel plates are better than iron plates. Includes metals from Bob's plates. The material bonus table is in the config file and can be adjusted.
- Added hotkey (CONTROL-A) to check the remaining useful life of an entity.
- Added "New" tag to new machines.
- Balance: New machines now get a small bonus to speed and less pollution.
- Balance: Aging machines are now equivalent to a "non-aged" version. (0 changes to speed or pollution)
- Balance: New machines now last 30 minutes before becoming "aging" by default. (changed from 60)
- Balance: Aging machines now last 120 minutes before becoming "old" by default. (changed from 60)
- Balance: Idle crafting machines and mining drills now age much slower. (from .25 to .06)
- New config options: You can now specify how aging affects machines in the config file.
- Electric furnaces now age.
- Moving entities around no longer causes them to instantly advance to the next stage of aging. Instead, moved item take "damage" in proportion their age. This is then translated back to "age" when the item is placed again. So the age is now saved when moving items around and you no longer have to worry so much about moving things. Note it's best to repair this damage before moving the entity again as any "regular" damage is added on top of this.
- Added a bit of randomness to the aging process.
- Balance: Changed the crafting speed penalty for "aging" machines from 20% to 10%.
- Centered the "recycling" group icon. (that's been bugging me for a while.)
- Overhauled the notification system. Notifications now only happen when a machine becomes "old" and thus needs to serviced. Added flavor text to the notifications. Now instead of just "xxx machine is now old" you get a random flavor text such as "xxx has broken gears" or "xxx is leaking fluids".
- Fixed issue with modules sometimes getting lost when a machine ages.
- Added a "do not age" list to the config file. Useful mainly to fix compatibility issues with other mods. Note if you add something to this list, any already existing "aging" versions will be removed from the game on load.
- Added error checking to prevent game crashes related to the above. (see readme file)
- Fixed issue with replaced assemblers using fluid inputs not getting properly oriented by the bots
- Fixed issue where aging was happening faster then intended and getting multiplied by the number of players.
- Added smoke effects to old and dilapidated machines (can be turned off in the config file)
- When bots replace an old entity with modules, the modules are now transferred to the new entity
- Fixed issue where recycling was yielding 100% of the original ingredients. It's now always 50% as intended
- The qty of scrap metal from dilapidated entities is now 50% of total ingredients for original recipe. (was always 200)
- Improved algorithm for bot replacement of old entities. Bots will now compare the available parts to "claimed-parts" before starting a new work order. Bot replacement is now much faster and more robust.
- Added internal cleanup utility to bot replacement work-orders.
- Fixed bug caused by changing config to disable aging on certain machines and then loading an old game
- Added in-game notifications for whenever config settings are changed.
- Fixed problems with hand-crafting formulas.
- Optimized code for significant performance improvement, especially on large factories.
- Extended wear and tear mechanics to solar panels and steam engines.
- You can now configure which machines age in the config file.
- There's now a chance that Dilapidated machines left unattended for too long will explode. This can be toggled off in the config settings.
1.0.6 Fixed issue related to 1.0.5
1.0.5 Fixed typo that was causing a crash when a mod creates a recipe with a different name than the entity it creates.
1.0.4 Added error checking to make sure recycle recipes have at least one product. (should fix problem with Angel's heavy pump)
1.0.3 Added full automation of aging equipment using the logistics network. Fixed issue where oil refineries (and possibly other machines) were losing recipes when aging.
1.0.1 Made moving new equipment less punishing. Removing new equipment now yields "aging" equipment. Moving aging equipment yields "old" equipment. Also removed the hard dependency on the uranium ore mod.
1.0.0 Initial version