[MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.8

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[MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.8

Post by LethargicChii »

LethargicChii wrote:Hello modding community! I have never created a mod before, but, I am about to try! I was wondering if someone might help me out with this.

Idea: I'd like to create a turret that fires Rocket, Explosive Rocket, and MAYBE Atomic Bomb (Because why not? *It can even give a game message that says: !WARNING! You have placed nuclear missile(s) into an automatic turret: User Death and/or Equipment damage may occur. !WARNING!)

The idea is to keep it balanced, minus the Atomic Bomb part, as that's probably not going to be balanced no matter what. I realize that rockets hone in and can fire too close and damage/destroy the turret. My idea was to set the turret radius much like the flame turret and give them substantial resistance to explosives to help mitigate self harm or destruction of other rocket turrets. I don't want them to replace laser turrets much like laser turrets replace gun turrets. I want them to work alongside laser turrets or be equivalent in choice so that the player can choose either or to produce and use and still be happy.

Resupply: This brings along the issue of ammo resupply. I was thinking allowing them to request rockets from the logistics system, but, from the games I've played, it's just far easier to place 10 laser turrets in a line and call it good rather then link up belts, or place a ton of roboports to make a supply line for distant turrets. Another idea I had was to make a self replicating rocket... rocket turret variant. It sounds silly, so, naming suggestions welcome. This variant I'd like to be able to make it's own ammo if supplied with materials. This would give the player an idea to come up with some supply delivery system that's beneficial and not as much a pain as simply dumping gears / explosives off every 5 seconds. Maybe produce an item called "Rocket Pod" that costs the equivalent of 100 rockets and then set up a train stop to deliver these "pods" to the rockets, or a belt, or logi that will supply the turret with a full load. And/Or give the option of supplying it with a liquid instead to create the rockets. Main idea here is to give the player multiple options of supply so that it's not a pain and works with many different setups

Cost: I'd like to make them fairly expensive, but, possibly make a cheaper less effective variant that unlocks about the same time you unlock rockets. (Less radius, less range, lower fire rate, but, still effective enough to be worth while).

Goal: To make a balanced set of rocket firing turrets that REMAIN effective and USEFUL throughout the game stages with various supply options.

I'd love any help I can get, and anyone who wants to do sprites and animations for them please let me know, as I do not know how to do this. Otherwise I'm stuck for now with just recoloring the current turrets / using two images spliced together to make it look different lol...

And so here is version 0.0.3 with turrets that pretty much just fire rockets right now, none of the above awesome stuff mentioned. Side effect of ammo type set to rocket; They launch nukes... I don't recommend this.

https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Lethargi ... ket_turret

Many thanks to wodzu93's work. I studied his scattergun turrets to understand how turrets work and how to modify them. https://mods.factorio.com/mods/wodzu93/ ... gun_turret
Version 0.0.4 is uploading as I type this, the mod portal seems to be a bit glitched today.

The big changes right now are as follows:

- Limited range angle to .45 (Turret is no longer allowed to rotate outside of this range)
- Semi-Custom icon and technology graphics!
- Colored turret extension for easier differentiation between a regular gun turret and a Rocket Turret.

So let me go into a little about why I made these changes, and please, do let me know you idea's and or comments. I limited the range angle to .45 because I got to thinking about how people may place several of these close to their bases and I would feel terrible if some sort of misfire occurred and someones entire oil refinery setup is blown away. I was also killed by one when running from biters, passing the turret, which turned and continued to fire now in the direction I was running.

If you like the 360 degree turrets let me know. I am currently attempting to utilize the mod settings to add a slider or number box to change the range angle, and range itself to whatever a player may want. Not sure if I can do this, but, I will try. It's currently a planned feature.

I hacked some of factorios graphics together to give the rocket turrets a unique icon, and technology graphic. I also recolored the turret extension mask (the top of the turret) So it's now far easier to find them in the gui and in the world. No more trash white technology graphic! Yay lol.

Please let me know if you like the changes, hate the changes, or don't care and just love putting nukes in them.

Planned features:

Mod Options for range settings
Nuclear Missile Launching Turret (that's safe to use) *I have an idea on how I might do this . Let me know if this is something you are interested in seeing.*
MK 1, 2, & 3 tiers for support of other mods (Not really support, but, to keep them in line with those mod's tiering) *PLEASE let me know if you would like these added either as base items, or as enabled only with such and such mod's.*

Needs Work:

More balancing/testing
Custom entity graphics

So that's that! Please let me know how you feel!

Edit: Mod Portal seems really bad right now so I'm going to attach a zip:
Rocket Turret 0.0.4
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Last edited by LethargicChii on Sun May 21, 2017 8:08 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by Aeternus »

Additional suggestion: Rocket propelled artillery turret. Something that takes more rockets per shot as ammo, but is able to bombard Biter bases from a good distance. Low fire rate, minimum range of 60 or so, max range of 100. Kinda like an MLRS style artillery piece. Gives you the ability to clear out biter bases from the safety of your walls, but should be costly resource-wise. If at all possible, should prefer to target structures over normal biters (or they'd just keep shooting the biter horde that gets aggrod by attacking the base - most turrets seem to have "target nearest" as their fire mode).
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by LethargicChii »

I was thinking of making something similar to what you are suggesting. As of right now I don't know how to make it take more ammo per shot, but, I do know a way that is somewhat equivalent to what you are suggesting. I had planned on creating a separate turret that fires the nuclear missiles with a minimum range of like 25 *some testing will need to be done to determine a proper safe minimum distance the rocket can fire at to prevent turret and possibly player destruction.* and a max range of 30 and turn of like .60, again testing will be needed to see if the game handles these ranges and how the biters react. What this would end up giving you is a turret with a very "thin" and far targeting area that it can safely launch the missiles at. Does that sound kinda like the artillery / MLRS you were thinking? I'll start work on it soon and upload a copy here for testing, but, for now, I won't include it in the mod submission just yet.

At this moment I'm attempting to learn blender to create a custom entity graphic with included animation and everything. It's a little complicated, but, understandable.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by LethargicChii »

So after several hours in blender I've managed to create something.


Problem is I messed up everything BUT that image above. I will likely have to spend more time understanding how the turrets are put together or find a way to code it so that's the only sprite sheet it needs.

Edit: So yeah, my little stint with graphics here has taught me this: I am a disaster on wheels when it comes to making sprites.

The turret looks like a heaped together mess now that wigs out when firing. Epic. So, I'm going to put this out there now: If you are a graphic artist and would like to make a turret for my mod PLEASE DO SO, PLEASE!

One thing low resolution sprites like factorio's has taught me: They are very forgiving when rendered with blender. I kid you not, I hand aligned all those little missile cones, and eye-balled the pods on the sides to be about the same distance apart.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by LethargicChii »

I spent most of the weekend deep in blender, rendering, and deleting sprite sheets, and re-rendering, and adjusting, etc. until I've come up with this:
Rocket Turret-1
Rocket Turret-2
They work pretty good in the game, there is just an issue with them getting cut off sometimes during rotation and during placement, if you face the turret to the left (west), the sprite is not properly centered on the turret base. Currently I'm using the gun turret vanilla base, but, I plan on making a base that's not complete garbage like my current one, until then, it's all I have.

If anyone knows how to prevent the sprites from getting cut off, please let me know! Also let me know what you guys think of the design / style / textures used.

Here is version 0.0.4 with the updated graphics: (I won't be uploading to mod portal until I fix the cut off issue)
rocket turret 0.0.4 updated graphics
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by AliceTheGorgon »

Thank you so much for making this mod! :D
I've been wanting a rocket turret for a long time, and it was always a bit weird whenever I'd go looking and find that they still didn't seem to exist yet.
LethargicChii wrote:MK 1, 2, & 3 tiers for support of other mods (Not really support, but, to keep them in line with those mod's tiering) *PLEASE let me know if you would like these added either as base items, or as enabled only with such and such mod's.*
As my two cents, I'd prefer the higher tiers only be enabled when mods with higher tier turrets are installed, since it'd be a bit weird to have several tiers of rocket turret with only a single tier of the other turrets.
Of course, if there's a mod option to disable/enable the higher tier turrets, then either way is totally fine since people can easily configure things to be how they want them to be.

Anyway, thanks again for making this!
Last edited by AliceTheGorgon on Tue May 16, 2017 1:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by LethargicChii »

Thank you so very much for your kind words. I'm having the hardest time with graphic creation right now. I just can't get the sprite sheets right, they seem to glitch out pretty bad, so for now I'm stuck with the regular base game turrets. I really want to give you guys custom graphics, but, it might be awhile. For now, I'm going to work on 2 more tiers, and a nuclear missile one with a ton of range, and a huge minimum range limit so it won't kill itself. Expect an update soon.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by AliceTheGorgon »

LethargicChii wrote:I'm having the hardest time with graphic creation right now. I just can't get the sprite sheets right, they seem to glitch out pretty bad
I think I may have figured out what the problem is. The size of the new sprite sheets doesn't seem to match up to the size of the old sprite sheets, or the sizes listed in the rocket-turret.lua prototype definition.
For example, the "rocket-turret-gun-extension.png" file is 335x276, while the original is 325x252. And the prototype definition lists the size of each sprite as 65x63, but the image size would make the sprites each 67x69.
The shadow file for gun-extension is also a weirdly different resolution than the non-shadow version. The shadow one is taller than it is wide, while the non-shadow one is wider than it is tall.

The "rocket-turret-gun-1.png" and "rocket-turret-gun-2.png" files (as well as their shadow files) are also slightly larger than the old ones, and don't match the prototype definition.
Additionally, after I adjusted the sprite sizes listed in the prototype definition, factorio crashed on loading saying the files where too large, and that the images can't be larger than 2048 pixels on any side.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.4

Post by LethargicChii »

Ah I think I understand a little more now! Yet, I don't understand what's going on because I set the render resolution to be 65x63 in blender, but, after rendering, then using spritify addon, they come out slightly different. I will try adjusting some things and see what happens. Thank you for this.

Additionally I have completed 0.0.5!

Nuclear Turret has now been added!

-Minimum Attack range set to 43
-Maximum Attack range set to 80
-Currently able to fire 360 degrees.
-Custom icon
-Green colorize until custom graphics completed
-HP set to 250
-Technology Nuclear Turrets also added and tiered to require "Rocket Turrets"

This turret is more of an artillery piece, and receives a hefty bonus of 300% to it's ammo type, but has a MUCH slower rate of fire. It's cost has been increased slightly, and production time doubled. They only have 250 HP so be sure to protect them with other turrets. They have a huge range, but, also a huge area in which they can not fire so that when loaded with atomic bombs, they don't destroy themselves. Use nukes with caution! I wouldn't place turrets to be loaded with atomic bombs ANYWHERE NEAR a base or valuable structures!

No changes were made to the rocket turret.

Please let me know what you think of the addition and it's range properties. Stay 360 or limit angle? And also any thoughts on the current rocket turret color / stats.

Head on over to the mod portal to pick up version 0.0.5!
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.5

Post by LethargicChii »

Alright well second iteration of the custom graphics is complete. With help from AliceTheGorgon I've figured out the issue with the glitched sprites and I've attached a ZIP below where you can preview the corrected graphics before their eventual release. This version won't be active on the mod portal until it's completion as it's currently only graphic changes, and incomplete. I still have to design a not garbage looking base for the rocket turret to sit on. Let me know how you feel about the textures used / colors /style, etc. If it looks like garbage, let me know. I want this to look it's best, so constructive input is welcome. Please keep in mind my graphic skills are still expanding daily as I learn and work with blender, having only started less than a week ago.
Rocket Turret Graphics Preview
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.5

Post by LethargicChii »

Custom Graphics for the rocket turret have been added and the new version is up 0.0.6.

-New Graphics added
-shell particle removed from code, and will no longer display during firing.

Here are some screenshots of the new models
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.5

Post by LethargicChii »

So I was really unhappy with the way the turret extension turned out, it just kept bugging me, so I beefed it up and have a new proposed model:
Beefer Turret Extension
Let me know what you guys think, I'm going to get some sleep, will upload new graphics sometime tomorrow.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.6

Post by LethargicChii »

Content Update Coming!

I am currently deep in the mod and here is a list of things I am working on:
  • - NEW Basic Rocket Turret with custom ammo for beginning/spaghetti phase with custom graphics

    - Restructure of graphics and code (Basic rocket turret will now use Rocket Turret Extension, and Advanced Rocket Turret will use new extension from above post)

    - Changing of Rocket Turret name/entity to Advanced Rocket Turret

    - Addition of ammo.lua for more custom ammo to be added later (Maybe)

    -Custom Ammo "Crude Rocket" added
    (10 coal 1 Grenade, 5 iron plates)
Things I'm thinking about / want to do:
  • -Masks for turrets

    -Logistic Request for Adv. Rocket Turret

    -Expand rocket ammo type / More Custom Ammo (Poison/Acid/Concussion*slow* etc.)

    -Bob's/Angel support *It may work now, not tested*
You can expect an update today for version 0.0.7 provided all goes well. Please do feel free to leave some comments here or on the mod discussion tab, I am unsure how the recent changes have been received and if the recipes feel balanced or expensive.

WOW nobody told me it was taking 480 science packs to research the rocket turrets! I was just using sandbox with all tech given to test my mod. HAHahahah guess I should test research function too....

This could be a migration error due to changing technology without resetting it after making changes to new version.

This is what happens when you've been modding all day. You stop paying attention sometimes. I had accidentally loaded sandbox/deathworld which increased the cost of the tech...
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.7

Post by LethargicChii »

0.0.7 is live!
This is a massive update so there could be a bug or two. My migration scripting knowledge is limited so expect to redo some research, sorry about this.

-Basic Rocket Turret added with custom base image and original rocket turret extension graphic
-Crude Rocket added for use with Basic Rocket Turret
-Rocket Turret renamed to Advanced Rocket Turret and updated with new turret extension graphic
-Rocket Turrets technology renamed to Advanced Rocket Turrets It will need to be researched again
-Little code corrections and clean up

Known Issues:
Nuclear Turret does not engage new targets until nearly outside of minimum range after clearing all inside of it's range. Remove and replace when this happens to correct until fixed.


I want to write a little bit about my overall theory of the Rocket Turret mod. I'm sure it's not a new idea as I've seen models for rocket turrets from other mods floating around in the forums. I have not tried any of them so I can not tell you about them or give an opinion. What I hope to do though is make a balanced set of rocket turrets that remain useful into endgame and on par with the laser turret.

Which brings me to a point that bothers me. The laser turret usually ends up being the end all be all vanilla answer late game. They don't need ammo, they have great damage that you can upgrade, and with the addition of nuclear power, they are even more of an overbearing answer to "How do I choose to defend my base?" The answer is usually between Laser turrets or LASER turrets? Uranium ammo has alleviated this to some extent, but, provided your decent at power management the laser turret has too many advantages over ammo supplied turrets. I want to throw a little wrench into this progression and give the player, you, an alternative answer to "too many laser turrets."

How I aim to accomplish this is actually currently outside my knowledge, but, I can learn. The current solution I've come up with, that is not implemented yet, will be self-resupplying rocket turrets. Lets take a look at the flame turret. It uses a few types of oil to create a stream of fire. Provided it's supplied, it will never have issues with ammo, much like the laser turret. Oil and electricity are both similar in supply. You have power poles or pipes.

An idea is to supply a turret with a liquid or material (though I much less like the material idea, even though logistically it may look "cleaner") that it will use to convert into ammo. With this idea I have a few options:

Make "rocket pods" that can then be loaded into turrets by logistics robots that will resupply a rocket turret with a full stack of ammo. Allow them to stack to 10, set a second inventory slot, find a way to filter this slot to only allow said rocket pods, then do some awesome code that I don't know yet to convert a rocket pod to 200 stack of rockets based on rocket pod type.

Supply a turret with one liquid it will use to "make" rockets on site. (probably much easier...)

Allow players to be creative and let turret accept either material, logistical supply, or liquid. (Probably a lot of coding...)

Accept the fact that electrical energy is faster and easier to supply and create a rocket turret that uses electricity to make rockets. (Though you lose the advantage of just dropping a turret in the middle of nowhere and forgetting about it; for awhile at least)

I think with one of the above options will give players a better variety in their defense setup that is not only as satisfying as watching an explosive rocket take out 4 to 5 biters, but also fun and challenging. If at the very least, it gives you a problem with which you need to solve through automation. The factorio way.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.7

Post by undarl »


I've been playing around with rocket turrets since you released the mod (and have managed to blow myself up hilariously with atomic bombs at least 20 times). :) I'm also a new modder, so I'm going to chime in with some ideas and feedback.
LethargicChii wrote: -Crude Rocket added for use with Basic Rocket Turret
I really like the idea of the RPG-like basic rockets. While it's a bit outside your focus area, maybe you could think about adding an RPG-launcher-like "crude rocker launcher" to the same tech.
Nuclear Turret does not engage new targets until nearly outside of minimum range after clearing all inside of it's range. Remove and replace when this happens to correct until fixed.
I'm still new at this as well, and I haven't played around much with weaponry. That said, I wonder if this might have anything to do with inactive map chunks not being processed. A range of 80 crosses at least three chunk boundaries.

Have you tested whether areas inside active radar coverage engage any more reliably?
Make "rocket pods" that can then be loaded into turrets by logistics robots that will resupply a rocket turret with a full stack of ammo. Allow them to stack to 10, set a second inventory slot, find a way to filter this slot to only allow said rocket pods, then do some awesome code that I don't know yet to convert a rocket pod to 200 stack of rockets based on rocket pod type.
One viable way to do this (I think) would be to create a separate smelter-type entity (called a "rocket feed magazine" or something) that is graphically a part of the turret but has its own selection box. It would have hidden recipes to convert rocket pods into rockets and would attempt to feed the result straight into the turret. Making it a separate entity would also allow the turret to be fed manually. AAI Programmable Structures and Reactor Interface do something similar (as do many other mods, I'm sure), wherein they have additional entities as attachments to buildings. I suppose to fully integrate it with the logistics system you'd need to add in some sort of requester chest functionality as well; I know there are mods that have created logistic-enabled turrets in the past.
Allow players to be creative and let turret accept either material, logistical supply, or liquid. (Probably a lot of coding...)
In theory a smelter-type entity would make this easier, though getting liquids into the mix could complicate things.
Accept the fact that electrical energy is faster and easier to supply and create a rocket turret that uses electricity to make rockets. (Though you lose the advantage of just dropping a turret in the middle of nowhere and forgetting about it; for awhile at least)
I've actually been wracking my brains trying to come up with some method of creating "rockets" out of pure electricity or pure fluid without them seeming like magical handwaving -- my brain insists on rationales like that. The best I've managed to come up with is a hybrid idea along railgun/mass driver lines, where the turret would need electricity to fire and use projectiles made from cryogenic-frozen fluid.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.7

Post by LethargicChii »

undarl wrote: I've actually been wracking my brains trying to come up with some method of creating "rockets" out of pure electricity or pure fluid without them seeming like magical handwaving -- my brain insists on rationales like that. The best I've managed to come up with is a hybrid idea along railgun/mass driver lines, where the turret would need electricity to fire and use projectiles made from cryogenic-frozen fluid.
I love it! hahahah
undarl wrote:I'm still new at this as well, and I haven't played around much with weaponry. That said, I wonder if this might have anything to do with inactive map chunks not being processed. A range of 80 crosses at least three chunk boundaries.
Have you tested whether areas inside active radar coverage engage any more reliably?
No I haven't actually. You my be correct on this. I'll look into it. Thanks for the advice.
undarl wrote:One viable way to do this (I think) would be to create a separate smelter-type entity (called a "rocket feed magazine" or something) that is graphically a part of the turret but has its own selection box. It would have hidden recipes to convert rocket pods into rockets and would attempt to feed the result straight into the turret. Making it a separate entity would also allow the turret to be fed manually. AAI Programmable Structures and Reactor Interface do something similar (as do many other mods, I'm sure), wherein they have additional entities as attachments to buildings. I suppose to fully integrate it with the logistics system you'd need to add in some sort of requester chest functionality as well; I know there are mods that have created logistic-enabled turrets in the past.
Ah didn't think about that at all! That's actually a great idea. I'll write this down and play around with it.

You've given me some great ideas and a good direction. I'll be sure to add you to the credits.

Edit: I forgot to mention: Thanks for the input and I actually did think about adding an early RPG launcher, but, it's not really a main focus. I'll add it to the list of possibilities.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.7

Post by LethargicChii »

A little more on the Nuclear turret bug:

So after some more testing the issue seems to be a bit more complicated or simple depending on how you look at it. The Nuclear turret has a string that defines it's minimum range, min_range = 43. At first I thought this setting was causing the issue as the normal gun turret code does not have this. Upon removing the string the issue still persists. The turret will still not engage new targets until they are very close. This was done with regular rockets loaded, because the Nuclear Turret is designed to serve a dual purpose, safely fire atomic bombs, and fire regular rockets at longer ranges. But while testing I discovered that the issue is deeper. A single biter that enters the turrets radius, after the turret has cleared it's target area from enemies, will not trigger an attack. But, 2 will, albeit with the aforementioned range issue, even with string "min_range =" completely removed.

Interesting to say the least. Placing radars nearby does not help. Having the player present or not, does not change the issue either. I am beginning to suspect it's the actual max range I gave the turret. Which is quite high. 80. Reducing this may correct the issue, but, isn't really a solution. I will test further.

Edit: So after some lengthy testing I've discovered that the turret will indeed engage a single enemy, but, not until the hazard concrete in the setup below (Range 55). It will also engage groups at the exact same distance. Side note: setting this up was actually kind of fun.

- The amount of enemies is not a factor.
- Placing radar does not effect it either.
- Removing the minimum range changes nothing


- It is determined that anything beyond 55 for max range that the turret will not engage targets after it's initial clearing once placed. This could be a game bug / limitation. So I decided to test this theory by altering the base games turret range to narrow down suspects.

And surprisingly I was correct. Setting a max range beyond 55 causes this issue.

That being said, I will have to decide what to do about the nuclear turrets.

Rseding91 wrote:This is related to the activation distance of enemy units.

When an enemy is more than the activation distance away it won't activate enemy-conditional entities (turrets, biters). You'll have to increase that value in the map settings if you want the turret to activate at that distance.

A warning though: doing that will reduce game performance by large amounts for every increase you do. What I recommend is to just not have the turret shoot that far as it also means that the turret has to scan the entire area around it in that distance for enemies each time it has to shoot which will be a large drain on game performance as well.
Well that answers that. Looks like the Nuclear turrets will be nerfed or removed. I will decide later.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.7

Post by LethargicChii »

v0.0.8 is going live in just as soon as I finish this post.


Added Poison Rocket
Added Hybrid Rocket Technology - Lyneria takes credit for tech name
Nuclear turret max range changed from 80 to 55 to avoid activation bug
Minor code changes and description corrections.
Removed old code that boosted the damage of the advanced rocket turret when gun turret research tech was also researched. They are already powerful enough as it is. (if they need a damage boost, I can re-implement this, but in a better way.)


You must research Hybrid Rockets -> poison rockets to play with them


I spent most of the evening trying to create a technology that would boost the damage of the poison cloud created by the rocket when researched for late game as they are pretty ineffective against end game biters (90% + evolution) and I just couldn't figure out how to do it. Rseding91 said to do it the same way they do laser turrets damage bonus, but, I don't think he fully understood what I'm doing, and I didn't want to bother him much. So for now that's shelved, and I changed the poison cloud that's created from 8 damage to 15, which should help late game but may make it seem OP early game.

Edit: I am now aware that I left the poison rocket recipe enabled by default. I was testing it and enabled it for testing purposes. I'm not going to release a new version to fix it. It'll be corrected in version 0.0.9 which will be available late tonight, or tomorrow afternoon (hopefully).

Version 0.0.9 will hopefully have the first iteration of "Rocket Pods" implemented. Rocket Pods will be used to resupply your rocket turrets with a fresh full stack of 200 rockets of the same type as the pod. They will stack to 10, that's 2000 rockets on standby if you have 200 already in the turret. The stack size is subject to change as balancing and testing continues later. Hopefully you'll be able to just put 10 rocket pods into an entity attached to a rocket turret and as the rocket turret spends its ammo, the entity attached will run much like a furnace/assembler, and convert pods into rockets, and automatically insert them into the turret. We'll see what really happens as this is a huge stretch of my knowledge.
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Rocket Turret
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.8

Post by LethargicChii »

I'm going to have to extend the release of 0.0.9 to sometime this week. Rather than adding in just the rocket pods, I am taking a second look at the tech to upgrade the poison cloud damage for poison rockets, and I want to do the masks for the turrets.

Release: Later

0.0.9 Tasks:
- Masks for turrets
- Rocket Pod implementation
- Poison Cloud Tech Upgrades
My Mods:
Rocket Turret
Discussion Forum: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=47497

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Re: [MOD 0.15] Rocket Turret 0.0.8

Post by LethargicChii »

Alright so I've got a github set up and I am welcoming serious contributors to help develop this mod. Here is the link: https://github.com/lethargicchii/rocket-turret

Additional update:
I am hard at work on v0.0.9 which will have acid rockets, masks for the turrets, and whatever else I can cram in it. The poison rockets may get tweaked as well, as I have been unable to implement the poison rocket damage tech.
My Mods:
Rocket Turret
Discussion Forum: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=47497

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