Adds portals that can teleport players (and only players!). Build the portals using the portal gun: Left click for the orange portal, SHIFT+ Left click (ghost build) for the blue portal. Every player can have one set of portals which can be distinguished using the number next to the portal. Adds combustible lemons that work similiar to cluster grenades, just with fire.
- Name: Portals
- Version: 0.7.1
- Factorio-Version: 0.16 to 1.1 (0.14 and 0.15 available on github)
- Description: Adds combustible lemons, a portal gun and portals. Each player has their own set of portals that can be used by all players.
- License: MIT
- First release: 2017-03-26
- Download: Mod portal
- Dependencies: base
- Category: Transportation
- Tags: Transportation
- Changelog: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Portals/changelog
- Author: Bilka