[MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

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[MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by d3phoenix »

Unfortunately due to carpal tunnel I have had to give up gaming and modding for a while to ensure I can continue to function at work.

Many Thanks to justarandomgeek for updating the mod for 0.13!
The new version is available here:

https://github.com/justarandomgeek/fact ... g/releases


Please consider the files below as the final release for 0.12.x.[/b]

If you want to remove CC from your maps before upgrading to 0.13, you can use the remover in version 0.12 to reset all objects back to their non colored versions.

Loading maps that use CC in 0.13 without CC installed will result in the loss of all colored objects.[/b]

Type: Mod
Name: Color Coding
Description: Adds color-coded locomotives, indicator lamps, and concrete.
License: MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Version: 1.0.7
Release: 2016-03-20
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.27+
Category: Non-Game-Changing
Tags: Color, Trains, Locomotives, Concrete, Lamps, Circuit Network
Download-Url: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nlv4vi66h0rfq ... _1.0.7.zip
Optional black cargo wagons add-on: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8nwxlplvs9t4 ... _1.0.0.zip
Trainless / Lite Version (Thanks to TRauMa): https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 70#p123187
Remover Tool: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zmg1g6a276b2z ... _9.9.9.zip
Long description
Third Party Credits
Version history
Preview Images
How to safely remove:
  • To be on the safe side, back up your /mods/ and /saves/ folders before you begin.
  • Download the remover tool version of the mod above ("color-coding_9.9.9.zip") and place it in your /mods/ folder.
  • Delete the color-coding_1.x.x.zip file from your /mods/ folder (or just move it somewhere else).
  • Launch Factorio.
  • Load and re-save the save(s) that you want to remove color coding from. All colored entities will be replaced with their stock equivalents when you load them -- you will get a popup on load confirming this. After you save, THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE! Make sure you have backed up your saves before doing this!
  • Close Factorio.
  • Delete color-coding_9.9.9.zip from your /mods/ folder.
  • Color coding is now uninstalled, and you will not have lost any concrete, lamps, or locomotives in the saves you did this process on -- they will all have reverted to stock colors instead.
Last edited by d3phoenix on Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:34 pm, edited 96 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Colored Trains


1st! and can't wait to try it out! going to be nice having trains fly by, knowing that that one is a coal.. that one is copper.. and that.. THATS A .. A MIGHTY FINE RARE PAX TRAIN!

edit: 105mb zipped.. can we get masks on trains now? lol.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Colored Trains

Post by Choumiko »

The yellow one looks like FARL :D
OBAMA MCLAMA wrote:edit: 105mb zipped.. can we get masks on trains now? lol.
There is something in the 0.12 changelog, that sounds like it could be used:
Added new blend modes for sprites using "blend_mode" property. Possible values: "normal", "additive", "multiplicative".
Haven't gotten around to test it out.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Colored Trains

Post by Blu3wolf »

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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding

Post by d3phoenix »

1.0.1 Update:

* Mod has been renamed to "Color Coding" and now supports small-radius indicator lights and concrete in addition to trains.

* The crafting of colored items has all been moved to a dedicated inventory tab to keep things clean.

* Reverting a color change is now as easy as picking up the colored item. It will switch back to a stock part in your inventory. This makes it easier to remove the mod later if you decide you don't want it, and also minimizes inventory clutter. Picking up loads of colored items will no longer clog your inventory.

* Pink color removed and replaced with cyan

* An automatic migration script is included. Move your old ColoredTrains zip file out of your mod folder and put the new color-coding one in, and the next time you load a save, any existing colored trains on your map will be imported into the updated mod automatically.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by MasterBuilder »

This is awesome. No more guessing which train is which.

Is it possible to change the gray/black one to actually have a dark/black ring around the top? It's sort of an all gray colorless thing and I'd rather have a 'coal' colored ring.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by iUltimateLP »

Its a great mod! I always wanted colored lights and concrete, so really thanks for that great mod! Super useful.

Edit: one not so cool thing is that actually the, idk how they are called, those "Drop Shadows" on the ground have a colored mask too so its laying over the ground (see screenshot)
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by d3phoenix »

Is it possible to change the gray/black one to actually have a dark/black ring around the top? It's sort of an all gray colorless thing and I'd rather have a 'coal' colored ring.
The way I made these is by hue-shifting the existing sprite-sheet with a photo editor. The unmarked train is what you get when you fully desaturate the image. I have tried a couple alternate techniques for the black train, but all of them resulted in artifacting while the train traveled around corners. (strange 'shimmering' of the color stripe that looked really bad). I will play around with the photo editor a bit more to see if I can find something that works, but don't get your hopes up :)
This has been fixed for the 1.0.2 release, due out when the game updates to 0.12.2.
Edit: one not so cool thing is that actually the, idk how they are called, those "Drop Shadows" on the ground have a colored mask too so its laying over the ground (see screenshot)
I noticed this on the lights, too. This is an artifact from the photo editing process. It's on my to-do list to fix.
This has been fixed for the 1.0.2 release, due out when the game updates to 0.12.2.
Last edited by d3phoenix on Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by d3phoenix »

The shadows around concrete and lamps have been fixed for the next version, and the sprites for the lamps have been dramatically improved.

However, I am withholding release until 0.12.2 due to save corruption issues with 0.12.1 when upgrading mods. Expect a more polished release shortly after 0.12.2 is available :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by hitzu »

Great mod! But don't you think that colors of the locos are a bit oversaturated?

Also I did a white version for trains. In my mind it went out fairly well.
diesel-locomotive white.zip
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by d3phoenix »

Wow, awesome. Just play-tested the white train and it looks great. I'm not the best at photo editing, clearly :)

I will include this in the next version.

Would you mind detailing your method, or applying the same effect to the diesel locomotive icon? I'll need a white stripe version of it for the inventory icon. It's the 32x32 one @ ./data/base/graphics/icons/diesel-locomotive.png.

I'm also looking for a way to do a black stripe version instead of the 'unmarked' looking one, if you have any ideas on that.

And as far as the saturation goes... well, the idea was to make the trains very visible even at a glance, but I do think I overdid it. I'm toning it down slightly for the next release.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by hitzu »

It is fairly simple. I just selected a mask using a "color range" then desaturated, adjusted brightness and decreased contrast. Pretty simple, especially using the automation tools of PS.

I made a black version with an icon and added another icon for the white loco.
diesel-locomotive black.zip
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by d3phoenix »

You are awesome, thank you so much! I don't have photoshop; I've been mostly using a combination of GIMP and Pinta, and i'm no expert with either of them.

This is all going into the 1.0.2 update when 0.12.2 comes out. They look great in-game!

I've added a credit to you on the original post, as well as within the zip file in both affected folders.

Now that I have a complete set, I'm going to make the mod replace the stock locomotive sprites with my old "unmarked" one, giving a total of 11 distinct train colors (the base game's faded red is not different enough from the saturated red train imo).
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by hitzu »

No problem ;)

In my mind the black color isn't very effective for lighting. A lamp that doesn't produce any light it's a bit strange thing. I don't quite sure how to fix this issue, because this is a conceptual and not technical problem. What do you think?
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by d3phoenix »

I agree -- people wanted a complete set so I added it anyway (nobody has to craft them after all).

I'm still playing with the graphics for it. Black and its weird darkening effect is interesting, but not really useful. I'm working on an updated sprite that mimics a "UV black light" appearance.

EDIT: The UV ended up coming out so well (imo) that I've made the final zip and am releasing v1.0.2, complete with the black and white trains. =D
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by hitzu »

UV looks cool! :geek:
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by Xterminator »

This is awesome for many reasons! I have wanted colored lights for the longest time, and having the colored locos and concrete is even better in addition. I would like to do a mod spotlight on this if you wouldn't mind? :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by Peter34 »

Xterminator wrote:This is awesome for many reasons! I have wanted colored lights for the longest time, and having the colored locos and concrete is even better in addition. I would like to do a mod spotlight on this if you wouldn't mind? :)
There was a Coloured Lights mod for alpha 11.
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by d3phoenix »

Xterminator wrote:This is awesome for many reasons! I have wanted colored lights for the longest time, and having the colored locos and concrete is even better in addition. I would like to do a mod spotlight on this if you wouldn't mind? :)
Absolutely, I'm glad you like the mod! :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12] Color Coding - Trains, Lights, and Concrete!

Post by Marconos »

Was on the 1.0.0 version of the mod. Updated to factorio 0.12.2 and had no issues upgrading to the latest version of the mod. Great mod, simple clean and no game functionality changes.
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