[MOD 1.1] Warehousing v0.4.0

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[MOD 1.1] Warehousing v0.4.0

Post by Anoyomouse »

Type: Mod
Name: Warehousing
Description: Adding in some warehousing for all those storage needs
License: Licenced by the MIT licence, see Licence.txt included
Version: 0.4.0
Release: 2020-11-24
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.14 -> 1.1
Category: Item
Authors: dgw, anoyomouse
Tags: Warehouse, storage, items, logistics
Download-Url: Grab it in the game!
Website: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Warehousing https://github.com/Warehousing/Warehousing

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Want to see Warehousing available in your language? Does the quality of our existing translation leave you wanting more? Please help us translate the mod on Crowdin! Create a free account (or log in with Google, Twitter, Facbook, GitHub, or Gitlab) and help make this mod (even more) awesome!


Full changelog: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Warehousing/changelog

Actively Maintained by dgw

We're always looking for updated translations!

Put this here, if you want to see what this is about, go watch this spotlight, seriously, go watch it!
Version 0.0.5: Mod Spotlight by Xterminator

All the languages, we're looking for more translators: https://crowdin.com/project/factorio-warehousing
Long description
Lastly, the TL;DR version:

Mod spotlight(s):
Version 0.0.5: Mod Spotlight by Xterminator
Version 0.0.4: Thanks to Xterminator for an awesome spotlight

Download for version 0.0.9 Here

Oh, and don't forget you can connect red and green wires to the warehouses to create a logic network
Last edited by Anoyomouse on Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:24 am, edited 43 times in total.
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by DukeAl »

nice mod. Your filestructure is wrong though.
You have to put all the files into a folder inside the archive or else factorio won't find the info.json.
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Anoyomouse »


I thought i did that in the zip file

I'll sort it out and link it in and see if that fixes the problem

Edit: Well, yeah, i messed that up, i fixed it up now tho!
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by grifter1 »


just want to know if this is ok for 12.8 if not is it hard for me to change it to be 12,8 by swapping it back to the old stile

and are you likely to make a requester one
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Anoyomouse »

grifter1 wrote:Hi
grifter1 wrote:just want to know if this is ok for 12.8 if not is it hard for me to change it to be 12,8 by swapping it back to the old stile
I'm not doing anything fancy (yet), so this should work in 12.8 for now, give it a shot and let me know how it goes
grifter1 wrote:and are you likely to make a requester one
I'll get my 3D artist to cook out up a Requester version with blue chimneys
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by grifter1 »

sounds grate will give it a go and get back to you
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by grifter1 »

Do you know if you can attach wire to the chests eg for smart inserter
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Anoyomouse »

grifter1 wrote:Do you know if you can attach wire to the chests eg for smart inserter
The Provider and the Sttorage warehouses can have wires attached to them, the standard warehouse does not allow this
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by grifter1 »

sorry to keep hassling you

just got home to give it a try looks like it is 12.11 dependent if i go to the mods tab your mod is red and has 12.11 in red

looks like i will have to hold of till i can get all the other mods i have setup for 12.11
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Anoyomouse »

grifter1 wrote:sorry to keep hassling you

just got home to give it a try looks like it is 12.11 dependent if i go to the mods tab your mod is red and has 12.11 in red

looks like i will have to hold of till i can get all the other mods i have setup for 12.11
Oh, try modifying the .json file, there i specify the dependency is core >=0.12.11, if you change that (or just remove it) then factorio will let you load it up (also good to know the engine does those checks for you, good to know it's working)
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by grifter1 »

that worked thanks
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by grifter1 »

after playing with this mod for a night i have a suggestion if you make it a 6x6 you can use the all the inserters that can grab from a train car and you can fit two assembly machine next to each one
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Jyton »

Good morning! I want to start by saying this is a beautiful mod, I love the graphics and the idea. I mostly just have one comment on balance. The warehouse currently takes up a 5x5 footprint but only has 159 slots. A chest has 48 slots, and this thing takes up the equivalent of 25 chests space-wise, or 1,200 item slots. I'd like my "warehousing district" to take up less space than walls and walls of chests, not almost ten times more space. Is there a way to change to capacity of your warehouses, maybe via a config file? Ideally I'd like a warehouse to store far more space-wise than the equivalent chest footprint.

I'd love to get your take on this. Keep up the good work!
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Anoyomouse »


Glad you love the graphics

The limit here was that Factorio couldn't render more than 159 slots on the UI without overflowing (no scrollbars) something that's apparently been fixed in 0.12.15, i have yet to try out this, so haven't updated the mod to do this.

Also, since you need wooden chests to make it it should have 25 wooden chest's capacity.

My friend and I have been talking about this and would also love to make it that you pile in chests and then effectively store a chest's worth of a single item in a single slot, so you stick in a chest and store 15k coal in a single slot, but this is not a trivial matter with the current mod infrastructure, i'm hoping with 0.13 we get morte lua entities (or we might have to wait till 1.0).

But yeah, i want to up the limit (if you wanted to you could try in prototypes there's the entity lua and there's slots there, but if you're not running 0.12.15 or later i warn you not to do it ;) )
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by grifter1 »


I changed the size of your chest to 200 and it all fits on one list in 12.8 I don’t know if 5Dim has change something in his mod pack that allows this but he has a 6x6 chest that has 200 so I just changed it to be the same might be worth a look if you are having problems upping the limit

I have been using your mod to play around with things as it was the easiest to understand and I thank you for easy to understand code

I have changed your mod so the collision box so it is a 12 long by 3 high box this has been grate for loading and unloading trains as it fits over two train cars and lets you unload to your storage via a 12 inserters or if you are using 5Dim 24 inserters

I think this might fit very well with your mod as extra set of chests or just as a standalone set if you are interested
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by MainTango »

I've noticed an issue with your mod. When you place down the storage warehouse and pick it up again, you end up with only a storage chest in your inventory. Doesn't happen with any of the other warehouses, only the yellow storage one. Other than that, good stuff.

Playing on 0.12.12 with bob's mods among other things.
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Anoyomouse »

MainTango wrote:I've noticed an issue with your mod. When you place down the storage warehouse and pick it up again, you end up with only a storage chest in your inventory. Doesn't happen with any of the other warehouses, only the yellow storage one. Other than that, good stuff.

Playing on 0.12.12 with bob's mods among other things.

I noticed this bug .. don't pick up your warehouses they tend to shrink to fit in your pocket!

Umm, in light of that i've bundled up version 0.0.4, now with 6x6 warehouses, shadows, wire connection points, and some nice improvements, as well as more logistics warehouses :mrgreen:
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Airat9000 »

Anoyomouse wrote:
MainTango wrote:I've noticed an issue with your mod. When you place down the storage warehouse and pick it up again, you end up with only a storage chest in your inventory. Doesn't happen with any of the other warehouses, only the yellow storage one. Other than that, good stuff.

Playing on 0.12.12 with bob's mods among other things.

I noticed this bug .. don't pick up your warehouses they tend to shrink to fit in your pocket!

Umm, in light of that i've bundled up version 0.0.4, now with 6x6 warehouses, shadows, wire connection points, and some nice improvements, as well as more logistics warehouses :mrgreen:
:D bob logistics not works! please add to comfortable- thanks!
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing

Post by Anoyomouse »

Airat9000 wrote: :D bob logistics not works! please add to comfortable- thanks!

I've been testing with bob's logistics 0.12.7 in factorio 0.12.16, the logistic robot mk4's are working fine for me

can you be more specific with what's wrong?
Also bear in mind these are pretty much just large chests and there's not much that can go wrong with them, so trying to understand what's wrong
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Re: [0.12.12] Warehousing v0.0.4

Post by Airat9000 »

:( not work!

tell me Purple takes the load properly?
Yellow and storage to move into a warehouse request so?

active warehouse work!

yeellow not work

2 bug
not space in my monitor!
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