Allows you to start a new game plus once you launch a rocket. Generate a new world and leave your home world, but carry over an inventory full of items and your research.
Enabled the mod option to be able to run the ngp-gui command. Then simply type /ngp-gui in chat (or the console, it's the same thing), and you will see the gui and be able to start the new game plus without launching the rocket.
The above processes can be repeated an infinite amount of times. Please know that it is not possible to go back to your old world(s)! Pressing the start button might also freeze your game for up to a few minutes. That's fine. It'll unfreeze eventually.
Works with mods that add ores or terrain etc. If you want to generate a new world with them, first enable them, then start the new game plus, not the other way around.
- Name: New Game+
- Version: 5.0.1
- Factorio-Version: 0.16 - 1.1 (0.15 on github)
- Description: Allows you to start a new game plus once you launch a rocket (or run a command). Generate a new world, but carry over an inventory full of items and your research.
- License: MIT
- First release: 2017-09-18
- Download: Mod portal
- Dependencies: base
- Category: Helper Mods
- Tags: Helper Mods
- Author: Bilka
- Git repository: https://github.com/Bilka2/NewGamePlus