Original thread: viewtopic.php?f=92&t=15152
With blessing from original author GopherAtl I am continuing maintenance and updating of this mod.

Adds a pair of small gui buttons that you can click on while holding a blueprint to mirror that blueprint, horizontally or vertically.
That's... well, pretty much it. Isn't that enough?
- Name: Blueprint Flipper
- Description: Adds ability to mirror blueprints horizontally and vertically.
- Authors: GopherAtl (Original), narc0tiq, Roktaal
- License: MIT
- Version: 0.1.4
- Release: 10. April 2016
- Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.29
- Category: Helper
- Tags: utility, gui, blueprints
- Download-Url: https://github.com/Roktaal/blueprint_fl ... _0.1.4.zip
- Website: https://github.com/Roktaal/blueprint_flipper