Name: Research queue
Description: Lets you queue up your research.

Version: 1.2.6
Release: 2015-10-21
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.17 - 0.12.34
Category: Convenience
Tags: Research, queue, technology
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Long description
Long description
This allows you to queue up your research. It also figures out the required prerequisites and adds them if needed. But pictures say more than 1000 words so:

Toggle this off to prevent the technology screen popping up every time research is done.

Special filters for bob's mods. Click the extend button to show filters for the individual items.
This allows you to queue up your research. It also figures out the required prerequisites and adds them if needed. But pictures say more than 1000 words so:

Toggle this off to prevent the technology screen popping up every time research is done.

Special filters for bob's mods. Click the extend button to show filters for the individual items.
Version history
Version history
Version 1.2.6 (29-may-2016):
Fixed: Should no longer create errors when creating forces
Version 1.2.5 (12-april-2016):
Changed: The Research queue button is now shortened to RQ.
Fixed: Should no longer create errors when mods complete research in their init stage.
Added: Toggle the automatic popup of the research queue screen on empty queue with console command:
Version 1.2.4 (24-januari-2016):
Added: Now print a message what research was completed.
Version 1.2.3 (5-januari-2016):
Fixed: Creating forces before this mod is initialised no longer gives an error.
Fixed: No longer counts up to nearly double the labs that there actually are.
Version 1.2.2 (7-december-2015):
Changed: Icon size is now automatically detected using the icon_size in technologies.
Fixed: Compatibility with mods that use spaces in their names.
Version 1.2.1 (1-december-2015):
New: Other mods can now indicate that they use the new 128x128 by placing table.insert(rq.big_icons,"<mod_name>") in their data-updates.lua file.
Changed: Adjusted the icon(frames) to the new icon size introduced in 0.12.17.
Changed: Time estimation now ticks down while gui is opened.
Changed: Time estimation now also takes power into account for the base lab, limited for modded labs.
Version 1.2.0 (12-november-2015):
New: Added an overview of research ingredients to items in the queue.
New: Queue now shows a (rough) estimate for the time until the research is completed.
Changed: Clicking the up button on the top research now prompts a warning before overwriting the current research.
Fixed: Research tagged as upgrades and without prerequisites now shows in the overview.
Version 1.1.1 (28-october-2015):
Fixed: Loading this mod into an existing save once again should not give an error.
Version 1.1.0 (27-october-2015):
New: Filter buttons for the research ingredients. Should work with all mods and are dynamically generated.
New: Scroll buttons for the list of technologies if there are too many technologies.
New: Extend button to show all upgrade technologies instead of just the first.
Changed: Icon background are changed to 36px, icons itself are still 32px.
Changed: The interface is now synchronised between all persons on the force.
Changed: Buttons now make sound when clicked.
Changed: The interface now pops up when research is done and no research is queued up.
Version 1.0.2 (24-october-2015):
Really fixed: Loading this mod into an existing save now shows the gui.
Fixed: Loading this mod into an existing save no longer causes crashes when research finishes.
Fixed: Removing research now properly removes other research.
Changed: When the top of the queue is removed, the new top is automatically started (overriding the progress on the current research)
Changed: Pressing the up button on the research at the top of the queue will start this research, overriding (progress on) manual started research.
Changed: Icon size is now 32px for better display.
Changed: After closing and opening the gui it now always displays icons.
Changed: After closing and opening the gui it now always displays the top of the queue.
Changed: The queue now scrolls up when removing items from the queue, preventing the queue to move out of the display.
Version 1.0.1 (23-october-2015):
Fixed that loading this mod into an existing save would not show the gui.
Version 1.0.0 (21-october-2015):
Old Versions: Dropbox link
Version 1.2.6 (29-may-2016):
Fixed: Should no longer create errors when creating forces
- (49.78 KiB) Downloaded 2094 times
Changed: The Research queue button is now shortened to RQ.
Fixed: Should no longer create errors when mods complete research in their init stage.
Added: Toggle the automatic popup of the research queue screen on empty queue with console command:
Code: Select all
Added: Now print a message what research was completed.
Version 1.2.3 (5-januari-2016):
Fixed: Creating forces before this mod is initialised no longer gives an error.
Fixed: No longer counts up to nearly double the labs that there actually are.
Version 1.2.2 (7-december-2015):
Changed: Icon size is now automatically detected using the icon_size in technologies.
Fixed: Compatibility with mods that use spaces in their names.
Version 1.2.1 (1-december-2015):
Changed: Adjusted the icon(frames) to the new icon size introduced in 0.12.17.
Changed: Time estimation now ticks down while gui is opened.
Changed: Time estimation now also takes power into account for the base lab, limited for modded labs.
Version 1.2.0 (12-november-2015):
New: Added an overview of research ingredients to items in the queue.
New: Queue now shows a (rough) estimate for the time until the research is completed.
Changed: Clicking the up button on the top research now prompts a warning before overwriting the current research.
Fixed: Research tagged as upgrades and without prerequisites now shows in the overview.
Version 1.1.1 (28-october-2015):
Fixed: Loading this mod into an existing save once again should not give an error.
Version 1.1.0 (27-october-2015):
New: Filter buttons for the research ingredients. Should work with all mods and are dynamically generated.
New: Scroll buttons for the list of technologies if there are too many technologies.
New: Extend button to show all upgrade technologies instead of just the first.
Changed: Icon background are changed to 36px, icons itself are still 32px.
Changed: The interface is now synchronised between all persons on the force.
Changed: Buttons now make sound when clicked.
Changed: The interface now pops up when research is done and no research is queued up.
Version 1.0.2 (24-october-2015):
Really fixed: Loading this mod into an existing save now shows the gui.
Fixed: Loading this mod into an existing save no longer causes crashes when research finishes.
Fixed: Removing research now properly removes other research.
Changed: When the top of the queue is removed, the new top is automatically started (overriding the progress on the current research)
Changed: Pressing the up button on the research at the top of the queue will start this research, overriding (progress on) manual started research.
Changed: Icon size is now 32px for better display.
Changed: After closing and opening the gui it now always displays icons.
Changed: After closing and opening the gui it now always displays the top of the queue.
Changed: The queue now scrolls up when removing items from the queue, preventing the queue to move out of the display.
Version 1.0.1 (23-october-2015):
Fixed that loading this mod into an existing save would not show the gui.
Version 1.0.0 (21-october-2015):
Old Versions: Dropbox link