[MOD 0.12.12+] Advanced Logistics System 0.2.13

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[MOD 0.12.12+] Advanced Logistics System 0.2.13

Post by Outsider »

Advanced Logistics System
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Check out the Mod Spotlight by Xterminator

Type: Mod
Name: Advanced Logistics System
Description: Provides a detailed view of your logistics network and the items within it
License: MIT
Version: 0.2.13
Latest Release: 26-03-2016
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.12+
Category: Helper
Tags: User-Interface
Multiplayer: No issues reported for multiplayer.
Download-Url: Download v0.2.13
Website: https://github.com/anoutsider/advanced- ... cs-system/
Archive: https://github.com/anoutsider/advanced- ... m/releases
Long description
Known Issues
Future Development
Console Commands
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Last edited by Outsider on Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:34 pm, edited 25 times in total.
Advanced Logistics System - Provides a detailed view of your logistics network and the items within it
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Talguy »

Wow. I suspect this is going to be very popular.

EDIT: When clicking the back button for a chest outside of the network, I'm getting the following error:
Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:796: Given entity doesn't exist anymore.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by FiFtHeLeMeNt »

This is great mod, cant wait to try it. Thanks OP.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Outsider »

Talguy wrote:Wow. I suspect this is going to be very popular.

EDIT: When clicking the back button for a chest outside of the network, I'm getting the following error:
Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:796: Given entity doesn't exist anymore.
Version 0.2.1 is up and should fix this issue, i couldn't really replicate it but the code to handle it was a bit choppy so i rewrote it, please test and let me know.

And hope you found the mod useful so far :)
Advanced Logistics System - Provides a detailed view of your logistics network and the items within it
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Xterminator »

This fantastic! Really surprised nos one has done this before now.
If you don't mind, I would like to do a mod spotlight on it. :) Very well done by the looks of it!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Zequez »

This is really cool, I'm gonna try it!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Outsider »

Xterminator wrote:This fantastic! Really surprised nos one has done this before now.
If you don't mind, I would like to do a mod spotlight on it. :) Very well done by the looks of it!
I waited almost a year for someone to do it, eventually i though i'd just give it ago.. i think performance is a big concern for a mod like this and that's maybe what put people off doing it, hopefully this one runs good.. we will see :D

and sure would appreciate a spotlight.
Advanced Logistics System - Provides a detailed view of your logistics network and the items within it
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by L0771 »

:/ bah, just so fucking amazing
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by LordOOTFD »

When I load my single player game I get the following error,

Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:244: attempt to call global 'onLogisticsSearchTick' (a nil value)

This is a game that I have played for about 3 hours with your mod enabled in.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Talguy »

When clicking a Radar on CommandControls(MOD) GUI, I'm getting this error:
Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:217: attempt to index field 'character' (a nil value)
Maybe fix it like this?

Code: Select all

--- Checks if a player has a logistics system in his inventory
function playerHasSystem(player)
    return not not player and (
		player.character and player.character.name == "ls-controller" or 
		player.get_item_count("advanced-logistics-system") > 0
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by vampiricdust »

LordOOTFD wrote:When I load my single player game I get the following error,

Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:244: attempt to call global 'onLogisticsSearchTick' (a nil value)

This is a game that I have played for about 3 hours with your mod enabled in.
I've found toggling the mod off, going in game, saving it, exit & toggle it back on, and then load the game again. It should get it playable, at least it works for me when it bugs out.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Outsider »

Talguy wrote:When clicking a Radar on CommandControls(MOD) GUI, I'm getting this error:
Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:217: attempt to index field 'character' (a nil value)
Maybe fix it like this?

Code: Select all

--- Checks if a player has a logistics system in his inventory
function playerHasSystem(player)
    return not not player and (
		player.character and player.character.name == "ls-controller" or 
		player.get_item_count("advanced-logistics-system") > 0
LordOOTFD wrote:When I load my single player game I get the following error,

Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:244: attempt to call global 'onLogisticsSearchTick' (a nil value)

This is a game that I have played for about 3 hours with your mod enabled in.
Thank you guys and sorry for the inconvenience, just pushed Version 0.2.2 which fixes both issues.

@Talguy didn't have a chance to test and replicate the issue but included your update as it is, loved the not not :D will look into the issue more later.
Advanced Logistics System - Provides a detailed view of your logistics network and the items within it
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Outsider »

vampiricdust wrote:
LordOOTFD wrote:When I load my single player game I get the following error,

Error while running the event handler: __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua:244: attempt to call global 'onLogisticsSearchTick' (a nil value)

This is a game that I have played for about 3 hours with your mod enabled in.
I've found toggling the mod off, going in game, saving it, exit & toggle it back on, and then load the game again. It should get it playable, at least it works for me when it bugs out.
Yeah my bad, the issue was i was initializing the search update/check functions inside the search field gui click handler, which was obviously stupid. now they are moved as a standalone functions and are being passed the player index alongside the ontick event object.

should be all working fine now with v0.2.2, sorry again for the inconvenience.
Advanced Logistics System - Provides a detailed view of your logistics network and the items within it
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by LordOOTFD »

The update fixed it right away, thanks!

So far your mod has been quite handy as my factory is a convoluted mess right now, thanks for the great mod!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by vampiricdust »

Yeah my bad, the issue was i was initializing the search update/check functions inside the search field gui click handler, which was obviously stupid. now they are moved as a standalone functions and are being passed the player index alongside the ontick event object.

should be all working fine now with v0.2.2, sorry awetgain for the inconvenience.
No worries. Just wanted him to know the save wad not lost. Really nice mod, I'll be using it my videos for sure.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Thyrann »

Thanks soooo much for this mod. Its something I was looking for for a long time. Just perfect.

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by PersonUnknown »

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Outsider »

PersonUnknown wrote:Explain to me how to fix it?
i'm not sure i understand what you mean, but you have 236 logistics chests that are not part of the logistics network, you can view where they are and fix the issue by extending your network to where they are if you need to.

if you are referring to a bug with the logistics network check code, then i'll probably need more info, are you using mods that add custom roboports? if so what are they?
Advanced Logistics System - Provides a detailed view of your logistics network and the items within it
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by Damrus »

I get this Error every time I try to remove a normal roboport


Please help ;p


O and this one now too. When i open the menu.


Used to only have an error when I opened the "Normal items" tab, but kind of ignored that one. (sorry, I should have noted it down too).

O well. Hope this helps or that its just me being a dummy
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Advanced Logistics System

Post by PersonUnknown »

Outsider wrote:
PersonUnknown wrote:Explain to me how to fix it?
i'm not sure i understand what you mean, but you have 236 logistics chests that are not part of the logistics network, you can view where they are and fix the issue by extending your network to where they are if you need to.

if you are referring to a bug with the logistics network check code, then i'll probably need more info, are you using mods that add custom roboports? if so what are they?
Very big thanks! I use robopots from DyTech. It would be nice if you add them to your mod.
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