Need Audible Alerts Mod

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Need Audible Alerts Mod

Post by JadedDragoon »

I'm doing my first bobangel run. I'm also using Rampant which makes biters smarter and more aggressive (It also disables turret walking by not letting me build near nests... ::shrug:: I wanted a challenge). I've walled off a large section of the map to build in after clearing several biter nests. Yes, I know about the evolution multiplier on nest kills. I didn't really have a choice but to clear nests anyway... I couldn't keep up with the ammo costs to defend the walls with them nesting just out of turret range. I use natural choke points and terrain features to keep my walls small and manageable... something I've been doing every since my first vanilla run way back when.

And when I say "more aggressive"? I mean this:


But that's ok... I've got it under control. Mostly.

The problem is that the first indication I get that something is wrong is when my walls start getting destroyed. And by the time I reach the section of wall the bitters are already inside and destroying things. Because it's a bobangel run I'm not yet able to make enough steel to make armor piercing rounds in quantities large enough to supply my turrets. I can barely supply them with normal ammo. Nor can I make reinforced walls in large quantities as they also require steel... unless I can keep my walls from being destroyed in large numbers. But since they have to get destroyed for me to even know there is a problem that's not possible.

I need to hear an alert when the walls are attacked... or when the turrets fire... or something that happens the moment biters are able to damage my walls or sooner. And I'm not in a position to automate ammo delivery to my turrets nor can I research circuits quite yet. So no jury rigging an alarm with programmable speakers. And that still wouldn't be good enough cause it would only go off when a turret reloads and thus be delayed. And, frankly, I shouldn't have to. The turrets themselves should be able to connect to the circuit network. And I shouldn't even have to do that. The building-damaged alert should be audible. Cry me a river about it being annoying. I've got no sympathy for that right now.

I've looked for a mod that does this. I've even found posts where people talk about there being lots of mods that do this for 0.17. But I can't find any actual mods. Not on the forums and not on the mod portal. If I'm going to keep playing with this setup... an audible alarm well BEFORE a structure is destroyed is an absolute must.

EDIT: For example, I lost a whole wall on the south west edge of my base because I didn't know there was a problem till they had already worn it down and run many of the turrets completely out of ammo. I reloaded the previous autosave... and sure enough... the building-damaged alerts were firing a full in-game day before the first wall block was destroyed... I simply didn't see it cause i was focused on building. With that early warning I was able to save the wall and the turrets and stop the massive horde of bugs that came at me. But I don't want to resort to save scumming just cause the game fails to make an audible alert.
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Re: Need Audible Alerts Mod

Post by BlueTemplar »

Would these more recent mods help you ?
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
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