Have you ever thought that placing rails on water would be a handy way to access islands, or would help make your train system less messy?
Well I did think that way and therefore made a mod that adds a new rail version.
- own technology to be researched (after Automated rail transportation)
- a recipe for straight rails and for curved rails (costing more steel and a bit of wood)
- those rails can be placed on water
- bridge rails are fully compatible with the standard base-game rails (straight & curved)
Things to be aware of:
- you can't walk on those rails if they are placed over water
- you can't exit the train if there is no safe spot (everything besides water) for the player
- I havn't tested the mod on multiplayer, but as it doesn't rely on any form of custom lua scripting it should work fine
This mod only works for Factorio 0.11.x, if you want the new version go to viewtopic.php?f=92&t=21370
http://www.mediafire.com/download/8llx5 ... _1.0.0.zip