Here is a collection of mods I've made, updated or completely modified.
The reason I originally make these is because I needed them mostly in the way they are made. I made them public only because I thought other peoples would like them.
With the 0.12 update, I needed to migrate all mods to this new version. As a new effort, versions would be renumbered.
Also all mods would have their respective topics if you need more informations about them.
Creative Mode (1.5.0) :
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This mod add two things to the game, the creative chest which provide an infinite source of the item or fluid you want at the direction you want, the void chest which delete all items or fluid at the direction you want, the Zero point energy generator that can generate up to 999TW and the Black hole energy consumer that can consume up to 999TW.
Also all things in this mod are craftable for free and don't need energy.
The creative chest has now a fluid tab with all fluids the game have.

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This mod make it easier to talk to other player by having the posibility to point some objects. To place an arrow, you simply need to place it on the terrain, to remove it, simply click with the placer on the arrow.
Better vehicle control (0.12.1) : Forum topic
Updated Graphics (0.12.1) : Forum topic
No hand crafting (0.12.2) : Forum topic
No hand mining (0.12.2) : Forum topic
Dump data (1.0.0) :
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This mod dump data.raw into console and logs, only useful for developpers or when explicitly needed.