Bugs and problems

New energy types, decorations, electric train, new types of belts and inserters, bigger inventory and many more stuff.

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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Bocator »

Devious Null wrote:
Bocator wrote:
I didn't notice that in my game, but I can look into it. Could you please provide me with a zip'd copy of a save where the problem exists, your mods folder, and answers to the following questions:

What Factorio version are you running?
Were any 5dim mods added/removed/updated since the save was created (including the patches from my previous post)? What was changed?
I'm currently running 0.12.33
I've started the game with all 5dim mods activated (except ores) and I've only updated trains with your fixes and the one from Zolidus :
Zolidus wrote: In control.lua for trainmod.

line 734 is commented out when i guess it should have been 733.
(not sure) but the word "wadonData" is pressent when it should be "wagonData"
Save and mods : https://mega.nz/#!c4VE0Y4S!EDgHsJ-PlKND ... 3EhbcFm5nM
Hundreds hours of Factorio experience
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Devious Null
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Devious Null »

Bocator wrote:
I'm currently running 0.12.33
I've started the game with all 5dim mods activated (except ores) and I've only updated trains with your fixes and the one from Zolidus :
Zolidus wrote: In control.lua for trainmod.

line 734 is commented out when i guess it should have been 733.
(not sure) but the word "wadonData" is pressent when it should be "wagonData"
Save and mods : https://mega.nz/#!c4VE0Y4S!EDgHsJ-PlKND ... 3EhbcFm5nM
So I think I found out what is causing the problem you've encountered. Unfortunately, I'm going out of town for a week starting tomorrow, and I won't be able to work on a fix until I get back.

I've attached some changes I made that do not fix the problem, but it should make your game at least playable until a real fix is made. Just replace your 5dim_trains_3.0.0/control.lua with this one.

Somehow, multiple instances of most electric locomotives in the save are being inserted into the global.wagonsData structure, which causes each of them to be processed multiple times (up to 4, that I've seen) each update.
v3.0.0 workaround
(41.35 KiB) Downloaded 261 times
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Bocator »

Devious Null wrote: So I think I found out what is causing the problem you've encountered. Unfortunately, I'm going out of town for a week starting tomorrow, and I won't be able to work on a fix until I get back.

I've attached some changes I made that do not fix the problem, but it should make your game at least playable until a real fix is made. Just replace your 5dim_trains_3.0.0/control.lua with this one.

Somehow, multiple instances of most electric locomotives in the save are being inserted into the global.wagonsData structure, which causes each of them to be processed multiple times (up to 4, that I've seen) each update.
Thanks for the help ! Just tried it and I can feel the game is smoother. Being curious, what lines have you changed ?
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by scherzeking »

I have all 5dim mods and all bobmods together. It's working pretty good together but there is one problem.
I can only make tin plates for the assambling machine 4 with the plates of your mod and not with the bob mods.
Big problem is here, that the furnance is only producing bobs tin plate, which should be the same for 5dim. so 5dim tin plates =/ bobs tin plates
I wouldn't really mind cause I could first do dust and then the plates but for the masher I do need 5dim tin plates too-.-

I edited all files from 5dim-tin-plate to just tin-plate. Now both mods work together. Hope you can fix that too :)
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by xBlizzDevious »

Extra fast smart inserters aren't fully smart.

I can add a filter so they only take specific items, but I cannot connect a logistics wire or set circuit/logistic configurations.

I'm running 3.0.0 automatisation but according to its changelog, that doesn't exist: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=13137#p95432 (it only goes up to 2.1.0).
The names of some of the items in 5Dim - the extra fast smart inserter included - show up as an unknown key or something along those lines too.
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Devious Null
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Devious Null »

Bocator wrote:Thanks for the help ! Just tried it and I can feel the game is smoother. Being curious, what lines have you changed ?
Most of the changes were around line 50. The base 5dim code did some processing for every train every 20 ticks, and my version just split the work so that 1/20th of the total number of trains was processed every tick. It is the same amount of work, but as you noted it is much smoother.

That doesn't solve the problem of 5dim processing most trains multiple times, however. That is what the code in this post is for.

The following patch contains the change I described earlier, a fix for multiple copies of the same train being added to global.wagonsData, a fix for the wrong train being removed from global.wagonsData sometimes, and a migration script so that any existing duplicate trains are removed from existing saves when they are first loaded. Please note that this patch is for 5dim_trains version 3.1.0, and that you should not manually add the migration file (migrations/5dim_trains_3.1.0.lua). Problems could arise if you do this and my migration file differs from any official release.

Code: Select all

diff -Nru source/5dim_trains_3.1.0/control.lua modified/5dim_trains_3.1.0/control.lua
--- source/5dim_trains_3.1.0/control.lua	2016-04-27 12:25:00.579958800 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_trains_3.1.0/control.lua	2016-05-14 13:56:46.135331700 -0500
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 		global.updateStaticProxies = nil
-	if global.wagonsData~=nil and event.tick %20 == 3 then
+	if global.wagonsData~=nil then
 		global.wagonsData = updateWagons(global.wagonsData)
@@ -50,9 +50,21 @@
+local next_wagon_update_index = 1
 function updateWagons(wagonsData)
 	local removeList = {}
-	for i,wagonData in pairs(wagonsData) do
+	local wagon_updates_remaining = math.ceil(#wagonsData/20)
+	while wagon_updates_remaining > 0 do
+		wagon_updates_remaining = wagon_updates_remaining - 1
+		if wagonsData[next_wagon_update_index] == nil then
+			next_wagon_update_index = 1
+		end
+		wagonData = wagonsData[next_wagon_update_index]
+		next_wagon_update_index = next_wagon_update_index + 1
 		--wagonCount = wagonCount + 1
 		if wagonData ~= nil and wagonData.wagon ~= nil and wagonData.wagon.valid then
 			wagonData = updateWagonPosition(wagonData)
@@ -62,9 +74,8 @@
 			wagonData = updateRequestSlots(wagonData)
 			-- wagonData = updateLiquid(wagonData)
 			wagonData = updateHealth(wagonData)
-		else
-			table.insert(removeList, 1, wagon)
+		elseif wagonData ~= nil then
+			table.insert(removeList, 1, wagonData.wagon)
 	for i, wagon in ipairs(removeList) do
@@ -223,7 +234,7 @@
-	if wagon ~= nil and wagon.valid then
+	if wagon ~= nil and wagon.valid and findWagonInTable(wagonsData, wagon) <= 0 then
 		local newWagon = {}
 		newWagon["wagon"] = wagon
@@ -311,8 +322,8 @@
-	table.remove(wagonsData, i)
-	return wagons
+	table.remove(wagonsData, loc)
+	return wagonsData
 function hasStaticProxies(entityName)
@@ -708,16 +719,18 @@
 	local wagonsData = {}
 	if wagons ~= nil then
 		for wagon,value in pairs(wagons) do
-			local newWagon = {}
-			newWagon["wagon"] = wagon
-			newWagon["position"] = value.position
-			newWagon["proxy"] = value.proxy
-			newWagon["inventoryCount"] = value.inventoryCount
-			newWagon["liquid"] = value.liquid
-			newWagon["requestSlots"] = value.requestSlots
-			newWagon["health"] = value.health
-			newWagon["energy"] = value.energy
-			table.insert(wagonsData,newWagon)
+			if findWagonInTable(wagonsData, wagon) <= 0 then
+				local newWagon = {}
+				newWagon["wagon"] = wagon
+				newWagon["position"] = value.position
+				newWagon["proxy"] = value.proxy
+				newWagon["inventoryCount"] = value.inventoryCount
+				newWagon["liquid"] = value.liquid
+				newWagon["requestSlots"] = value.requestSlots
+				newWagon["health"] = value.health
+				newWagon["energy"] = value.energy
+				table.insert(wagonsData,newWagon)
+			end
 	return wagonsData
@@ -731,7 +744,6 @@
 			local newValues = {}
 			if wagonData.wagon.valid then
 				-- debugLog("Wagon is valid " .. i)
-				table.insert(newWagons,wagonData)
 				addWagonToTable(newWagons, wagonData.wagon, wagonData["energy"], wagonData["liquid"])
 				debugLog("Wagon is invalid. " .. i)
diff -Nru source/5dim_trains_3.1.0/migrations/5dim_trains_3.1.0.lua modified/5dim_trains_3.1.0/migrations/5dim_trains_3.1.0.lua
--- source/5dim_trains_3.1.0/migrations/5dim_trains_3.1.0.lua	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ modified/5dim_trains_3.1.0/migrations/5dim_trains_3.1.0.lua	2016-05-14 13:52:27.285526400 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+	if global.wagonsData ~= nil then
+		local remove_indices = {}
+		local remove_wagons = {}
+		local before = #global.wagonsData
+		for ia,a in ipairs(global.wagonsData) do
+			if not remove_indices[ia] then
+				for ib,b in ipairs(global.wagonsData) do
+					if ia < ib and a.wagon == b.wagon then
+						remove_indices[ib] = true
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		for k,v in pairs(remove_indices) do
+			table.insert(remove_wagons, global.wagonsData[k].wagon)
+		end
+		for i, wagon in ipairs(remove_wagons) do
+			removeWagonFromTable(global.wagonsData, wagon)
+		end
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
xBlizzDevious wrote:Extra fast smart inserters aren't fully smart.

I can add a filter so they only take specific items, but I cannot connect a logistics wire or set circuit/logistic configurations.

I'm running 3.0.0 automatisation but according to its changelog, that doesn't exist: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=13137#p95432 (it only goes up to 2.1.0).
The names of some of the items in 5Dim - the extra fast smart inserter included - show up as an unknown key or something along those lines too.
I wrote a patch to fix these two bugs as well, this one for 5dim_automation version 3.1.0. The problem was just a missing flag in the data files and a few translations which needed to be copied to another location.

Code: Select all

diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/en/locale.cfg modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/en/locale.cfg
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/en/locale.cfg	2015-08-21 08:28:13.952979200 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/en/locale.cfg	2016-05-13 12:51:33.728757500 -0500
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
 5d-inserter-speed3-range1-close = Extra speed inserter near
 5d-inserter-speed3-range2-close = Extra speed long inserter near
 5d-inserter-speed3-range3-close = Extra speed extra long inserter near
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close = Smart inserter near
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1 = Extra speed smart inserter
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close = Extra speed smart inserter near
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2 = Long smart inserter
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close = Long smart inserter near
 5d-fast-inserter-left-90d = Fast speed left inserter
 5d-basic-inserter-left-90d = Left inserter
 5d-fast-inserter-right-90d = Fast speed right inserter
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/es-ES/locale.cfg modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/es-ES/locale.cfg
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/es-ES/locale.cfg	2015-08-21 08:28:32.328981000 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/es-ES/locale.cfg	2016-05-13 12:52:43.952774100 -0500
@@ -78,6 +78,11 @@
 5d-inserter-speed3-range1-close = Inserter velocidad extrema largo 1 corto  
 5d-inserter-speed3-range2-close = Inserter velocidad extrema largo 2 corto  
 5d-inserter-speed3-range3-close = Inserter velocidad extrema largo 3 corto  
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close = Inserter inteligente corto
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1 = Inserter inteligente velocidad extrema corto
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close = Inserter inteligente velocidad extrema corto
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2 = Inserter inteligente largo
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close = Inserter inteligente largo corto
 5d-fast-inserter-left-90d = Inserter velocidad normal largo 1 izq. 
 5d-basic-inserter-left-90d = Inserter velocidad r?pida largo 1 izq.  
 5d-fast-inserter-right-90d =  Inserter velocidad r?pida largo 1 der. 
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pl/locale.cfg modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pl/locale.cfg
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pl/locale.cfg	2016-03-30 16:00:33.030060200 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pl/locale.cfg	2016-05-13 12:53:16.896658400 -0500
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@
 5d-inserter-speed3-range1-close = Superszybki podajnik bliski
 5d-inserter-speed3-range2-close = Superszybki long podajnik bliski
 5d-inserter-speed3-range3-close = Superszybki bardzo długi podajnik bliski
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close = Podajnik sterowany bliski
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1 = Superszybki sterowany podajnik
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close = Superszybki sterowany podajnik bliski
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2 = Długi sterowany podajnik
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close = Długi sterowany podajnik bliski
 5d-fast-inserter-left-90d = Szybki lewy podajnik
 5d-basic-inserter-left-90d = Lewy podajnik
 5d-fast-inserter-right-90d = Szybki prawy podajnik
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pt-BR/locale.cfg modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pt-BR/locale.cfg
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pt-BR/locale.cfg	2016-03-30 09:15:36.692792800 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/pt-BR/locale.cfg	2016-05-13 12:53:45.712306600 -0500
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
 5d-inserter-speed3-range1-close = Insersor básico longo de altíssima velocidade de proximidade
 5d-inserter-speed3-range2-close = Insersor longo de altíssima velocidade de proximidade
 5d-inserter-speed3-range3-close = Insersor extra-longo de altíssima velocidade de proximidade
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close = Insersor inteligente de proximidade
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1 = Insersor inteligente de alta velocidade
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close = Insersor inteligente de proximidade de alta velocidade
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2 = Insersor inteligente longo
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close = Insersor inteligente longo de proximidade
 5d-fast-inserter-left-90d = Insersor básico longo esquerdo de alta velocidade
 5d-basic-inserter-left-90d = Insersor básico longo esquerdo de velocidade comum
 5d-fast-inserter-right-90d = Insersor básico longo direito de alta velocidade
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/ru/locale.cfg modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/ru/locale.cfg
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/ru/locale.cfg	2016-03-11 01:46:01.070336000 -0600
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/ru/locale.cfg	2016-05-13 12:54:00.096129300 -0500
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
 5d-inserter-speed3-range1-close = Сверхбыстрый ближний манипулятор
 5d-inserter-speed3-range2-close = Сверхбыстрый длинный ближний манипулятор
 5d-inserter-speed3-range3-close = Сверхбыстрый сверхдлинный ближний манипулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close = Умный ближний манипулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1 = Умный сверхбыстрый манипулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close = Умный сверхбыстрый ближний манипулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2 = Умный длинный манипулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close = Умный длинный ближний манипулятор
 5d-fast-inserter-left-90d = Быстрый левый манипулятор
 5d-basic-inserter-left-90d = Левый манипулятор
 5d-fast-inserter-right-90d = Быстрый правый манипулятор
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/uk/locale.cfg modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/uk/locale.cfg
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/uk/locale.cfg	2016-03-27 17:29:06.999587700 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/uk/locale.cfg	2016-05-13 12:54:27.392690500 -0500
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
 5d-inserter-speed3-range1-close = Надшвидкий ближній маніпулятор
 5d-inserter-speed3-range2-close = Надшвидкий довгий ближній маніпулятор
 5d-inserter-speed3-range3-close = Надшвидкий наддовгий ближній маніпулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close = Розумний ближній маніпулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1 = Розумний надшвидкий маніпулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close = Розумний надшвидкий ближній маніпулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2 = Розумний довгий маніпулятор
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close = Розумний довгий ближній маніпулятор
 5d-fast-inserter-left-90d = Швидкий лівий маніпулятор
 5d-basic-inserter-left-90d = Лівий маніпулятор
 5d-fast-inserter-right-90d = Швидкий правий маніпулятор
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/zh-CN/locale.cfg modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/zh-CN/locale.cfg
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/zh-CN/locale.cfg	2016-03-23 23:12:55.230371800 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/locale/zh-CN/locale.cfg	2016-05-13 12:54:46.304772200 -0500
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
 5d-inserter-speed3-range1-close = 机械臂(极速)-近
 5d-inserter-speed3-range2-close = 机械臂(极速&加长)-近
 5d-inserter-speed3-range3-close = 机械臂(极速&超长)-近
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close = 智能机械臂-近
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1 = 加速智能机械臂
+5d-inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close = 加速智能机械臂-近
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2 = 加长智能机械臂
+5d-inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close = 加长智能机械臂-近
 5d-fast-inserter-left-90d = 机械臂(快速)-左
 5d-basic-inserter-left-90d = 机械臂-左
 5d-fast-inserter-right-90d = 机械臂(快速)-右
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1.lua modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1.lua
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1.lua	2016-03-15 08:41:31.298835800 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1.lua	2016-05-13 12:47:25.840579100 -0500
@@ -126,6 +126,5 @@
         green = {0, 0}
-	circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close.lua modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close.lua
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close.lua	2016-03-15 08:41:31.302376800 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range1-close.lua	2016-05-13 12:46:40.623992900 -0500
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
     max_health = 40,
     corpse = "small-remnants",
+    programmable = true,
     circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5,
     resistances =
@@ -141,6 +142,5 @@
         height = 46,
-	circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2.lua modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2.lua
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2.lua	2016-03-15 08:41:31.261551600 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2.lua	2016-05-13 12:46:36.288744900 -0500
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     max_health = 40,
     corpse = "small-remnants",
     filter_count = 5,
+    programmable = true,
     circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5,
     resistances =
@@ -143,6 +144,5 @@
         height = 46,
-	circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close.lua modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close.lua
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close.lua	2016-03-15 08:41:31.271076800 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed2-range2-close.lua	2016-05-13 12:46:58.448012400 -0500
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
     max_health = 40,
     corpse = "small-remnants",
+    programmable = true,
     circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5,
     resistances =
@@ -143,6 +144,5 @@
         height = 46,
-	circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1.lua modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1.lua
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1.lua	2016-03-15 08:41:31.287801500 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1.lua	2016-05-13 12:42:20.483113700 -0500
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
     max_health = 40,
     corpse = "small-remnants",
+    programmable = true,
     circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5,
     resistances =
@@ -143,6 +144,5 @@
         height = 46,
-	circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff -Nru source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close.lua modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close.lua
--- source/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close.lua	2016-03-15 08:41:31.295321100 -0500
+++ modified/5dim_automatization_3.1.0/prototypes/inserter-smart-speed3-range1-close.lua	2016-05-13 12:47:10.432697900 -0500
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
     extension_speed = 0.07,
     fast_replaceable_group = "inserter",
+    programmable = true,
     circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5,
     working_sound =
@@ -144,6 +145,5 @@
         height = 46,
-	circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5
\ No newline at end of file
If there are any questions about these patches, please feel free to ask.
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by nndie »

Hi everyone ! I'm currently working on factorio private server with collection of mods (5Dim + quiet a bit of others). While arranging item groups in lua to make a cleaner UI I got stuck with additional ores (lead, tin,zinc, etc.) , they don't want to move into subgroups I created. Can anyone give me advice on this ?
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by calderwook »


Somebody earlier in the thread touched on FactorioBasics causing a conflict with 5dim in regards to copper pipes and other items not being buildable http://imgur.com/3fUezEZ

This is only present in an older map. If I start a new map everything is fine. http://imgur.com/du3PzQV

Any suggestions on a how to resolve for an old map?

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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by osseh »

I've been playing with these mods for some time now, and I really like it.
Unfortunately it isn't working with 0.13 anymore. Is it going to be updated in the future?
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by wanyfer »

on the latest version of the transport theres still a few references to the "basic-transport-belt" which makes the game not even load
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Creat »

can confirm that transport is not loading on factorio 0.13.3 (using the current factorio mod portal version of all mods) with the message mentioned.

As a workaround, replacing all occurrences of "basic-transport-belt" with "transport-belt" in all .lua file of -transport does the trick though :)
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by wanyfer »

yeah thats what i did
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by BigD145 »

5dimm won't load at all without the boblibrary dependency. With Bob's it has that transport error. That's a lot of lua files to change.
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Creat »

BigD145 wrote:5dimm won't load at all without the boblibrary dependency. With Bob's it has that transport error. That's a lot of lua files to change.
No, it's exactly four files. All of the files that need changing are from 5dim_transport_0.13.0. In case you don't have a way to search for file content, these are the files, all of which are in the prototypes folder of that mod:
  • splitter-5.lua
  • tech.lua (might be unnecessary, occurrence is within a comment block, just change it too to be safe)
  • transport-belt-ground-1-30.lua
  • transport-belt-ground-1-50.lua
There is exactly one occurence per file mentioned, to 4 lines total to be changed.

You can just unpack the mod into the mod directory of factorio, delete (or change the extension of) the .zip and change the files. No need to re-zip or edit them "inside" the zip.
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by BigD145 »

Foldered mods don't get updated from within Factorio's mod manager. You might as well zip them back up for the next update.

It's good to know it's only 4 files. You said nothing about which ones in your original post. I ended up finding them through notepad++ which not everyone uses.
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by sandworm »

Creat wrote:can confirm that transport is not loading on factorio 0.13.3 (using the current factorio mod portal version of all mods) with the message mentioned.

As a workaround, replacing all occurrences of "basic-transport-belt" with "transport-belt" in all .lua file of -transport does the trick though :)
cc. Thanks. That did fix things.
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by McGuten »

Creat wrote:
BigD145 wrote:5dimm won't load at all without the boblibrary dependency. With Bob's it has that transport error. That's a lot of lua files to change.
No, it's exactly four files. All of the files that need changing are from 5dim_transport_0.13.0. In case you don't have a way to search for file content, these are the files, all of which are in the prototypes folder of that mod:
  • splitter-5.lua
  • tech.lua (might be unnecessary, occurrence is within a comment block, just change it too to be safe)
  • transport-belt-ground-1-30.lua
  • transport-belt-ground-1-50.lua
There is exactly one occurence per file mentioned, to 4 lines total to be changed.

You can just unpack the mod into the mod directory of factorio, delete (or change the extension of) the .zip and change the files. No need to re-zip or edit them "inside" the zip.
It will be fixed in next release, ty for report ^^
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Skitt »

i just updated the mod with the version that was put on factorio mods 45 mins ago, version 0.13.1
tried to load previous save recieved this error
No covariant prototype to load 5d-mk5-transport-belt-to-ground, that was saved as type transport-belt-to-ground, but is now underground-belt

Solution to the problem was i had to first load the save again with the Transport module removed. save the game.
then load it with the module on and now rave to replace all of the belts again
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by magals »

I can not connect the inserter to the logical network Image
version game 0.13.5
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Re: Bugs and problems

Post by Cengro »

5dim trains work with the newest version of Factorio?
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