Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

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Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by ssilk »

Before you ask: The current way to get rid of items you don't need anymore is to put them into a wooden chest and shoot at it until destroyed. :)

There are two general directions:
- Recycling of (assembled) items (which this thread will go about)
- Recycling of (generated) waste/pollution. For example instead of pollution something produces waste as a new item. The waste cannot be destroyed like normal items. A good thread about this concept is for example:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1677 New pollution mechanic
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5826 Valuable Byproducts
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=18238 Trash and (chemical) waste

This topic is more or less around the first direction, but there are so many ideas, that there is sometimes not a clear line between both. So forgive me, if there is a mix of ideas. :)

The actual opinion of the devs about a device to recylce items is (because of that), that there is so less material, which can be usefully recycled compared to the material that you produce, that it is currently not worth the afford to be implemented, cause it will have nearly no effect to the game-play. See viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3439&p=32722#p32722 or viewtopic.php?f=6&t=18364#p120784

But because this is suggested so often I made this thread. (my opinon about this is, that the need for this is so big, that is no way around it)

Of course - and as said - a simple recycling doesn't make sense at all. There needs to be some kind of "added effect". So if you want to make a new suggestion about this, please consider that the better recycling ideas would influence the game-play much more, for example if there would be a bigger benefit to recycle stuff. (which is the second direction - as you see, this topic is really dependent to others)

Ideas, which seems to go into the right direction:
- An recycler would help (new) players, that have overproduced some items (for example rails and now don't have stone anymore, but you will loose items of course). But this isn't such a good idea, see for example "better" suggestions about mining with a yield. For example: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=21216 Endless ore patches - which is in some way also a "recycling idea".
- Reduce pollution (waste related ideas), there are also some mods, that play/played around with that idea. Many forum members think that this is would be an interesting way to go. This will result in a mix of the two directions I already mentioned above.
- Recycling cylcles combined with production cycles, that miraculously create more items, than you put into. Just out of the pure energy. There are already some mods, that have that type of production (but to be honest I think this is not a very good game-play).

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Re: Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by ssilk »

Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by vuvffufg »

Why has nobody acknowledged this? We NEED it! :D

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Re: Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by Tairon96 »

I find it a little strange :

All assembly machines are working perfectly ( no rejected goods)

There are no left overs by the assembly machines.

The drills do not produce any excavation material.

The smelting machines do not produce any slag.

No toxic wastes are produced by the refinery or the chemical factories.

And last but not least : The science labs burn the science packages without any leftovers.


A very big waste dump is needed IHMO.


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Re: Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by Berboulli »

I can understand the devs saying there is not really a need for disassembling machines. But since we are all unhappy with killing a chest containing unused items, we should think about disassembling in the inventory. It should be easy to implement and doesnt make the game more complicated. Simply give us half of the resources back and everything should be fine.

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Recycling or burning unnecessary items

Post by spazm »

Please, consider and implement a not complicated chain of disposal of unnecessary items. Or the incinerator, once studied the technology or a small automatic / processing plant, which produced a certain percentage of resources expended (for example, from a stone furnace or a manipulator).

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Re: Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged into older topic with tens of recycling suggestions.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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Re: Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by SkiCarver »

I think converting unwanted items to landfill seems a simple and reasonable thing to do.

A related question ... should any of these by-products be toxic to the player? I have long thought that standing next to a uranium processor should start to damage the health of the player and perhaps carrying the toxic by-products should also give a small health effect. Perhaps the landfill made from by-products should be slightly toxic and mean there are areas where they player cannot go.

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Re: Recycling/Disassembling of Waste / Scrap / Trash

Post by Sasuga »

I like the idea of items being disassembled back into their base-parts. An electric pole is turned back into copper wires and wood, copper wires could be placed into furnaces and turned back into plates.

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