I'd like to see designs in 2 categories:
- Compressed belts input
- Uncompressed belts input
Obviously, we'd like to optimize space which is used (both width and length), but I'd also like to see maybye less efficient, but easier to remember designs.
Some other rules (but it's more like a convention I'd suggest, feel free to add even completely different designs):
- Input should be all parallell with no space between them, output in the same style.
- Input and output should be in one axis, so you can build balancer on top of existing straight line
About naming: X-Y balancer takes X inputs and gives Y even ouptuts.
If you want you can also post an explanation how specific balancer is designed, so it's easier to analyse by other players.
And finally, my own entries:
16-16 balancer
It's one of my early designs, it's for uncompressed input. I'm not proud of 4-tile shift, but I couldn't get rid of it. 24x35 in size.8-8 balancer
Not very symmetric and intuitive, for uncompressed input, but quite small - I doubt you can build much smaller. Parallel inputs and outputs, 9x13 in size.4-4 balancer
I'm very much sure it's the smallest possible 4-4 balancer. Often part of my bigger designs. It's 100% compressed, with 4x7 footprint.