Spaghetti modules

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Long Handed Inserter
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Spaghetti modules

Post by WeirdConstructor »

I like to build small modules that don't require too much space and too many inputs
and are mostly optimized for size. This is the recently created solar cell/accumulator module,
that also stores overflown batteries and solid/rocket fuel. It's not optimized for speed or throughput, but if I want to
double the amount of output, I just duplicate it next to it, route oil, water, iron plates/gears and
copper plates/wires to the new instance. As the spaghetti is contained into this module, I don't have to
worry about it affecting the scalability of my base too much. All I need to scale up is coal/iron/copper
production, which are more or less resemble the typical smelting arrays.
fct1.jpg (272.04 KiB) Viewed 2816 times
Edit: Here is a GIF of it in action:

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Re: Spaghetti modules

Post by Medic5700 »

I to like spaghetti modules, though usually in two styles. Either it's an all in one module that produces everything in a particular group (EX: Combinators and the stuff that goes with it), or tileable where production capacity is needed for one specific thing (EX: red circuit production).
Capture.PNG (4.99 MiB) Viewed 2390 times
Combinator and stuff production:

Red circuit production:
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