This is my first verision of...
Super-Duper oil processing no.1
What we are try to achievMy goal is to design self-feeding oil processing with modules 3 inclued for resources savings which is able to switch priority to produce the most missing product.
List of shorcuts
HO: Heavy oil
LO: Light oil
PG: Petroleum gas
LU: Lubricant
SF: Solid fuel
Here is the list of conditions for processes:
Process: Condition.
LO into PG: LO>PG.
HO into LO: HO tank is higher than 2000 units.
HO into LU: HO>LU.
LO into SF: Amount of SF in chest is lower than 1000 or LO tank is higher than 2300 units.
PG into SF: PG tank is higher than 2400 units.
Refineries are powered: Oil tank is higher than 20 and PG tank is lower than 2475 units.
Beacons are powered: Rafineries are powered or LO into PG transform is on (the top one is separately powered ad extra when LO into SF process is on).
Energy consumptions:
Beacons: 5×480 kW = 2400 kW
Rafineries: 2×1050 kW = 2100 kW (+150%)
LO->PG chem: 4×483 kW = 1932 kW (+130%)
LO->SF chem: 3×693 kW = 2079 kW (+230%)
RP->SF chem: 1×693 kW (+230%)
Rest of establishment: cca 300 kW (effectively about 100 kW due to occasional usage)
Rafineries: 170% speed with 120% production (performance is 1,7×1,2 = 204%), in simple speech, this works as well as 4 rafinery set with resources savings and energy independency as extra bonus
LO->PG chem: 98% of whole LO production (note that LO is converted into PG when amount of LO>PG only)
TO->LU chem: 122.5% of whole HO whole production
In the case of rocket parts production for example, we need to convert about 25% of all LO into PG. In that case the averge energy consumption of rafineries and chem stations is about 2×1050 + 0.25×4×483 + 100 + 5×480 = 5083 kW. That is about 99.7% of steam engines power output .
LO->SF chems has high energy consumption, however this process for fuel suply is occasional only and its suffciently covered via bateries. LO->SF is highly supported when LO stat is nearby maximum capacity. In this case the energy consumtion is about 150% of steam engines. Hovewer, this kind of slow down in case of LO or PG overflow is more feature than bug due to oil reserves saving.
Energy drains of SF is about 2% of oil resources which is deeply overlap by module 3 bonus.
HO->LU should be probably set into module 3 also due to very occasiona usage. HO->LO is little bit controversal. That chem works abut 75% time which is actually more than HO->PG chems. In that meaning i think about swap between one HO->LO and one of the LO->PG (this project will probably destroy all my pipe mechanism, ugh...)